Page 41 of Blade's Boo

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A slow grin spread across his face. He walked over and pulled Nyssa out of my arms and into his. He gave her a hard kiss then replied. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You must have imagined it. I’d never do that. Huntress, are you ready to go get lunch?”

“I am. Blade, you need us to bring you anything back?”

“Nah, I’m fine. I’ll pop out later and get something. Go enjoy your kid-free lunch. Don’t do anything I wouldn't do.”

“That list is short. In fact, I think it’s blank,” Hawk teased, as he guided his woman out the door. I couldn’t help but laugh.

I got back into reviewing the latest contracts we’d signed. Business was growing and I was excited and happy about it. I liked what I was doing, and it meant bigger take-home amounts for all of us. It helped to protect our community from thefts and other more serious crimes. One of the things we hated was crime in our town.

I was heads-down in paperwork when a knock on the door of the office I was in brought my head up. I saw it was Mickie, one of our employees. “Hey, Mickie, what can I do for ya?”

“I don’t need anything, Blade. I came to tell you that there’s a lady here asking for you. She says it’s important. She won’t leave until she speaks to you.”

What the hell? Why would Cassia leave work and come here unless something terrible had happened? I got up and rushed toward the door. He stepped aside.

“Thanks, Mickie. Is she out front?”

“No, I put her in the conference room next to the front desk. I thought it would be better than her pacing the lobby.”

“Good idea. I’ll go see what she needs.”

He gave me a chin lift then went the opposite way than me. I didn't waste time getting to the conference room. I hurried inside saying as the door opened, “Boo, what’s wrong?”

I froze when I saw who was in there. It wasn’t Cassia. It was Lala. What the hell was she doing here? I didn’t have time for her nonsense. I stopped by the door, closed it, and crossed my arms. I made sure my frown was in place, as I glowered at her. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

She was either stupid or putting on an act, because she gasped. She kept coming toward me. “Blade, why’re you talking to me like that? We’re alone. You don’t have to pretend. She’s not here. I finally figured it out. How we can be together. I know the club is pressuring those of you who aren’t married to find an old lady, or you’re out of the club. I guess Terror and the other officers told you it couldn’t be a hang around, which makes no sense, but whatever. I know that we’ll have to play the game around them, but not in private. We need to set up where we’ll meet. I can’t wait any longer to be with you. I need to see you tonight. Do you have a cabin or an apartment?” she babbled. She had my head spinning in confusion.

“Lala, what are you on?”

“On? What do you mean? I’m not on anything.”

“Then if you’re not, then you’re plain nuts. Let me clear some things up. First, no one has ordered us to settle down. Terror and the others would love to see us settled and happy, but they aren’t going to force us to accept just anyone. It’s true, we don’t see any of us settling for a hang around or a bunny as our old lady. Second, I’m not meeting you tonight or any other night. I’m with Cassia and I love her. Lastly, I need you to stay away from the club period. I’ll be talking to the guys. We’ll be rescinding your invitation to come to the compound or to be at our other businesses. If you make a nuisance of yourself, we’ll have you arrested. You need to give up the fantasy you’re living in and face reality. Go find a man who wants you. I don’t. For God’s sake, we’ve never even kissed, let alone slept together.”

Her eyes widened in horror. I hated to do this, but she hadn’t listened to anything else I said. She was one of those women who would never be able to contain herself, therefore, she couldn’t be around us. She might try anything to trap one of my remaining brothers or possibly even try to compromise a married brother.

“You can’t do this! You can’t. I love you and I know you can love me, if you’d just give us a chance. I was waiting for you to realize I was the one, when you came home with her. I told you. She’s not made for your lifestyle. I am. I know how to behave, when to keep my mouth shut and not to get into club business. She doesn’t. Don’t get me started on your sexual compatibility. She can’t give you what I can.”

During her speech, she’d crept closer and closer, until she was arm’s reach away from me. I held up my hands to stop her. She stopped. I could see the maniacal look on her face. Shit! I was beginning to think she was certifiably crazy. I couldn’t let her out there on the loose. She might go after Cassia. Or one of the other women, if she changed her focus to one of my brothers. Not saying a word, I took out my cell phone and typed out a short text.

Me: Need you in the front conference room. ASAP. Have an issue.

Smoke: Be right there.

I sent it to Smoke, since he was a brother and I knew he was for sure in the office today. Anyone else, I wouldn’t foist her on. This needed to stay separate from the business. I’d lucked out that he’d told me he was stopping by. He didn’t work every day from here. A lot of his work was done from home, since it wasn’t always related to our legit business clients.

“Say something!” she practically shouted. Her eyes were taking on an even crazier look. I steeled myself to possibly have to restrain her.

“What do you want me to say?”

“Say that you’ll get rid of her, even if Terror says not to and make me your old lady. I know you don’t really want her. If you did, she’d be wearing a property cut. She’s not. I've watched. I saw you walking around, looking at the houses. She’s trying to make you build her one. Don’t. We’ll pick out our own house and where to build it. I have so many ideas on how to design and decorate it. We’ll have to do the nursery first, because we’ll need it when the baby comes,” As she said that, she cradled her stomach.

A sense of dread filled me. Please, don’t let her be pregnant. If she was, there was a chance it belonged to one of my brothers. More than one of them had been with her over the past few months. At least they had been until I brought Cassia to the compound. After that, I’d heard they were giving her a wide berth.

The door opened and in strolled Smoke. He looked calm and relaxed. He took in the scene. His gaze flickered to mine then back to her. She was staring at him in surprise.

“Hello, Lala. What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” He asked her. She worked at a local diner as a waitress. She was usually on the day shift.

“No, I took the day off. I needed to talk to Blade. Help me, Smoke. Tell him that no matter what Terror ordered, he doesn’t need to be with that bitch. He’s meant to be with me. We need to raise our baby together.”
