Page 43 of Blade's Boo

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“Liar! You’re protecting her, but I know. She’s not fit to raise a baby. She can’t have mine,” she shrieked. She tried to fight Menace to get up, but he had his hold on her. Seeing the wildness and insanity in her eyes was painful. I might not like her personally, but I could feel sympathy for someone suffering like her. She was completely delusional. I wondered why and if it was something the doctors could fix.

Suddenly, the doors opened and in came two paramedics pushing a gurney. Seeing them, Lala started to scream and cry. She feebly fought but in no time, Regan and Menace had her on the gurney and she was secured. Not only for the paramedics’ safety, but for her own. Regan briefly conferred with them, then they rolled her out the door. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

I laid my head down on the table. “What the hell just happened? Has the world gone mad? I never touched her. Do you think she’s really pregnant?”

“I don’t know if she is or not, but they know to treat her as if she is, until they can run a pregnancy test. Dr. Kurts knows she’s coming. They’ll put her in a secure room and start evaluating her. She’s in good hands,” Regan assured us.

Dr. Kurts was the main psychiatrist she worked with at the hospital. She mainly dealt with veterans, but they weren’t the only patients they treated. Everything I’d heard about him, told me he was a good one to care for her.

“What do you think is wrong with her?” Menace asked before I could.

“It could be several things like OCD, schizophrenia, basic delirium due to another problem, bipolar, borderline personality disorder or even paranoid personality disorder. I’d lay my money on schizophrenia or bipolar,” Regan told us.

“Can they make it go away?” I asked.

“They can make it better, but she’ll always have to be on medicine and be monitored, if it’s one of those. It’s very likely they can help her. I feel sorry for that baby, if there is one. Those disorders can be hereditary. There’s a good chance the baby at some point could develop the same thing.”

This made all of us get quiet. A few minutes of silence reigned as we were lost in our thoughts. Finally, it was Terror who spoke. “Whatever is wrong, we’ll make sure she gets help. The problem now is if she’s pregnant, is that baby a Warrior? If it is, then we need to protect that baby.”

“There’s no way to know unless we have the baby and the supposed father’s DNA. It used to be risky when they needed the amniotic fluid taken from around the baby, but they don’t need it now. Blood from the mom and swabs from the dad will give them the results.”

“If she is pregnant, can we get Dr. Kurts to perform those tests?” Terror asked Regan.

“Legally, not unless she consents or someone who is her medical decision maker does. She’s not in her right mind to give informed consent, so that leaves a decision maker. Unless she has an advance directive naming someone, we’d have to find a family member to do it or have the court assign her one. Either of those could take weeks if not months.”

This wasn’t what any of us wanted to hear. Sighing, Terror looked around the room. “I think we should call it a day. I’m going to put out the notice to meet tonight for church. We need to find out which brothers have slept with her. That’s a starting point. From here, we’ll see what we can do.”

It was a quiet and preoccupied group who left Salvation fifteen minutes later. I dreaded the drive back to the compound and finding out the answer. I dreaded telling Cassia what Lala had said and done.

Cassia: Chapter 14

Something was up. Blade had arrived home early and he was withdrawn. I tried to talk to him to find out what was wrong, but he wouldn’t say anything. All he did say was not to worry about it. Later, he informed me he had to go to church, and he had no idea how long he’d be gone. Instead of telling me I could go hang out in the common room, like I usually did during church, he told me to stay in the apartment or go hang out with Neriah or Bryony at their houses. I told him I’d stay in the apartment.

As soon as he kissed me and left, I texted my two friends to come over. It didn’t take them long to come knocking. Bryony had Tristan with her. We got him set up watching a cartoon while we sat on the couches. Bryony accepted my offer of wine. Obviously Neriah didn’t. She was drinking hot herbal tea. I drank some with her.

“Okay, girly, spill. What’s so urgent that you texted us as soon as the guys went into church?” Bryony got right to the point. She didn’t like to tiptoe around anything, I was learning.

“Did Storm, Thorn, or Tiger tell you what this emergency church meeting is about?”

“No, all they said was Terror needed to meet with them and it couldn’t wait until Saturday. Why? Did Blade say anything to you?” Neriah asked quickly.

“No. All he said was he had to go and for me to stay in this apartment or go to one of your houses. He usually likes me to hang out in the common room. Are any of the other ladies there?”

“Yeah, several of them. That’s where we were when you sent the text,” Bryony said.

I got up and began to pace the living room. My mind was racing with thoughts of what was going on and why would he not want me down there. Or was I making something out of nothing?

“He came home early and was preoccupied. Every time I asked what was wrong, he’d tell me nothing. He was lying. I could tell. Why would he choose to lie?”

“Cassia, sit down. It’s probably nothing other than club business. You’ll have to get used to the guys not telling you everything. It takes time and I will admit, it still bugs me at times, but they do it to protect us or not to burden us,” Bryony explained.

“I know. He told me that before, but also, he said if that was the case, he’d tell me that. He didn’t. Do you think it has anything to do with me?”

“What could it be?” Neriah wondered.

“I don’t know. Maybe they discovered something about Reuben or my dad?”

“Cassia, don’t panic. I’m sure if it has anything to do with either of them, he’ll tell you. You know men. They have to talk things to death and then develop a battle plan, even if a battle isn’t likely. It’s how they’re wired. A lot of them were in the military. They think like that.”
