Page 42 of Blade's Boo

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The mention of a baby got a reaction out of him. He raised his eyebrows then glanced at me. I shrugged. I had no idea if she was or not. All I knew for sure was if she was pregnant, it wasn’t mine.

“Why don’t we have a seat and see if we can figure this out. Let me get a few drinks. Is water okay?” His calm and congenial tone made her smile and nod her head. He popped out. While he was gone, I took a seat. When she went to sit beside me, I pointed to the opposite side of the table.

“Sit there. That seat is the most comfortable.”

She gave me a pleased look then sat down. Luckily, Smoke came back with the bottles of water. He handed each of us one, then sat down. “Okay, tell me what I can do to help you, Lala? You said you’re pregnant. How far along are you?”

“I’m two-and-a-half months. I’m hoping for a daughter, but I know Blade will want a son. Guys always do.”

“So, it’s Blade’s baby. I didn’t know you two were ever together.”

I frowned at him. He knew I had never touched her. What the hell was he doing?

“Oh, yeah, it’s his. We planned this baby. He was hoping to announce it to all of you, then Terror forced him to move her into the compound. It’s not fine, Smoke. I’m meant to get the house and live with Blade happily ever after, not her. Who is she? Just some dumb, shy mouse who works in a bakery. She doesn’t understand MC life or him. I do. I’ll make the perfect old lady.”

“How long have you and Blade been having this relationship?”

“Seven months this week.”

I exchanged a look with him. Lala hadn’t started to hang around the club until five months ago. It was true, from the start, she’d tried to hook up with me, but something in my gut told me to stay away from her. Looked like I was right.

“Before you came to us, where did you live? Did you hang with any clubs before us? I’m wondering where you learned so much about MC life and how to be an old lady.”

I wasn’t sure what his questioning meant. Anyone getting close to the club was investigated by Smoke. He’d know if she’d been involved with another club, especially an outlaw one.

“I grew up around Nashville. I moved here about a year ago. I made sure to watch and learn. I knew the first time I saw your club riding down the street that I was going to be an old lady. At the first party I attended, I saw Blade and knew he was the one for me.” She gave me a flirty smile. It made my stomach churn.

There was a brief rap on the door then it opened and in came Terror, Menace and Regan, of all people. They had serious looks on their faces. Smoke must have messaged them while he was getting our water. I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe they could help us figure out Lala. They came to stand by the table. None of them took a seat.

“Lala, here’s Terror. I think you should tell him what you told us. He needs to hear it and know that what he did was wrong. If you tell him, he’ll help you. You’ll get what you want,” Smoke cajoled.

She was quiet for almost a minute before she started to spew the same nonsense she’d told me and Smoke. When she was done, understanding was in their eyes. Terror was the one to speak. As he did, Menace casually moved around the table. He made it look like he was wandering, but I knew better. He was positioning himself close to her. They expected her to go off.

“Lala, you’re confused, honey. You’ve only been hanging around us for the past five months, not seven. And I know for a fact, that Blade has never laid a hand on you. Who is the baby’s real father? Tell us, and we’ll help you.”

“I’m not lying! This baby belongs to Blade. Tell them, Blade. Tell them he’s yours. We’re going to be a family and nothing you say or do will change that, Terror. Nothing. As soon as he gets rid of that man stealing whore everything will go back to normal. We want to get our house built before the baby comes.”

While she was talking, I saw Regan was on her phone again, texting away. Who was she messaging? Why? Surely, four men in this room could handle Lala. She wasn’t that big.

“Lala, why don’t we sit and talk, just us ladies? The guys don’t understand, but I do. Here, let’s move to the other end of the table. We can have some privacy,” Regan suddenly said.

Lala stared at her for several moments then nodded. As she stood up to move, Regan darted up to her. That’s when I saw she had a syringe in her hand. She quickly injected Lala in the arm with whatever it was. She cried out and tried to pull away, but Menace had his hands on her. He gently restrained her. Regan pulled out a chair, and he pushed Lala down on it.

“What are you doing? Blade, help me. Tell them to stop,” she cried.

“We are helping you. You’re confused, Lala. You need to go to the hospital and see a doctor. I have a friend there. He’ll take good care of you. The shot is only to help you relax. No one is going to hurt you,” Regan assured her.

“You’re trying to kill me and take my baby to give to that bitch. I know it. Please, don’t do it. She killed her baby. She’ll kill mine.” She was becoming more agitated, although her speech was slurred and her attempts to stand up were feeble. Whatever Regan gave her worked quickly.

“Lala, where did you hear that Cassia killed her baby?” I asked.

“I overheard her talking. She lied to them and said she miscarried, but she didn’t.”

“Told who?” I asked.

“Them, all the old ladies. She heard her,” she pointed to Regan. Regan was shaking her head and giving me a confused look. She hadn’t heard any such thing. I tried to recall if Cassia mentioned telling all of them about the baby. If she did, she never told me about it. If she did, I would expect her to tell Bryony and Neriah, maybe.

“No, I didn’t. I never knew that Cassia had ever been pregnant,” Regan told her.

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