Page 46 of Blade's Boo

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“Cassia, baby, are you awake? Please, open your eyes and talk to me. You’re scaring me.”

I could hear the worry in his voice. Why was he so upset over a hangover? Or was it something else? I pushed harder and my eyes opened more. My eyesight was hazy at first then it began to clear. That’s when I saw him leaning over me. He looked tired and concern was written all over his handsome face.

“Adam… what’s wrong?” I rasped out. My throat and mouth was so dry, I could barely speak.

He answered me by picking up a cup with a straw in it and bringing it to my mouth. I sipped and cool water soothed my parched mouth. I eagerly took more.

“Hey, slow down. Take it easy.”

He took it away. I wanted to protest, but more than that, I wanted to know what was wrong with me. As my mind cleared, the more I became aware that this wasn’t a hangover. In fact, the last I could remember, I was in the bathtub.

I moved my head which caused the pounding to intensify, but I had to see where I was. I knew it wasn’t the compound. I took in the white walls, the cold feel of it and the equipment around me, including the bed. I was in the hospital. How did I get here?

“Why am I in the hospital? What happened? My head hurts so bad,” I told him, as I raised my hand to touch the spot that hurt the most. He grabbed my hand and stopped me.

“Boo, don’t touch it. You have a knot and cut right there. You don’t want to mess with it. How do you feel? Do you have pain anywhere else? Shit, I need to tell them you’re awake. Hang on a minute.”

He reached over and pushed a button on the controller on the bed. I assumed it was a way to call the staff. As we waited, I studied him. He seemed to be worried but also uneasy. He was avoiding looking at me directly. What happened? Had I done something he was upset about?

Finally, a voice came out of the wall. “How may I help you?” a woman asked.

“I was told to call when she woke up. She’s awake,” Blade told her.

“We’ll be right there. Thank you and keep her awake if you can,” she said in a hurry then there was nothing.

I squeezed the hand that was still holding mine. “Adam, what is going on? Why aren’t you looking at me?”

“I am looking at you. I don’t know where to start. Maybe we should wait until the doctor checks you out then if he thinks it’s alright, we’ll talk.”

His eyes flickered up to mine then back to my chest. I was starting to get angry. If everything was okay, why was he acting like this? I didn’t want to wait for some doctor to come before we talked. I wanted answers now. I shifted and tried to sit up. A groan of pain escaped, but I didn’t let it stop me. He leaned over and grabbed both of my shoulders and held me in place.

“Don’t move. Let the doctors make sure everything is okay.”

“The hell with the doctors. I want to know why I’m in the hospital and my head feels like it wants to fall off. I thought I’d gotten drunk, but this isn’t a hangover. Not if I have a cut on my head. Tell me.” I practically growled.

“Baby, please. I’ve been going out of my mind worrying. Let them tell me you’re alright then I’ll tell you what happened. I promise.”

“If you don’t tell me as soon as they’re done, I’m going to rip your balls off. Understand?”

He fought not to laugh. He could think I was being cute, but I meant it. A knock at the door was all I got before people entered. They introduced themselves. I didn’t care to memorize their names. I know there were two doctors and a nurse. While the doctor checked me out, shining a light in my eyes, moving my arms and legs, asking me to rate my pain and where it was, the cute little nurse stayed in the background. She was eyeing Blade. Her face told me she was more than interested in my man. On his part, he didn’t even spare her a glance. He was fully concentrating on me. As she looked at me, I couldn’t help but smirk then glare at her. She turned pink.

Finally, after what felt like forever, they told me that I seemed to be okay. I found out I had a serious concussion and had been unconscious for almost a day. They were relieved I had woken up, and they were going to send me for more tests. If everything came back clear, I could go home tomorrow. That was good news. I hated the idea of staying here. As they left, the nurse gave Blade one more look, but he wasn’t paying attention to her. I decided if she came back, I’d refuse to have her as my nurse. I didn’t need her eye fucking my man.

I stared hard at him. He took a seat. I waited. He didn’t say anything. “Don’t sit there saying nothing. You promised to tell me. Spit it out.”

“What do you remember?”

“I remember getting in the bathtub to soak. You had gone to some special church. You’d told me to stay in the apartment or go to one of the ladies’ houses to visit, not the common room, which is what you typically ask me to do. I could tell something was wrong. I was in the tub and then that’s it.”

“You fell, Cassia. I came up after church and you were hanging on the side of the tub, unconscious with blood running down on the floor. You must’ve slipped. Jesus, that scared the hell out of me. I thought you might die. There was a wine bottle by the tub.”

The anguish was evident in his voice. He stood up as he told me what happened and he was back standing right at the side of my bed. I took his hand. “You didn’t kiss me when I woke up. You always kiss me. Did that meeting have anything to do with me? Does the club want me to leave and you don’t know how to tell me?”

Shock raced across his face. He shook his head. “Hell no, the club doesn’t want that! There’s no way I’d ever let that happen. The meeting had nothing to do with you. It was about Lala.”

“What has she done now?” I half growled. Any mention of her put up my hackles.

He quickly gave me the rundown. To say I was stunned when he was done, would be an understatement. I was speechless for a moment. “Oh my God, your poor brothers. When will they know? Have they taken the test yet? Has she submitted her DNA? Who else needs to be tested?”
