Page 47 of Blade's Boo

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“I don’t know. I’ve been here with you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what was going on when I got home. I didn’t want to talk about it until all the guys were informed.”

“You had me worried to death, Adam! All you had to say was it was something you needed to speak to the guys about first. Acting all mysterious and withdrawn made me fear the worst.”

“Why would you fear the worst?”

“Because I’m waiting for something to blow up and you’ll realize you made a mistake and I’m not the one for you. My life has never allowed me to have anything good for long. Why would I get to keep you?” I told him the truth. His expression of astonishment was clear. I waited to hear what he’d say to that.

Blade: Chapter 15

I couldn’t believe what came out of her mouth. She thought that I’d want someone other than her. That I’d discover something about her that would make me give her up. She could be a serial killer and I doubt I’d be able to give her up. Yanking down the lever on the rail, I lowered it so I could get closer to her. I sat on the edge of her bed and leaned over her. I wanted her to look me in the eyes when I said this.

“There is nothing that I might learn about you that will ever make me give you up. Short of you killing my MC family, we’re good. I love you with everything in me.” As I finished telling her that, I gave her the kiss she’d mentioned. I made it a long and intense one, so she was left in no doubt about my love. When I broke it off, we were both a little short of breath.

After she caught hers, she smiled. “So, I don’t have to worry about you taking that cute nurse up on her blatant offer?”

I frowned. “What nurse? What offer?” Was she confused?

“The one who came in with those doctors. She was too busy eyeing you like you were dessert to give a damn about me. I gave her the evil eye, but I don’t know if that’ll be enough. You’re awfully sexy and potent. I can’t seem to take you anywhere without the women coming out of the woodwork panting after you. Maybe a full body sack, including your head, is in order.”

I couldn’t help the laugh that burst out of me. She didn’t laugh. “Boo, I don’t see anyone but you, so there’s no need for the sack. Let them look. As long as they keep their hands to themselves, who cares?”

“They’ll care if they put their hands on you. I’ll rip them off, Adam.”

“Fine. Then I reserve the right to do the same to any men who dare to touch you. Deal?”

I held out my hand. She did smile a little as she took it before changing the subject. “What do you think is wrong with Lala? I mean, she’s telling everyone you’re the daddy to her baby. She’s obviously sick. Will she be able to take care of herself and the baby, if they let her out?”

“I don’t know. She’s still here under observation on the psych floor. Dr. Kurts, who Regan works with, is handling her care. She says he’s the best. Smoke is looking to see if she has any family or friends who might be willing to be her guardian or whatever. I doubt she’ll be able to function without help. She doesn’t strike me as someone who’d be willing to take her meds every day like she should. Even with the meds, she might not be able to fully function alone.”

“That’s sad. To be so far gone as to believe someone is the father of your baby when he hasn’t even slept with you. Poor Sniper, Lance, and Coyote, I feel for them. If this is one of their babies, their whole life will change.”

“It will, but we’ll all be here to help whoever is the one. They already indicated that if it is, they’ll go to court to get the child from her.”

“We’ll all help them. The baby won’t lack for aunts and uncles to spoil it.”

I was so happy to see her including herself in that. Maybe this would help her see that we should start our own family soon. For some reason, I had this burning need to see her carrying my child, our first of a few, I hoped. I knew she had her fears, but I didn’t. Surely God wouldn’t be that cruel to her.

I hated to leave her, but I needed to tell the club she was awake and doing fine and I could stand a shower. She yawned.

“Babe, it looks like you need a nap.”

“I don’t know how I could be sleepy when I slept for hours, but I am. Do you mind if I do?”

“Of course not, you need your rest so you’ll heal. Do you mind if while you nap, I go tell the club how you’re doing and take a shower back home? I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

“No, I don’t mind. Go. Make sure you eat too. If you want, why don’t you stay at the compound and get some sleep? That chair hardly looks comfortable.”

I shook my head. No way I could leave her for that long. Besides, I had no idea when they might give her the all clear to leave. I wanted to be here for that as well as getting the results of the tests they planned to run. They should be coming to get her soon, I thought. Hopefully, they let her get some sleep first.

“I’ll be back after I update them and take my shower. That chair is fine. See you in a bit,” I told her as I gave her another kiss. She returned it with passion. It was all I could do to tear myself away from her. It was with reluctance that I left her room and the hospital. Before I did, I stopped at the nurses’ station to let them know I was leaving and to call me if anything happened. They assured me they would.

Someone had been thoughtful enough to leave the club’s SUV for me. I had the keys. I got in it and set out for the compound. The clock was ticking. I hoped to be back here in under two hours.

It was almost ten at night when I pulled into the compound. Regular visiting hours were well over, but the hospital knew us and didn’t try to enforce those hours with us. More than once, we’ve had someone in there and had to stand guard over them. Plus, some of our women had worked there. They still had friends even though they were now running a clinic in town. In addition, the club did a fundraiser every year for the hospital. They didn’t mind this small rule breaking.

Walking into the common room, I found it still mostly full, even though it was a work night. The women seemed to be absent, but several married members were there with the single guys. There wasn’t a bunny or hang around in sight. After the shit with Lala, no wonder.

As soon as they saw me, I was mobbed with questions about how Cassia was. Did she or I need anything? Did I need one of them to go sit with her so I could sleep? Was I hungry? This was what made me love my club even more. They were all about family and taking care of that family. I quickly assured them that she was awake and fine and I’d only stopped to tell them that and grab a shower.
