Page 51 of Blade's Boo

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“Then we’ll not know it until they show their faces and make a move on her. That’s why I think we should keep someone with her at all times when she’s not here. She’s vulnerable at the bakery.”

“Thank God she’s agreed to stay here with me rather than at her apartment. The only other place she usually goes is the grocery store. Lance or Jake can make those runs for her, if she needs anything. A part of me hopes the fucker comes after her. I want him dead for what he did to her. The same thing with her dad, I want him gone. I can’t help but imagine the misery those men have been causing to women and kids for years.”

“I hear ya and I agree. I’ll never understand that mindset. Sure, I like to be protective and sometimes I get too alphaholish for Everly and she lets me know it. But I’d never want to be a dictator and treat her like she was nothing more than breeding stock with no mind or life of her own.”

“Hell if you did, she’d castrate you and feed you your balls before she slit your throat,” I reminded him. Everly looked all sweet, but she was as dangerous as any of the Warriors. She worked as a government operative for years. He laughed and nodded.

“Yes, she would. Gotta love that woman. So, keep Cassia close and we’ll stay alert. Something will happen one way or the other. One or both of them will come this way, or we’ll take a trip to Utah. I’ve always wanted to go there and I hear the Cache Valley, where Logan is, is a beautiful place. It has a forty-mile community park that’s near Bear Lake. I read up on it and it’s called the Rocky Mountain Caribbean because of how blue the water is. There’s a lot of fishing, biking, hiking, skiing and even golfing there. Maybe we can take a few extra days and check some of that out.”

Only Smoke would think to go on vacation while out performing a hit on our enemies. And make no mistake, Reuben and Alaric were our enemies. I wouldn’t breathe easy until they were no longer walking this earth. Cassia would forever be looking over her shoulders and worrying about herself and our kids if I didn’t.

“Sounds like a plan. Anything else?”

“Nope, not at this moment. Let’s go rejoin the others. I want to enjoy the rest of our weekend.”

We both got up and headed back to the common room. We were entering when Terror let out a huge whistle. We all waited to see what he had to say. He didn’t make us wait. “I know a few of us have been waiting for some news. I just got off the phone with Dr. Kurts. He knows we’ve been anxiously waiting to find out the results of the paternity test on Lala’s baby.” I saw Sniper, Coyote, and Lance stiffen. Terror continued after making eye contact with them.

“You'll be glad to know that the three of you are in the clear. There’s no way her baby can be yours.”

All three of them sagged in relief. Hell, I think we all did. Savage spoke up. “What about Spawn? Do we know if he’s in the clear too?

“We do. He dodged that bullet as well it seems. I called Reaper to pass along the good news to him. I know you all use protection but just keep this in mind. Nothing is foolproof, except keeping it in your pants.”

All of us laughed, even the ladies. We knew that wasn’t going to happen. They might be slower to hook up for a little while, but eventually they’d be back to their single ways.

This made it an even better time to do what I had planned. Even if Cassia and I were staying mum about the baby, there was another thing to celebrate in a way. She was my old lady and everyone knew it. She knew it, but the official sign for that hadn’t been given to her. Tonight, I planned to fix that. I’d asked Blaze to order her property cut after our first time together. He’d given it to me earlier today.

Before I brought her to the clubhouse, I’d hidden the box it was wrapped in, courtesy of Neriah, who was sworn to secrecy, under the bar. Jake was manning it today and had been told not to touch it.

Seeing that she was still occupied with the ladies and kids, I went behind the bar and grabbed the box. Jake grinned. He’d guessed what was in it. Weaving my way through the crowd, I came up behind her. Several of the guys and ladies had seen what I was carrying and hiding behind my back. They smiled and eased back. I bent down and placed a kiss on the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder. She shivered. I knew she loved to be kissed or bitten there. She swung her head around to stare at me.

“You know what that does to me,” she whispered so no one else could hear her.

“I know. I’m hoping that and a little something else might convince you to come back to the apartment with me right now,” I growled back.

“Okay, what else have you got to convince me with, big guy?” She enticed me with the heat in her eyes and the way her whole body called to me. I was starting to get hard, and I didn’t care who saw it. I’d kept my hands off her for the last few days and I was dying to touch and be inside of her.

“Why don’t you open this and tell me if it’s enough or not?” I asked her as I handed her the box. Neriah had done a great job of wrapping it in silver paper and put a red and silver bow on top. Cassia’s face lit up with joy. I knew she had grown up without receiving gifts. I planned to give her enough to make up for that. This was the start. The ring would be after she agreed to the house. We’d been looking at house plans the past two nights. We were close to having one picked out. It was down to two options.

She slowly removed the wrapping. I knew she was trying to enjoy it. When she removed the lid and lifted out the leather cut, I held my breath. I shouldn’t be worrying about her not accepting it. She had said she was mine and she was carrying my baby.

She pushed back her chair and stood up. She handed it to me. “Will you help me get this on?”

“I would love to.”

The thrill of seeingProperty of Bladeon her back and her nickname,Boo, filled me with so much happiness. She hugged it to her as the ladies all hugged her and told her congratulations. The guys were all slapping me on the back or fist bumping me. As Jake came over to do it, I saw the shadow of sadness fleetingly pass over his face. I knew he had to be thinking about Frankie and his loss. He more than anyone who was left single wanted to find someone. He deserved it.

“All you have to do now is say yes to one of those house plans so we can start building it and get the ring and baby. Those last two don’t have to be in that order,” Hammer jokes. Cassia and I exchanged a secret look.

We hung around long enough to celebrate a little with our family then excused ourselves to go to the apartment. We heard the comments about that and why we wanted to be alone. Someone shouted that the baby was next. The others laughed. If only they knew. I was ahead of them.

Back in our temporary home, I couldn’t wait to strip her clothes off her. I had more plans for tonight, after I satisfied myself at least once with her body. Once I had her naked and laid out on the bed like a treasure for me to enjoy, I got rid of my clothes. I almost tore my t-shirt when yanking it off. My bare skin skimmed hers as I stretched myself out over top of her. She moaned and pushed against me. Her hands ran down my back to my ass, where she squeezed my cheeks in both hands.

“I love to feel your skin and hair against me. It makes my entire body tingle.”

“Not as much as I love the feel of your soft skin, baby. Are you sure you’re feeling up to this? If you’re not, tell me. I don’t want to rush you.”

“I’m fine. My head still hurts some, but it’s less and less. The rest of me is fine. My wrist is sore where I must have fallen on it, but it’s not broken. As long as you don’t tie my hands, we should be good.”
