Page 50 of Blade's Boo

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She lifted her head to stare at me. Her mouth was hanging open and her face was full of mixed emotions. Too many for me to decipher.

“What are you talking about, Adam? It sounds like you think I’m going to want to abort this baby. Why would you think that? You know my history.”

“I do, but that doesn’t mean you have to be forced into carrying and having a baby you’re not ready for. I know I’ve been kind of pushing the contraceptive thing to the back of our minds because I want a baby with you now, however, that wasn’t fair of me. You have to carry it and even though I’ll be very hands on, a lot of care will still fall to you. It’s not going to work if you’re not ready for one too.”

“And if I decide I want to get rid of it because I’m not ready, but you are, don’t you think that’ll cause problems between us? This is your baby too. You have a say in this, just like I do.”

“I want whatever will make you happy. Your tears tell me this isn’t making you happy.”

“I was crying in relief that I’m able to get pregnant after all. Time will tell if I can carry one full term, but this is the first hurdle and it’s a big one. I’ve been worried that I couldn’t. Is it fast? Hell yeah, it is. You knocked me up the first time we had sex, I think. It had to be, in order for it to show up on a blood test this fast. Would I have liked more time alone with you first? Yeah, I would have, but none of those things make me want to get rid of our baby, Adam. It’s a part of us. It was real to me as soon as the doctor said I was pregnant. I could never do that. I want this baby. Are you sure that you do too?”

I answered her by kissing her as deeply and passionately as I could. The thrill of knowing she was carrying my baby, made me want nothing more than to strip her bare and make love to her until we couldn’t think or move. I had a lot of naked time to give her over the next eight or so months until the baby arrived. After he or she did, we’d have to get creative on how and where we made love. I’d heard my married brothers talk about it.

When we were done, we were both smiling like crazy. I slid down in the bed so I could reach her stomach. I tried to imagine what it would look like round with our baby. I pushed up her top and kissed it. “I’m gonna love you and your momma more than anyone else in the world ever could. Welcome to our lives, baby Becker.” Cassia rubbed my head and chuckled. I stayed right where I was, enjoying this wonderful news.

Blade: Chapter 16

It had been two days since we’d gotten the great news that Cassia was pregnant. She didn’t want to say anything until she was sure the pregnancy would likely be a successful one. Her fear of miscarrying, even though last time it was due to a beating, still haunted her. Although I wanted to shout it to the moon, I let her have this. I didn’t want to cause her more stress than necessary.

It was now the weekend, and we were all gathered at the clubhouse. She was busy chatting with the ladies and fawning over the kids and babies. Good practice for her. I was talking to my brothers. They were rehashing the news we’d gotten yesterday about Lala.

Apparently, she was going to need to go into a long-term mental health facility. There was one that seemed to specialize in women who were pregnant. Regan had assured us it was a really good place. All we were waiting for now was to find out if one of my brothers or Spawn was the daddy. If so, legal action would be taken immediately. By the time she gave birth, we hoped the father would have sole custody of the baby.

In this case, bikers who owned legal businesses and helped their community were a better bet than an unstable woman who even before her breakdown, hardly worked and lived in a hellhole. We found that out when we went to get some of her stuff to take to the hospital. No wonder she preferred hanging out at the compound. It made me feel even more sorry for her.

We were talking about that when Smoke came into the room. He had been in his office working on something according to Everly when she came to the clubhouse with Adan and Audriana. Adan was up running around like most two-year-olds while Audriana was being snuggled since she was only six months old. Seeing the babies made me want to tell our secret, but I kept my mouth shut. Cassia knew it too because she gave me a quelling look. I grinned at her and winked. She smiled and shook her head.

Smoke didn’t stop to speak to anyone. He came right over to me. He had a serious, focused look on his face. My heart sped up. He was about to tell me something I probably didn’t want to hear.

“What is it, Smoke?”

“I found some stuff on Cassia’s dad and her so-called husband, Reuben. Can we go talk somewhere private? Maybe my office?”

I nodded and followed him back down the hall. He kept an office in the clubhouse even though he had his main one in his house. He had them somehow linked, so no matter which one he was working on, all the same information was available and stored. We sat down and he got right to it.

“I’ve been trying to figure out if Reuben and her dad were still a part of the cult when they were disbanded by us. It took some doing. Yes, there was a record of Reuben Tully and Alaric Parrish being there and leaving with the others. They were not part of the lieutenants we killed. The hard thing was finding out where they went when they left. These people are hard to find. They like to live off the grid and those two have been experts at it for years. Look at Cassia, she didn’t even have a birth certificate. Anyway, I lucked out and found reference to a similar community that believes in multiple marriages in Utah. Imagine that. I thought I would go dig into those kinds of communities first. The one I found is outside of Logan, Utah. They’ve been there for years and no one really minds them since they keep to themselves and don’t seem to cause trouble.”

“How did you find them there, if they stayed off the grid?”

“I happened to put in a search for anything mentioning those names on the internet. It’s a program I wrote. It seems that Logan may stay out of the commune’s business, but they do note any new providers to their community. Everyone participating in a farmers’ market has to register their name. Those two names popped up on their registry and that is reported in an online site geared toward the farmers’ market there. They noted the kinds of products and produce those families were providing at the weekly market.”

I fist bumped him. This was good news, wasn’t it? I waited to see what put such a serious look on his face in the common room.

“Using that information I tried to dig deeper and ran into a problem. It seems that recently Reuben has been shopping more and more in Logan. He spoke to someone about making a trip soon. When they asked him why, he said he had to retrieve something he lost. The only thing I can think of him losing is Cassia. He might not know where she is, but it’s probably only a matter of time until he does.”

“How the hell do you know he told someone that?”

“I have a lot of connections and one of them I asked to visit Logan and ask around. People are more likely to talk to a woman than a man. She asked about the commune she’d been hearing about. Said she was looking for some family members she’d lost contact with and wondered if they might be there. This got someone talking and he mentioned the market, telling her a lot of the commune members sold things there. He gave her a list of names. She found both names on there and that led her to asking specifically about Reuben. A few drinks at the local bar loosened the man’s tongue, and he blabbed about the conversation with Reuben.”

“And this connection of yours wouldn’t happen to be a beautiful, young woman who the men in Logan would love to get into bed, would she?”

“Well, maybe. I mean, they would until they ran into her man. I don’t see Undertaker liking that too much.” He grinned.

“God, you sent Sloan in there? Are you nuts? It’s a miracle that Undertaker didn’t go postal over some man panting after his woman. That man is a tad overprotective and a beast, you know.” I didn’t know the resurrected founding member of the Dark Patriots well, but what I did know told me he wouldn’t like that at all.

“That’s why she was the best one to send. He won't allow anything to happen to her. So, that’s what I have. I’m trying to get eyes or something outside the compound so I’ll be alerted if he leaves. If he does and heads this way, we’ll know he's coming after her.”

“What if he sends someone else?”
