Page 16 of Cowboy Under Siege

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“I’ll catch up with the rodeo again,” she said. “It was a good place to hide out for the past few months.”

He nodded. “Unlikely any of those guys have the means to dig into your background the way my team did. You might be safe there. But the fact that you didn’t already leave Stone Pass to follow them tells me you might have changed your mind about that life.”

A low noise broke from her throat, almost a whine she hated herself even more for making.

He scrubbed a palm over his bearded jaw she’d spent a lot of time the previous night loving when he rubbed it on her inner thighs.

“It’s too bad you’re leaving. We’re actually perfect for each other,” he commented.

She jerked her stare to his. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t want a commitment and you don’t want any gold diggers.”

She didn’t move or speak.

After a pounding moment, he reached around his body and pulled out his wallet. From it, he extracted a card, which he dropped into her cup holder. “My digits. In case you need anything.”

He popped open the door and she watched him maneuver his broad shoulders to get out. With one hand braced on the seat, he leaned in to say, “A woman like you isn’t meant to blend in. You were born to stand out. Think on that, Trinny. How long before what you’re running from catches up to you?”

She had no words to reply. Her heart lodged in her throat, throbbing hard, fast and painful. He said he could help her, but how?

She couldn’t see a clear path. She just needed a few more hours—maybe days—to come up with a plan that would provide her with some semblance of peace and a life she could live with, even if it was far, far from what she’d grown up with.

Jaren’s black eyes burned into hers, raising the hair on her arms and causing her nipples to peak. “Take care of yourself, Trinny. You know how to get in touch with me.”

She nodded.

With that, he shut the door. In the side mirror, she watched him saunter across the parking lot to his truck. His hard, perfect body was silhouetted against the backdrop of mountains that were smoky blue in the distance and evergreen up close from the pines lining the base.

Her throat closed off, but she refused to let emotion take over. She needed all her wits to make good decisions from here on out.

One thing was certain—she wouldn’t be leaping into any arenas with bulls to save any kids.

And from now on, shedefinitelywouldn’t be sleeping with hot, gorgeous cowboys claiming to work for security companies.


Jaren had done all he could. After all, if a person didn’t want help, he couldn’t force it on them.

Look at what happened with the case that ended the Abel brothers’ security company. That ward gave them all the slip. While all of the brothers agreed aloud that what took place next was out of their hands, each one of them suffered with the painful daily reminders of their failure.

He just hoped Trinny knew what she was doing.

What he’d needed after that talk with Trinny was to feel the freedom of the open road, so he’d swung into his place and exchanged his truck for his motorcycle.

As he rolled through the black iron gates of the Wynton Ranch, he told himself that Trinny would be all right. From what he gathered from the conversation, she had money that people were trying to weasel from her. It happened after someone died—he’d seen it before. Relatives crawled out of the woodwork like cockroaches coming to lay claim to some dead aunt’s legacy.

Trinny had his business card. If she needed him, she could get in touch.

A couple more trucks crammed the small parking area in front of the office, so he had no choice but to park in the grass, something that was allowed here on the ranch. Hell, many a weekend ATVs would be ripping through the fields, and Corrine was one of the worst culprits when it came to throwing up mud from tires.

When he entered the office, he expected to find a more relaxed atmosphere than an hour before.

He was wrong. It was even more loaded with bad energy.

He shut the door and faced the room. Both his brothers turned to him, arms folded and legs braced wide in the same pose their father adopted whenever he was pissed at one of his boys.

“I found her,” he announced.
