Page 17 of Cowboy Under Siege

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Ross took a step forward, boot thumping the gleaming hardwood. “Where is she then?”

“She’s leaving town. Going to follow the rodeo.”

A general outcry rippled through the office.

Judd unraveled his beefy arms to pinch the bridge of his nose. “You were supposed to bring her here, Jaren.”

He cocked a brow. “Since when?”

“You’d know that if you ever checked your phone, Abel,” Ross cut in.

Fuck. Even after months on the team, he still wasn’t accustomed to check-ins. Some people were glued to their phone screens, but he preferred to live life away from it and that meant he didn’t check in as often as he should.

When he lifted the device, missed calls and texts took up the entire screen from top to bottom.

“Damn, I’m sorry. What’d I miss?” He stepped farther into the room.

No one immediately answered. Ross dragged out a chair and plunked into it, his gaze never leaving Jaren. “Dug into police records concerning Trinity’s mother’s death. Looks like she was probably murdered…and if Trinity hadn’t run off like she did, she might be dead too.”

Fire razed his chest. His instinct was to jump in his truck and hunt Trinny down to make sure she was safe whether she wanted his protection or not, but he planted his feet and stayed where he was.

Judd spoke up, “Her holdings are extensive. Homes all over the world. And there’s a long list of her places that have been ransacked in the past three months.”

He sucked in a sharp breath.

His brother Jace picked up where Judd left off. “These places have high-tech security. No alarms were tripped. Clean getaways were always made. The authorities were only alerted after house staff checked on the homes and found doors open and the interiors tossed.”

“Fuck,” he burst out. “So she is in danger. I have to find her.”

What an idiot he was. He’d just let her go off alone to face whatever peril she was caught in.

He rushed out the door, boots thundering down the short flight of steps. His brain was already on the road looking for Trinny. The rodeo had a tour schedule, and he knew the dates from the fliers that had been plastered all over Stone Pass. They were headed to a neighboring town about three hours west.

He mapped out the course and calculated his speed. How fast would he need to drive to catch up to her? More than likely, she’d take the interstate out of town.

As he jumped on his bike, he one-handedly dug his phone out of his back pocket. “Call Lexis,” he commanded the voice assistant, which connected to his helmet headset.

“Calling Clay Lexis,” it responded.

The line only rang twice before he connected. “Lexis, I need you on my six.”

“I’m your man. What’s going down, Abel?”

He reached the main road and whipped onto the pavement. His engine screamed as he hit sixty in seconds. “I’m looking for a white Hummer. Don’t know the model but it’s one of those vehicles that looks like a truck and SUV had a love child.”

“Shouldn’t be hard to spot. I’ll call some buddies of mine at the station.”

Relief trickled into Jaren. “I knew you’d be able to help. If you find her, detain her until I get there.”

“Got it. So what’s the story? Does this happen to be the woman you were seen leaving The Hops with?”

“Yeah. Turns out she’s an heiress and she’s been missing for months.”


He quickly filled Lexis in on the situation and then ended the call. When he could finally focus solely on Trinny, a hard lump formed in his gut.

He’d only had amazing sex with her…and that didn’t count for much. But knowing she was in trouble? It sent adrenaline through his veins. Someone was after her, breaking into house after house in order to find…her? Or something else?
