Page 122 of Guilty For You

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What a fucking mind trip to fall down into when I gave it the time of day.

But now was not that time because I was experiencing something I’d daydreamed of since the first time I’d imagined Delilah as a mom. She smiled sleepily at me as Paxton nursed eagerly from her breast. “He’s a big boy.” She smiled down at him, “He’s going to be hard to keep fed until my milk comes in all the way.”

“When do you think that will happen?” Breastfeeding was such a foreign concept for me, but I wanted to be supportive and helpful to anything she needed from me while she traversed such a challenging chapter in life.

“Should be in the next day or two.” She giggled when little Blaine pulled off and let out a whine before going back in for more. “Please let it be soon,”

“He’s going to be big like me.”

“No doubt,” She smirked, “He’s going to out eat you during his teenage years, we should probably buy some cows now.”

I laughed and laid my head on the headboard next to her to stare down at our boy. “Thank you. Again.”

She kissed my forehead, lingering there to breathe in deeply, “Thank you for giving me the gift of motherhood, Fox.” She whispered. “Without you, I wouldn’t have them.”

“Same.” I mused, “I love you, darling.”

“Who would have thought six years ago when you snuck into my bedroom one night and sat in the chair next to my bed to watch over me while I slept, that we’d be here. In this beautiful home, with two perfect babies and completely fulfilled. We have Maddie close by, and she’s happy and thriving with a good man and our friends are good to us, if not a bit smelly,” She joked about the guys from the club.

Even though I had taken a step back from the MC, I was still active. I ran day to day shit from afar and kept members in line, lending my skull splitting skills when needed.

But they were good to my family. Hammer and Tony, two misfits that never belonged anywhere before, had taken to D when they were on patrol watching over her when Taz was on the run and they managed to worm their way into her heart. More times than a few I’d come home and one or both of them would be lounging around on my couch watching cartoons with P or getting their nails painted by her as they just soaked in her innocence and happiness.

In the MC world, a little sunshine in the middle of the dark night was exactly what we as dangerous men needed from time to time.

And I had a house full of it now.

My phone buzzed on the end table, and I opened it up, finding a message from the man that helped me pull off the biggest game of chance in my life.

Hey man, looking for a new place to land. How’s Belden? – Colt

“Who’s that?” Delilah asked, never looking up from her task.

“Colt.” I uttered. “He’s looking to move to Belden.”

“Really?” She questioned excitedly, “What on earth would make him want to leave Rawlins and come here?”

“I don’t know.” I closed the app and set my phone down on the end table. “My guess is the same thing that brought me here.” I kissed her forehead, “Sunshine and happiness.”

She smiled and leaned into my embrace, “We do seem to have a lot of that these days.”

The End.
