Page 4 of Bite Me Baby

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“Indubitably, it appears that the moment calls for a shift in paradigm,” Marcus suggests. “What you necessitate, my esteemed companion, is an invigorating endeavor, a novel trial to challenge the eternal flame of your immortal existence.”

“Ha! Good luck with that,” Alexander chuckles. “We’re immortal, man, like freaking gods strolling around among measly mortals. Seriously, what on earth could even come close to challenging us?”

“Love,” Marcus replies, his eyes gleaming with ancient knowledge. “Indeed, it is the solitary element that possesses the remarkable capacity to imbue your very being with a revitalized sense of direction and import.”

“Please,” I scoff. “I fuck, I don’t love, or have you forgotten that my heart no longer beats? I have no use for a woman beyond one night when the need arises. I don’t want some woman coming into my home, getting up in my business, and rearranging my things.” I say the words, but a part of me knows they aren’t true. I do want love, but being a vampire makes it all so complicated. How can I ever be with someone when I can never truly be a part of their world? I am doomed to outlive them all, to watch as they age and die while I remain forever young. No mortal can ever understand what that is like. No mortal will ever love me for who I really am.

“Affection transcends the confines of a pulsating heart, my friend. It is an emotion that extends beyond the limitations of mortality. I dare propose that your relentless pursuit to find the epitome of womanhood stems from your self-imposed imprisonment within a realm dominated by vampire enthusiasts,” he argues.

“Seriously, Marcus, drop this old-fashioned talk of yours,” Alexander interjects. “I can’t understand half of what you’re saying. The only thing that registered in my brain was ‘vampire enthusiasts,’ and let me tell you, they’re the highlight of my life. I’m not picky; as long as it ends with my dick inside a warm, tight hole as my fangs sink into their necks and I’m sipping that hot blood flowing into my mouth, I’m one happy vampire.”

Alexander’s eyes flicker with hunger as he describes the pleasure of sinking his fangs into warm flesh and drinking in its life-giving essence. The thought makes my own blood race; a carnal desire stirs deep within me. Indulging in blood while fucking is a higher level of ecstasy. The combination of physical pleasure and primitive instincts is overwhelming in the most delicious ways possible. All blood tastes different, and sometimes you find that one person who tastes particularly exquisite, like a fine wine that you savor with every sip. Unfortunately, not all humans are fond of being bitten while being penetrated, and it really ruins the moment when they start screaming in terror instead of pleasure.

“Yes, we all know your penchant for licentious behavior, Alex,” I say as I make my way to the wet bar and pour myself a measure of the finest blood that money can buy before stalking to the large windows that overlook the gardens. Outside, the nocturnal scenery is graced with the moon’s pale luminosity, illuminating the trees, and the distant howl of a wolf punctures the air. It is a full moon tonight, so it’s probably a werewolf looking for its next victim.

Werewolves are a different story altogether. They are crude and unkempt, always brawling and scratching at each other like a pack of wild animals. I despise their basic nature and the way they let their emotions rule them. It’s as if they have no control over their own bodies, and it disgusts me to no end. I have encountered werewolves many times over the centuries, and every time it’s the same. They try to assert their dominance over me, thinking that their brute strength can overpower my superior intellect and cunning, but I know how to play the game better than anyone. Sometimes, I even toy with them, letting them think that they have the upper hand, only to strike back with lightning speed and precision. I relish the feeling of their blood coursing through my veins and the raw power that comes with being a predator in a world of prey.

While I’m not afraid of werewolves, I still loathe them with every fiber of my being. They are a reminder of everything that I abhor about the world and a symbol of the savage nature that lurks within us all.

I take a sip of my drink, appreciating the rich, metallic flavor as it courses down my throat, invigorating my senses. But I can’t help but sneer once again at the thought of those foul beasts.

Fucking werewolves.

“Although the pursuit of physical pleasures, whether mortal or otherwise, holds no inherent objection, I must clarify that my previous statement does not encompass matters of a carnal nature.”

I turn my head to look at Marcus, my eyebrow raised. “Please tell me, Marcus, what are you referring to? This discussion is growing as tiresome as my existence.”

“I am alluding to a profound connection that accompanies a genuine and deep emotional bond,” Marcus replies, his eyes steady on mine.

I scoff, “You speak so eloquently of this deep, meaningful connection, Marcus, when you and I both know that you have never loved a woman in all the centuries that you have lived.”

While warlocks are mortal, Marcus found a way to cheat death through the use of dark magic. He delved into the darkest corners of the mystical arts, seeking a way to extend his life beyond its natural limits. In his obsession, he discovered a spell that promised him eternal life.

He’s powerful, but in all our years together, I have never seen him fawn over a woman.

Marcus inclines his head in acknowledgment. “There is merit in considering such pursuits. One should not dismiss them solely based on notions of blood ties and carnal desires, my dear friend. Life encompasses a realm far beyond those. The presence of a suitable woman in your immortal existence has the potential to bestow upon you unparalleled happiness, transcending the boundaries of your imagination and infusing your eternal being with a profound sense of fulfillment.”

I take another sip of my drink, considering his words. I have grown complacent in my lifestyle, content with the occasional blood meal and meaningless dalliances with mortals, but the idea of love—of finding someone who can understand me and accept me for who I am...

It is tempting but ridiculous.

Love is an emotion that belongs to mortals.

“Where do you suggest I find this magical creature who can understand me and accept me for who I am? Should I go out into the streets of Shadowbrook and grab the first woman who looks like the right one and bring her back here?”

“While your unorthodox approach holds a certain charm, it is worth considering that we find ourselves in the twenty-first century, where societal norms have evolved. As civilized beings, it may be prudent to bid farewell to archaic and barbaric notions of courtship and explore the realm of online dating instead.”

I nearly choke on my drink at hearing Marcus’ preposterous idea. “I am a centuries-old vampire. I am at the top of the bloody food chain, so if I want a woman, I should be able to just take her. Online dating, please! What am I supposed to put in my profile? Immortal bloodsucker seeking true love.”

“You have to admit, it’s catchy. Look, man, just be real and upfront about who you are and what you want. Trust me, there are tons of ladies out there who dig the whole vampire scene, you know?” Alexander advises with a nonchalant tone.

“Right, because that’s not disturbing at all. Can I not just beguile someone to love me?”

“Ah, the conventional vampire approach to all problems.” Marcus laughs. “Beguiling someone to fall in love with you is not a manifestation of genuine affection. Rather, it constitutes manipulation and cannot serve as a lasting resolution. The ideal course of action is to search for someone who sincerely values you for your true self, including your immortal being.”

“I suppose you have a point,” I concede, making my way back to the table to slump down in my chair. “But online dating? It seems so... mundane.”

“Ha-ha! Those were the good old days, man, when we used to swoop down from rooftops and snatch a girl,” Alexander quips with a laugh. “But now, it’s all about swiping left or right, fancy candlelit dinners, and those cheesy moonlit walks.”
