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I know you met with Elsa secretly, and I want you to know that if she’s the one who can make you happy – then I’m happy, too. You don’t have to marry me for our baby’s sake, Sergei.

I promise to keep our baby safe, and I promise – I promise I won’t keep our child away.

I just need time and space. Just please give me this, and I promise when I come back, it will be okay.

And we can be friends again.

The billionaire’s eyes closed.

In his mind, he saw her, pale and broken, her words barely audible.

I get it. I do get it, and I d-don’t blame you.

He saw her lips move, and this time – it was so goddamn clear, what she was saying, he felt like a fucking fool for not realizing what those words were.

You’re too young.

Because he had let his past and fears get the better of him, he had unknowingly destroyed her by making her worst nightmare come true. He had unwittingly become what her father was to her mother.

Someone too young to realize what he had – until it was too late, and he had thrown away what he should have held on to with all his might.

Chapter Nineteen

The day after Frederickaleft, Sergei began preparations for the wedding, and invitations were sent out to every acquaintance he had a reason for inviting. No expense was spared, and only the best was hired, with the billionaire personally attending to every detail.

It was to be the biggest event of the year, and it was also to be the most controversial. Because Rockton was a small town, it had taken only a matter of days before locals realized that Fredericka and Sergei weren’t just living apart. They were also estranged, and even with the date of the wedding approaching, stolen photos of Fredericka leaving her rented apartment showed that her finger remained noticeably bare of any engagement ring.

By now, Sergei had been made the butt of people’s jokes and the subject of countless memes, most of them depicting the billionaire as an arrogant playboy who had gotten his just desserts. Bets were also being made on whether the billionaire would be stood up at the altar, with the odds on him being jilted 5:1.

Even with all this, the billionaire made no attempt to visit Fredericka. She had asked him for time and space, and he would give it to her, even if it killed him. The only thing he allowed himself to do was to contact her every day, leaving her voice mails, sending her text messages, and through it he would update her about the wedding preparations.

Did she like white roses?It was what he had chosen for their wedding.

Was white and gold as a motif to her liking?If not, he told her to send word and he would have it replaced to the color scheme she desired.

Had she talked to Anneke and Alyx yet?The billionaire had asked them to be her bridesmaids, but he wasn’t certain if they were attending. Those two weren’t talking to him either.

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