Page 11 of My Fair Thief

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Hailing a cab, they drove around while Mia booked them a train to Calais, France. The train might be slower than an airplane, but train stations had far less security and they already had train tickets they could exchange. Once they were on board, they found a small table-for-two at the end of the car which gave them a modicum of privacy and a flat space for Mia to work her magic as she downloaded plans and specifications for Robbins’ Roost and emailed their smuggling friend about a ride across the channel and up the Thames without having to provide their documentation.

“I’ve heard from Jules. He said our timing is perfect. He was planning to leave tonight for another run. We should have just enough time to make it to him.” Mia laughed.

“What?” asked Claire whose despair at the prospect of losing Fletch forever threatened to overwhelm her.

“He did ask me if we were coming in hot. He says there’s word out that someone or someones are looking for us.”

“They’re looking for us to cross over to England?”

“One of the someones was very non-specific, and the other is expecting us to head to Prague or Geneva. Jules just wanted us to be aware, but he hasn’t heard anything about anyone looking for us to cross the channel back into the UK.”

“That’s good at least,” said Claire.

“We don’t have to do this. You can call Fletch and say you made a mistake. He loves you. I think he’d turn his world upside down for you.”

“Maybe, but I’m not sure I would do the same for him. It strikes me as a bit unfair.”

“It’s not like you’re cheating on him.”

“Aren’t I? I mean not sexually, but I am holding my vow to Poppi in higher regard than I do to him. God, Mia, I promised him. I told him I chose him, and then I didn’t. He’s got to wonder if it was always a lie. And even if he doesn’t think that, how could he ever trust me not to change my mind again?”

“You didn’t lie to him. You have chosen him over what you thought was your path. You’re willing to change and give up a lot for him. I see the Clarion Necklace as the final piece and kind of a closing homage to your granda. You once told me it was the piece that had eluded him again and again. Fletch will understand. Don’t get me wrong; there may be groveling and cock sucking involved but, hey, a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.”

“If all I have to do is grovel and suck his dick, I’m down for that,” Claire said, managing to grin at her. She wasn’t at all sure that Mia was right. She hoped she was, but she couldn’t be sure.

The train was late when it arrived in Calais. They barely managed to exit the station and get a cab for the docks. Once there, they hurried to Jules’ boat.

“I was worried for a minute you weren’t going to make it,” said Jules as he helped them aboard.

“The train was late, but here we are. We’ll put our stuff away and stay below until you let us know we’re clear. Thanks again for your help.”

“It is always my pleasure.”

Once they were below, they stowed their gear and then got comfortable on the two berths. They heard Jules start the engine and untie the boat as the great rope lines hit the deck before being coiled. Slowly the boat pulled away from the dock, and they were on their way.

“I always breathe easier once we clear French waters,” said Mia.

“You know it never occurred to me—who has jurisdiction over the Channel?”

“Depends on where you are in the Channel. Some of it belongs to the French and some to the English. But there are parts that are separated by international water.”

“That must be a nightmare to tease out when there’s money to be recouped. Money always makes things trickier.”

“Sometimes it isn’t money that ups the ante, so to speak,” said a decidedly male voice without a trace of a French accent. “If the person or entity being apprehended has a string of crimes that can be attributed to them, the authorities want credit for shutting them down.”

“Ho… how did you find us?” stuttered Claire.

“Carter has gotten very adept at hunting Mia down. Why don’t you come up on deck? It’s a lovely evening.”

“I can’t believe Jules betrayed us,” said Mia.

“For what it’s worth, he didn’t do it for money or for notoriety. He is, after all, French; he did it for love and romance. Once he knew Claire was mine and was just confused about her loyalties, he was only too happy to help. I did have to assure him that I was not looking to collect the bounty—you should thank him for that, by the way, as he wasn’t either—and that I did truly love you, even though at that precise moment I wanted to strangle you.”

They headed up on deck where Carter took Mia’s hand and led her aft, while Fletch took Claire into the wheelhouse.

“Where’s Jules?” asked Claire, looking around and not seeing him.

“I persuaded him to let Carter and I take the boat across the channel. We’ll fly him into London so he can ferry it back. I wanted a chance to talk to you in private.” He hesitated a moment as he programmed the autopilot and switched it on. Turning back to Claire he simply asked, “Why?”
