Page 3 of The Escort

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I walk over to his still body and give it a tap with the tip of my boot. “Huh.” That was easier than I thought. I expected a little more fight from the fucker.

Turning around, I pick up my gun, shove it into the back of my pants, and start down the street.

Nearly to the end of the road, my cell rings. I fish it out of my pocket.

Harper? Why’s Cole’s girlfriend calling me? I swipe the screen. “Hey.”

“Lix, where are you?”

“Ah, I’m in Sarasota.” I move closer to the street sign ahead. “On Williams and Juniper. What’s up?”

“Lisa just called from the Domestic Abuse Center. She said a news reporter Luna Moon was there asking about you and the escort service.”

“Luna Moon? That’s an odd name.” Reminds me of Officer Starr. I haven’t run into her in a while. Probably a good thing.

“Do you know her?”

“Nope. I’d remember a Luna Moon. Hey, where are you? I need a ride. Can you come get me?”

“I can ask Cole. We were heading out to dinner. Lix, what about this woman?”

“Don’t worry about it, and I’ll call for a ride. Harper, don’t tell Cole about the reporter.”

“I don’t want to lie to Cole.” I hear the hesitation in her voice.

I get it. Their relationship is new. I hate to put her in this position, but I don’t need my brothers on my ass for this bullshit. I’d like the opportunity to do a little investigation into this Luna Moon before I get shit for it.

“Just give me a few days to check it out. Then I’ll tell my brothers. Promise.”

“Okay. You sure you don’t need a ride?”

“No. I’m good. Talk to ya later.” I end the conversation and call an Uber.

Chapter 2

I lift the glass and take a sip, thankful to Selina for introducing me to IPAs. I’m not a beer drinker but like an IPA’s bitterness.

I set the glass down on the bar.

The door swings open.

The dim light masks the figure who waltzes through it.

A strong sense of anticipation sweeps through me as I observe the dark silhouette’s shoulders swaying in perfect sync with the tempo of Bob Dylan. But if this is the silhouette I’ve been waiting for, he can knock all he wants.

He’s never getting into heaven’s door.


I grip the beer tighter.

Okay. Is this it? The moment I’ll finally meet Felix Daxon?

I’ve waited so long.

I release and re-wrap my palms around my glass, locking my fingers together. Anticipation rumbles through me like thunder pounding its chest, preparing for the storm’s destruction.

The light over the bar illuminates the silhouette’s profound form.
