Page 17 of His Mafia Bodyguard

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Their bodies moved together, a primal dance fueled by passion and lust, as they sought to claim each other in the most intimate of ways.

"God, Bear, you feel so good," Julian gasped. His hands knotted into fists as he grabbed at the sheets, needy and desperate.

Bear reveled in the sensation of Julian's tight body wrapped around him, gripping his thick cock like a velvet vice. He couldn't help but think about all the other ways he wanted to explore Julian, to claim every inch of him, filling him with pleasure and marking him as his own.

"Fuck," Julian moaned, his voice strained as he clung to Bear for dear life. "You're hitting just the right spot."

"Good boys always get rewarded," Bear grunted, picking up the pace as he fucked Julian harder, pushing him to his limits.

Bear traced a line down Julian's spine, marveling at the smoothness of his skin and the ripple of muscle beneath it. He tightened his grip on Julian's hips, driving into him with renewed force as desire sparked hot and bright within him.

His hips rocked steadily against Julian's, the rhythm addictive and primal. In his mind's eye, he could see himself doing this forever, taking Julian over and over again until they both lay spent, tangled in each other's limbs and slick with sweat.

"Can you feel how—how much I've wanted you?" Julian choked out between gasps, his body trembling. "Fuck, Bear, you have no idea how long I've been dreaming of this..."

"Your dreams must've been pretty damn vivid, then," Bear grunted, driving himself deeper into Julian's welcoming heat.

Julian chuckled, and even as he approached his climax, he continued to chatter away. "Oh, you have no idea," he panted. "So you've got a lot of fantasies to live up to—no pressure."

Bear gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the task at hand—namely, fucking Julian hard enough to make him shut up. But nothing in the world could manage that, apparently.

"Trust me," Julian continued, panting between words, "I've imagined every possible scenario. But…" He let out a shaky little laugh, his thighs trembling as Bear drove into him. "It turns out that none of them compares to the real thing."

That was all the encouragement Bear needed. He drove into Julian harder, silencing his chatter, leaving them both gasping for breath as they rode the waves of their shared pleasure.

It would have been the easiest thing in the world to give in, to come deep inside of Julian's tight little body, but Bear fought back his own climax. His focus shifted entirely to Julian's flushed face and the way his eyes seemed to darken with desire. He knew that look: it was an unmistakable sign that he was reaching a turning point, where the teasing would give way to something deeper, something raw and primal.

"Such a good boy for me, aren't you?" Bear rumbled, his voice low and authoritative as he took hold of Julian's hips, guiding him into a steady rhythm that had them both moaning in unison.

Julian's breath hitched at the sound of Bear's praise, his body instinctively responding to the dominant tone. "Yes... yes, daddy," he gasped, relishing the newfound power dynamic between them. It was exhilarating how easily they slipped into these roles, as if this was always meant to be.

"Good," Bear growled, feeling the surge of dominance course through his veins. He couldn't help but marvel at the way Julian so willingly submitted to him, eagerly following each command and whimper of pleasure. It was intoxicating, the control Bear held over this charming, intelligent young man—and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"Tell me what you want," Bear demanded, his voice firm yet gentle, as he continued to fuck Julian with measured strokes designed to push him closer to the edge.

"More," Julian whispered, his voice trembling with need. "Please... give me more."

"Yeah?" Bear teased, allowing himself a small smirk as he picked up the pace, driving into Julian with renewed vigor. "You think you've earned it, pretty boy?"

"Y-yes," Julian stammered, his eyes wide and pleading as he met Bear's gaze. "I'll be good for you, I promise. Just... please."

"Alright," Bear relented, his heart swelling with a strange mix of pride and affection for the man writhing beneath him. "You're doing so well, baby. So good for me."

He slid a hand around the arch of Julian's hip and down along the flat plane of his stomach, until it closed around his cock. Julian gasped and thrust into Bear's hand, his cock throbbing on the verge of release.

"Come for me," Bear growled, driving deep inside Julian.

Julian bit his lip, his body tensing, and then in one delicious moment, he tumbled over the edge. His body trembled and tensed, every nerve alight with electric ecstasy as he cried out his release, lost to the powerful waves of pleasure that crashed over him.

Bear couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of Julian's orgasm, the sheer beauty of it threatening to undo him completely. And when Julian called out his name—breathless, reverent, full of need—it was all he needed to send him spiraling into his own climax.

"Fuck, Julian—" Bear groaned, and then he gave in, his climax hitting him like a tsunami.

In the aftermath, their breathing gradually returned to normal and the haze of pleasure began to dissipate. Julian lay there, his body still flushed and tingling from their passionate lovemaking, the taste of sweat on his lips. A cheeky grin spread across his face.

"You do realize," he began, his voice slightly hoarse from his earlier moans and cries of pleasure, "that Angelo is going to kill us both when he finds out about this?"

Bear groaned, the deep rumble in his chest vibrating against Julian's skin as they lay entwined together. The sheets were tangled around them, damp with their exertions, but neither man seemed to mind. For now, all that mattered was the warmth of each other's bodies and the lingering aftershocks of their shared ecstasy.
