Page 39 of Starved

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“I need a minute.” Colin dragged a hand through his hair, his gaze dropping to the floor as Evan stepped closer. “Just…go back to the kitchen, okay? I’ll get my shit together, then come out and peel potatoes or whatever.”

“There’s nothing to peel,” Evan said, his voice low, intimate. “They’re twice-baked potatoes, already done. They just need to warm up.”

Colin swallowed. “Then I’ll go out and see if there are any cars in the ditch I can push out until you’re done cooking dinner.”

Evan chuckled softly. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.” He cupped a hand under Colin’s chin, and with gentle pressure, urged it up. “Look at me, Col.”

His throat thick, his heart pounding, Colin obeyed. He had to blink to bring Evan’s face into focus, but when he did, he saw everything he wanted reflected back at him in the bottomless pools of Evan’s blue eyes.

Evan smiled, slow and a little cagey, and his thumb came up to tap Colin’s bottom lip. “Unless you’re hungry now, I’m not making dinner yet.”

Colin wanted to swallow the frog in his throat but was afraid he’d choke on it. “I had a late lunch.”

Evan’s smile spread, and began to gently, slowly, brush the pad of his thumb over Colin’s mouth. “Good. Then I can do this.”

Colin could only watch with bated breath and desperate hope as Evan lowered his mouth.

The contact was gentle, barely a whisper of sensation, but it blew through Colin with hurricane force. He moaned, not even trying to hold the sound back, and would’ve blushed at the way it echoed in the quiet room if he wasn’t so desperate for more.

“I like that,” Evan whispered, his lips moving gently against Colin’s so he felt the words as well as heard them. “I like when you tell me how much you want me.”

I want you so badly, Colin wanted to say, but the words that were bright and bold in his mind simply wouldn’t leave his mouth. So he moaned again and reached out to pull Evan closer.

Then he blinked when his hands were caught, and when he tried to free them, held firmly.

“I want to touch you,” he pleaded, chasing Evan’s mouth with his own.

“I know.” Evan followed the words with a little nip of Colin’s lower lip, sharp enough to make him squeak in shock, then added a slow swipe of his tongue that brought every ache to pulsing, blazing life.

Head swimming and heart pounding, Colin tried to free his hands. “Please, Evan.”

“Uh-uh.” With Colin’s hands still firm in his, Evan nudged him backward. “You promised me this time I’d get to go at my pace. Even if I had to tie you to the bed. Remember?”

“I don’t remember agreeing to not touching you,” Colin protested. Under normal circumstances, the whine in his voice would’ve had him wincing in embarrassment. Now, he barely heard it.

“It was implied.”

The backs of Colin’s knees hit the mattress, and Evan gave him a gentle push. He sat down hard on the edge of the bed, but before he could bounce back up again, Evan’s hand was gripping his shoulder. “Shirt off, babe.”

Colin swallowed, heart racing, and whipped it over his head. He tossed it aside, not giving a single shit where it landed, and tried to stand up.

“Nope,” Evan said cheerfully, and still holding him down, gave him a nudge. “Lie down.”

With hope surging—for lying down surely meant sex—Colin scrambled backward on the bed.

“All the way up,” Evan urged. “Middle of the bed, just…yep, that’s it. That’s perfect. Now, reach up like you’re going to grab the headboard, but don’t grab it.”

“Why?” Colin asked even as he obeyed, his eyes locked on Evan’s face. Those clear blue eyes were bright with mischief, pretty mouth curved in a secret smile. It took his breath, that face. Just like it had the day they’d met, fifteen years ago, and every day since.

Evan shoved a hand under one of the thick pillows and pulled something out. Colin had to blink twice before he recognized it.

“So I can tie you to it, of course,” Evan said, and shaking the bundle of emerald-colored rope loose, reached for Colin’s wrist.

Colin’s mouth went dry as dust as Evan wrapped rope around it. “Tie me to it?”

“Unless you’ve changed your mind about that.” Evan paused to look down at him.

Colin eyed the two loops of rope already decorating his wrist. “I haven’t changed my mind.”
