Page 40 of Starved

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“Good,” Evan said with satisfaction and resumed.

Colin watched him work with his heart in his throat and his dick hard enough to pound nails. The familiar drag of hemp across his skin was intoxicating, and his arousal—which he would’ve said was already at peak—jumped up a couple of notches. It made it hard to concentrate, but he could tell through the haze of lust that Evan had some skill, handling the rope with a deftness that made Colin wonder if he’d ever done this before. He’d have put money on that answer being no, but watching him tie off the rope, slip two fingers beneath it to check it wasn’t too tight, then begin lashing the loose end to his headboard was making him reevaluate.

Evan gave the knot he’d just tied around the headboard a testing tug, then with a satisfied nod, picked up a second bundle of rope—this one a rich sapphire blue—and circled the bed to Colin’s other side.

When he’d finished tying Colin’s other wrist, he stepped back, hands on his hips, and grinned. “Shit, that looks hot.”

It felt hot, Colin thought, but he didn’t have the wit to say it.

“How does the rope feel?” Evan asked. “Comfortable, not too tight?”

Grateful to have something logical and practical to do, Colin gave the ropes a tug. Evan had run the rope up his palm before hitching it to the headboard, and he knew being able to hang onto the thick strands would help him feel anchored when things started getting intense. Which would hopefully be happening any minute now.

Realizing that Evan was still waiting for an answer, he cleared his throat. “It’s good,” he managed to squeak out. “I didn’t know you knew how to do that.”

“Tie somebody up?” Evan grinned. “I didn’t. I had a lesson today.”

From who?Colin wondered, but the question slipped right out of his mind when Evan knelt on the bed, grabbed the waistband of his lounge pants, and dragged them down.

The elastic snagged on his penis, scraping the sensitive glans, and Colin flinched. “Shit, sorry,” Evan murmured and freed him with gentle hands.

Colin’s relief was short-lived. When his dick sprang free, air hit the wet and now slightly abraded tip. It was extra-sensitive, almost itchy, and he automatically reached down to try to ease the discomfort.

Which is when he remembered that he was tied to the bed.

He tugged at the ropes, knowing it was useless, but all the sexual tension and energy had to go somewhere, and it felt good to struggle, to squirm.

Then Evan, whose face was all but planted between Colin’s legs, let out a low whistle that spilled warm breath over him and had him squirming all over again.

“I know this is going to sound fucked up,” Evan said, his eyes locked on Colin’s cock and a look of hunger on his face, “but watching you squirm makes my dick hard.”

Colin yanked on the ropes again, just to watch lust flare in Evan’s eyes. “Does that mean you’re going to do something with it soon?”

Evan’s grin was delighted, the look in his eyes diabolical. “Not yet,” he said and stripped the pants off Colin’s legs.

He took a moment to fold them neatly—probably to fuck with him, Colin thought darkly, because he knew damn well Evan only folded clothes right out of the dryer—then bent to pick up the discarded t-shirt and did the same. Then he crossed the room, opened the closet door, and laid the clothes on a shelf.

“So they don’t wrinkle,” Evan explained cheerfully.

Definitely fucking with me, Colin thought, and hoping to push Evan into doing something other than tidy up, wiggled.

Evan just grinned. “That’s not going to work.”

“What will?” Colin ground out. He was so hard his dick was throbbing with his heartbeat, bobbing in the air like a drunk puppet. He was leaking precum like a faucet, sensitizing his cock even further in the cool air.

“Not a thing,” Evan said cheerfully and whipped off his t-shirt.

Colin stopped squirming to watch him strip. The jeans he wore were soft and a little loose, hanging low on his hips. Colin could see the line of muscle that flowed from hip to groin and the dusting of pubic hair, the same shade as the stubble decorating his jaw, just peeking above the waistband.

When Evan tossed the shirt aside and reached for the button on his jeans, Colin held his breath in agonized anticipation. And let out a frustrated curse when Evan’s hands stilled.

“Maybe I should keep my pants on,” Evan mused. “Don’t want things to get out of hand.”

Colin shoved lust aside to narrow his eyes. “Stop fucking with me, Evan.”

Evan merely raised a brow. “Or you’ll do what, exactly?”

Colin gave the ropes around his wrist an impotent yank. “I won’t be tied up forever,” he reminded Evan, trying to sound threatening instead of desperate.
