Page 47 of Starved

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Evan laughed. “You want to watch something you’re not going to watch?”

“No, I want to cuddle with the TV on,” Colin replied, aiming a sleepy and somehow cocky smile at Evan. “Any problem with that?”

“Nope.” Evan aimed the remote at the TV and picked the first movie that came up under comedies. And when Colin curled into his side and laid his head on his shoulder, he wondered how he’d gone fifteen years without him there.

* * *

They slept late,then had coffee and lemon tart for breakfast. It had snowed again during the night, blanketing Colin’s driveway with several inches of the fluffy white stuff, so fortified by sugar and caffeine, they bundled up and went out to clear it.

Shoveling turned into an impromptu snowball fight/wrestling match, and when they stumbled back inside they were soaked to the skin and freezing. They shared another shower to get warm again, but once they were thawed out and it was clear that their concerns about hypothermia were unfounded, their attentions turned to less practical, more pleasurable matters.

They couldn’t do what Colin wanted to do—the lack of condoms in the bathroom, not to mention a good lubricant that wouldn’t wash away under the force of his high-pressure shower head—were insurmountable obstacles to that specific plan. So instead they soaped each other up and necked, hands and bodies slipping and grinding until they came all over each other, and had to soap up again.

“Do you think there’s a market for porn that consists of guys ejaculating?” Evan wondered. He stepped out of the bathroom, one towel slung around his hips as he used another to dry his hair. “No other action, just the money shot?”

“Sure.” A few steps ahead of him, Colin disappeared into the closet. “Plenty of people like to watch someone else get off.”

“That’s true.”

“Why?” Colin asked, emerging from the closet in a pair of jeans and a dark red sweater, carrying a pair of socks in one and Evan’s overnight bag in the other. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Evan took the bag and didn’t even try not to stare. Colin’s glasses were in place on his nose, his hair neatly combed and his jaw freshly shaved. He’d scraped the previous day’s stubble off with a straight razor that had belonged to his grandfather, and it had been one of the sexiest things Evan had ever seen.

“What?” Colin asked when he noticed him staring.

“You’re fucking hot,” Evan replied and added a friendly leer. “Wanna get naked?”

“No,” Colin said with a laugh, softening the rejection with a smacking kiss on Evan’s mouth. “I need food.”

“You had two pieces of lemon tart for breakfast,” Evan reminded him.

“I need protein,” Colin amended and sat on the edge of the bed he’d already made to pull on his socks. “Bacon, sausage, eggs.”

“It’s almost lunchtime,” Evan pointed out, and since Colin didn’t seem inclined toward more sex, set the bag on the bed to dig out his clothes.

“A burger, then.” Socks on, Colin picked up the bath towel Evan had slung across the foot of the bed and carried it into the bathroom. “Why are you asking about ejaculation porn?”

“Because you should do it.” Evan adjusted his boxer briefs, then stepped into his jeans. “You’d make a fortune.”

“No, thank you,” Colin said politely, coming back into the bedroom.

“You could keep your face out of it,” Evan told him, pulling an ancient University of Michigan sweatshirt out of his bag. “Stay completely anonymous.”

“And yet, my answer is still no,” Colin said drily and pulled off his glasses to polish the lenses.

Evan tugged the sweatshirt over his head, ran his hands through his still-wet hair, and considered his grooming complete. “Did you know that most of the time, when they do a cum shot on someone’s face or ass or whatever, they add fake cum to make it look better?”

Colin paused in his polishing for a moment, then shrugged. “Doesn’t surprise me. Most guys don’t come in big white globs.”

Evan pulled a pair of socks out of his bag. “You know what they use? Cetaphil.”

Colin blinked behind his newly polished lenses. “The face wash?”

“Wild, right?”

“How do you know that?”

Evan sat to pull on his socks. “I heard it on a podcast with an adult actress. Talk about shattered illusions.”
