Page 57 of Starved

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Colin blinked. “You do?”

“I really fucking do.”

Colin stared at the love of his life. “Oh. Good,” he said and began to laugh.

All the tension and anxiety flowed out of him, replaced with sheer, unadulterated joy. The weight he’d woken with was gone, leaving him feeling light and free. And looking into Evan’s smiling eyes, loved.

“I love you so fucking much,” he said, the words coming so easily he wondered how he’d ever thought them hard. “I don’t care that we don’t have a lot in common. So you like to camp and hike and swim and kayak and I’d rather go to the library. Big fucking deal. And I don’t care that you’re messy and have no taste in furniture or clothes.”

“I wouldn’t say I havenotaste,” Evan began.

“Absolutely none,” Colin confirmed, his heart lifting when Evan laughed. “But I don’t care what you wear, and I don’t care that your furniture is ugly. You can even bring that monstrosity of a chair into my house if you want.”

Evan blinked. “Duct tape and all?”

“Shit, I forgot about the duct tape,” Colin said with a wince, then he shook his head. “I don’t care. I just want to go to bed with you every night and wake up with you every morning. And if I have to look at an ugly chair to do it—”

“We can get the chair reupholstered,” Evan blurted out and dragged off his mask. “Colin?”


“Will you kiss me now?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Colin said and grabbed Evan by the ears and kissed him.

Evan’s laugh puffed out against his mouth, but he didn’t care. He kissed him and kissed him and kissed him, and was giving serious thought to suggesting a quick break in the back office when a clearing throat caught his attention.

He tore himself free and struggled to see through fogged glasses. When he recognized Evan’s father, he cleared his throat. “Hi, Mr. Dunbar.”

“Colin,” Eddie said and aimed a raised eyebrow at his son. “Is this what I’m paying you to do?”

“I’m on a break,” Evan told him. “Go away.”

“Ha! You had your break an hour ago.”

“I’m taking another one.”

“You don’t get another one, so stop kissing your boyfriend and go get more water bottles for the counter display. We’re low.”

“Sorry, Mr. Dunbar,” Colin put in, swallowing when that steely gaze swung around to him. “It’s my fault.”

“Then you can help him get the water bottles,” Eddie replied, then eyed his son again. “Did you ask him?”

“Not yet,” Evan said, tense again.

Colin looked at him. “Ask me what?”

“To Christmas dinner,” Eddie said before Evan could open his mouth. “You’re welcome to join us if you don’t have plans.”

“Dad, he might not—"

“I’d love to,” Colin interrupted him and only felt a slight hint of nerves when he sent Eddie a wide smile. “Can I bring anything?”

“I’ll ask Julie, have her call you,” Eddie said with a nod, then frowned at his son. “Why are you just standing there? Water bottles, boy. Jump to it.”

“I’ll be right there,” Evan said, and with a grunt, Eddie turned and marched away.

“You don’t have to come,” Evan said, eyes sober. “My family can be a lot, especially at Christmas.”
