Page 59 of Starved

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“If you can’t be rude to friends, who can you be rude to?” Freed, Evan rolled over onto his back. “You talk to your folks yet?”

Colin shook his head. “It’s too early in Alaska. I’ll call them later. Are you still okay with them coming for Christmas?”

Evan stretched, muscles popping and joints creaking. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“They’re not as… easygoing as your parents,” Colin pointed out. “And two weeks is a long time to have guests.”

“They’re not guests, they’re your family. As long as the bedroom door locks and they don’t sit in my chair, I can deal.”

“Trust me, babe. Nobody wants to sit in your chair.”

“Hey, it looks great since we recovered it,” Evan protested.

“It looks better, but great is a gross overstatement,” Colin said drily. “I still can’t believe you picked orange velvet.”

Evan just grinned. “You signed off on it.”

“I thought you were joking. My mother’s going to have a cow when she sees it.”

“Your mother loves me.”

“She’ll still have a cow. And by the way, she’s making noises about how much fun it would be to plan a wedding,” Colin warned.

“At least she’ll have something to talk about with my mother.” Evan sat up, looking bemused. “I was hoping being a new grandma would keep her attention for longer.”

Colin reached out to help him off the bed. “At least the baby got us a pass for Thanksgiving.”

“Can’t-miss little Georgie’s first Thanksgiving,” Evan said, and scooped both towels—his and Colin’s—off the mattress. “Even if it does mean sharing him with his other grandparents.”

“You told them we’d stop by later?”

“I’m going to call them when we leave Tuck and Esme’s.” Evan padded into the bathroom, stopping to drop the towels in the hamper before continuing to the shower. “They said they might decide to stay overnight in Ludington rather than drive home late.”

He turned the water on, ducking his head under the water with a heartfelt groan. “God, that feels good.”

Colin laid his glasses on the counter and followed him into the shower. And giving into sentiment, laid his lips on Evan’s shoulder.

Evan turned to look at him, pushing his dripping hair out of surprised eyes. “Hey.”


“You’re wearing yourI’m-having-big-feelingsface,” Evan observed, his hands coming up to cup Colin’s cheeks. “What’s up, love?”

Colin closed his eyes for a second, wanting to savor the moment. Relaxed and sated from good sex, surrounded by the steam from the shower, and his love’s hands on him. Then he opened his eyes. “I was just thinking. It’s been a year.”

“Not quite,” Evan corrected with a small smirk. “We didn’t get together until two weeks after Thanksgiving.”

“Yeah, but you kissed me the morning after. Remember?”

Evan’s eyes went soft with the memory. “Yeah. I was scared half to death.”

“Me, too. Well, first I was horny, then I was scared.”

Evan grinned. “It’s been a pretty good year, yeah?”

“It has,” Colin agreed. They’d dated through the winter and into spring, spending most of their time at Colin’s house simply because he had more room. And when Evan’s lease had come up for renewal in April, he’d let it go and officially moved in, bringing his chair with him. They’d had two weeks to get used to cohabitating before Evan’s job sent him on the road. “I missed you over the summer, though.”

“Me, too. You know, I could talk to my supervisor. See if they can find me a permanent spot closer to home.”
