Page 60 of Starved

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“I thought you liked going all over.”

“I’d rather see you every night.”

Colin had mostly gotten used to being so full of love he thought he might burst, but sometimes it still took him by surprise. “Well, if they can’t, I could take some time off next summer and come camping with you. I can handle a night or two in the Airstream.”

Evan cocked a brow. “You hate camping.”

Colin shrugged. “I hate being without you more.”

Evan dropped his forehead to Colin’s in a now familiar gesture. “We’ve gotten really sappy, haven’t we?”

“Yeah. I like it.”

“Maybe we should make our mothers happy and let them plan a wedding.”

Colin’s heart clutched. “Is that a proposal?”

“If you want it to be.” Evan’s eyes were soft, searching. “I want to marry you someday.”


Evan shrugged. “I’ll do it tomorrow if that’s what you want. But if you want to wait, I’m okay with that, too.”

There were butterflies in his belly, but over the last year, Colin had grown to like them. “We’ve had a lot of changes already this year.”

Evan nodded. “Yeah, we have.”

“And marriage is a big deal,” Colin continued.

“The biggest,” Evan agreed. “Not something we should rush.”

“Yeah.” Feeling a little shy, and so very loved, Colin smiled. “I like where we are right now. Getting used to living together, figuring things out. I wouldn’t want to ruin that by moving too fast.”

“Me neither.”

“But maybe in a year or two, you could ask me again.”

Evan lifted a brow. “Or you could ask me.”

“I could,” Colin agreed. “Either way, the answer will be yes.”

“Damn right it will,” Evan said, then sighed. “I wish we didn’t have to be somewhere right now.”

“Well, maybe we can be a little late,” Colin decided.

“What happened to ‘that’s rude’?”

“They’re our F.I.L.T.H. friends,” Colin reminded him. “They’ll understand.”

“Friends I’d Like To Hump,” Evan said, laughing so hard he sat down on the bench. “God, I’d forgotten that.”

“You’re the only friend I want to hump these days,” Colin assured him.

“Same, babe,” Evan said, and pushing to his feet, leaned in for a kiss.

They were indeed late to dinner, but they didn’t care. And neither did anyone else.

The End
