Page 6 of Starved

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“Everybody can relax,” Tuck announced, dressed in a pair of flannel pajama pants and a Detroit Tigers t-shirt. “The world’s best chef is here.”

Behind him, Esme snorted and smacked his ass. “Get to work, world’s best chef. I’m hungry, and so is everyone else.”

“Worked up an appetite, did you?” Tuck asked his wife with a grinning leer and returned the butt-smack when she laughed. “Don’t worry, babe. I got you.”

Colin tried to meet Evan’s gaze across the room as Tuck began digging in cabinets and directing Esme to pull ingredients from the fridge. But Evan grabbed his coffee cup off the counter and turned toward the door.

“I’m going to hit the shower after Spence,” he said, flicking a glance at Colin. “Keep an eye on the bacon, all right?”

“Sure,” Colin said faintly as the door shut at his back.

Colin’s gaze lingered for a moment on the gently swinging door, regret and longing and lingering lust a tangled mess inside him. Then he shoved them aside and, with Tuck and Esme’s good-natured bickering filling the room, set the table.


“Ishould never have kissed him.”

“Oh, bullshit.”

Evan looked at his sister, sitting at his kitchen table and frowning at his laptop. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” Liza said, fingers dancing over the keyboard as her frown deepened. “Have you been visiting sketchy porn sites on this thing?”

“Absolutely not,” Evan replied, mildly offended by the question. “I only watch porn on my tablet. And I pay for it, thank you very much.”

“Well, this is a mess,” she declared. Her eyes, the same dreamy blue as her brother’s, were narrowed on the screen.

“Can you fix it or not?”

“Oh, I’ll clean it up,” she assured him, tapping away. “But you’ll owe me.”

“Mercenary,” he accused, but not without affection.

She grinned, though her eyes never left the screen. “Damn right.”

Evan just shook his head and went back to sorting his mail. He handled everything important online, so unless he was expecting something, his mail got tossed into a pile and ignored. His rule was that once the stack got big enough to fall over, he’d sort through it, and today’s collection of fliers and supermarket circulars had sent the foot-high stack sliding to the floor.

It had taken longer than usual, because the last time Colin had been over, he’d declared that he couldn’t stand looking at it and had sorted through it himself.

Of course, that was before Evan had made an ass of himself in Tuck and Esme’s kitchen.

“Okay,” Liza declared, and closed the laptop with a snap. “Your laptop is functional again. Why don’t you ever clear out your cache?”

“Because I have you for that.” Evan held up a postcard from a local church, imploring him to become a member so he could form a relationship with Jesus, and save his soul. “Why do they assume I don’t alreadyhavea relationship with Jesus?”

“Well, how could you?” She rose, heading for the fridge. “You dirty, sinning, bisexual, you.”

He tossed the flier into the recycling bin at his feet. “Nice. You kiss your wife with that mouth?”

“All over her cute, pregnant belly.” Liza declared. “Among other places.”

“I don’t wanna know.”

Liza just grinned and held up a beer. “It’s your last one, can I have it?”

Evan sent a supermarket circular after the postcard. “Sure.”

“Thanks.” She returned to the table, twisted the cap off the beer, and drank. “That hits the spot. We haven’t had beer in the house since we started IVF. Claire says if she can’t have it, I can’t either.”
