Page 7 of Starved

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“So you’re cheating on your wife with my beer?”

“She’s fine if I have one when she’s not around. I’ll have to brush my teeth before I kiss her, though. Pregnancy has turned her into a super sniffer.”

Evan laughed. “A what?”

Liza tapped the side of her nose. “Extra sensitive.”

“That’s a thing?”

“Apparently. Now, back to Colin. You haven’t heard from him at all?”

Evan opened a statement from his insurance carrier, skimmed the contents, then tossed it into the to-be-shredded box next to the recycling bin. “Great. They’re raising my insurance rate.”

“Focus, Evan. We’re talking about Colin.”

“No, you’re talking about Colin,” Evan countered. “I’m opening my mail.”


“Fuck you,” Evan said without heat, then sighed. “It’s been two weeks, Liza. I can’t remember the last time we went two weeks without talking.”

Liza pursed her lips, her shaggy cap of mahogany hair half in her eyes. “Hey, here’s an idea. You could call him.”

Evan shrugged, a jerk of his shoulders. “I was going to,” he admitted. “But after the kiss… I don’t know, it felt weird.”

“Probably feels weird for him, too,” she pointed out. “You said he was into it, but is there any chance you got that wrong?”

“No,” Evan murmured, remembering. “He kind of froze at first, like I surprised him. But then he…well, he was definitely a full participant”

“Hot,” Liza commented.

He scowled, just for form. “Okay, that’s enough of that,” he said and was rewarded with her flashing grin.

“Just saying,” she replied, and stretching out her legs, propped her feet on his thigh. “Want my advice?”

He thought about knocking them off, but knew she’d just put them back. “No.”

She shrugged. “Okay.”

He managed to sort through five pieces of mail before he broke. “Fuck it. What’s your advice?”

She took her time, sipping her beer slowly before speaking. “You’ve known him how long?”

“Since freshman year of college.”

“So, fifteen years.” Liza nodded thoughtfully. “And how long have you been in love with him?”

Evan just sighed. “Since freshman year.”

“Fifteen years.” She angled her head, her normally laughing eyes serious. “And you haven’t done anything about it, why?”

“Because I didn’t want to fuck up our friendship,” Evan muttered and tossed the pile of mail he still held onto the table. “But then Tuck said Colin’s been in love with me for years, and then when we were fucking Esme together there was this, I don’t know, connection—”

“Also hot,” Liza interjected.

“Stop that.” Evan dragged a hand through his hair. “Where was I?”

“The hot connection.”
