Page 71 of Holiday Home

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“Unbelievablysexy?” Tess repeated, absorbing some of the conviction delivered by his statement. “Is that really how you see me?”

Without a moment’s doubt, Liam nodded, and an admission he hadn’t been sure how he would share spilled off his tongue. “Absolutely. I’ve dreamed about you for years. Because of how sexy you are, how intelligent you are, how amazing and warm and fantastic you are.”

Tess’s eyes widened, and then they dropped.

It wasn’t as if the sight of her hadn’t aroused him a thousand times before. This time, however, maybe for the first time, she gave a proper look to the response she caused in him. It was impossible to miss because of how underdressed he was. He’d shown up looking like he expected they’d go jogging together.

Yesterday, she’d definitely felt his body’s response to hers while they embraced. Today, she got to see that she could arouse him without even a touch.

“So, you’ve liked how I look for that long?” Tess asked, again biting her lip.

“Since you moved in next door,” Liam said, feeling a magnetic pull to step closer to her. He obeyed it. “You really didn’t know?”

When he did, Tess didn’t lift her hand and stop him.

“I… might have noticed a few looks here and there,” Tess whispered. “But I’m so much older than you are, and I was married.”

“You’re not anymore.”

Tess slowly nodded, then did so again with more conviction, raising her eyes to meet his. “That’s true. And you and Anna are just talking currently, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Tess flattened her hands over her thighs. “But if things were to get more serious between you two, you’d continue to be the good man I know you are and tell me. This is just a little solace for our respective physical needs… until one or both of us has someone more appropriate in our lives for long-term relief.”

“I promise I’ll let you know if things between me and Anna get serious,” Liam said, knowing he should avoid her second sentence like it was the plague. Because there was no chance in hell he would ever find someone more appropriate for his long-term happiness than her.

“Good,” Tess said, shutting her eyes and taking a final steadying breath. When they opened, the last shreds of apprehension in them had vanished. “Is it just my legs you like?”

“Of course not,” he instantly replied, letting his libido take the wheel. “Your eyes freeze me in place every time I see them, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve considered what your lips might taste like. Even what it would feel like just to run my finger over them.”

Tess smiled, and then she caused him to stiffen as he felt her slender hand wrap around his wrist. Their eyes remained connected, heat smoldering between them as she lifted his hand. First, she raised it to her hip, and Liam resisted an urge to move it to familiar territory. As amazing as her ass was, he let her decide where he would touch her today.

His fingers spread as he contacted her leggings, touching every inch of the skintight fabric that they could. Tess didn’t let it linger there long, beginning to lift his wrist slowly. Because of the nature of her leggings, there wasn’t too much skin separating their high waist and the beginning of her sports bra, but he reveled in the brief skim of his fingers over its smoothness all the same.

He instinctively frowned when Tess removed his hand from her body, changing her grip so she could now push it upward from below, right before his fingertips reached her bra. A soft smile, partly seductive, partly amused, flickered across the voluptuous woman’s face.

“Don’t worry,” she said, voice huskier than he’d ever heard, “I won’t be cruel to you, Liam. But you’re the one who asked for this.”

Sensing what Tess was planning, Liam pulled in all but two of his fingers. Her smile seared him to his center. By comparison, his fingers barely survived the heat thrumming through them as Tess brought them to her lips, then let him feel how moist and voluminous they were.

Liam hauled a turbulent breath into his lungs as heat raced up his arm. Tess moved his wrist, skimming his fingers over her soft lips. It was a gesture that lasted only a few seconds, yet it set his whole body ablaze.

Tess watched him, likely seeing just how potently she affected him with just this simple contact between their bodies. She finished tracing his fingers over her lips, then asked him just one question.

“Is there anywhere else you’d like to put your hands, Liam?”

His eyes fell as if anchors were attached to them. Tess chuckled. In one seductive motion, she released his wrist and clasped her hands behind her back. Free rein was given. He took it.

Liam’s hands trembled as he swept them over her hips, up along her sides, and then guided them around a ravishing pair of breasts, which had haunted his dreams for years. This exact moment couldn’t have played out any more perfectly.

He traced his thumbs along the underside of her bra, pressing them against the fabric and the delicious skin contained within. Tess watched him, barely blinking, smiling patiently as he treated her breasts with the same care an archaeologist gave to his discovered treasures. Liam wouldn’t have traded this chance for a treasure hoard big enough to fill a cargo ship.

Arriving in short order, his other fingers also lightly pressed upon Tess’s breasts. They surrounded her sports bra, all ten fingers beginning to add pressure to the immaculate size and shape underneath them. A throbbing ache in his balls sounded its impatience with his slow approach, but he held himself fast. This was a moment unlike any other. He wouldn’t rush even one moment of it.

Slowly, staring at the lustful scene unfolding in front of him, he applied more pressure to Tess’s breasts. Not enough to hurt her, but enough for him to finally get the full experience of just how weighty and perfectly built her breasts were. At the opening at the top of the sports bra, her creamy skin gathered on display as he pushed his hands deeper against her body. As gorgeous as she looked in her outfit, every fiber of his being wanted to rip it off and gaze upon her astounding body. To taste, touch, and utilize what Avril had told him about last night.

How longhadit been since she’d let someone hold her like this? How long had it been since she’d shivered in a man’s arms and let herself fall into bliss?
