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Bathed in the soft, orange light of the lamp, she lay there, asleep, sprawled out on the bed, one leg and arm sticking out from under the blanket. In class, she’d been assertive and bold, but here she was, vulnerable and soft. Her blonde hair spilled over the pillow, and the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath mesmerized me. She was absolutely beautiful. I traced the curve of her rosy lips with my gaze, my hand tingling with a need to reach out and touch them.

In my mind, I saw her naked as I crawled into the bed with her, taking those perky tits into my mouth. Heat enveloped me as I swallowed hard, picturing myself licking them and pushing her legs open to find out how wet she got for me.

A hot wave of desire jolted through me with intensity.

She stirred, rocking her hips, kicking the blanket off her, revealing her shorts and a white tank top, thin enough for the shaded circle of her areola to show through, giving me the perfect view. She was fucking perfect.

Running a hand through my hair, my attention darted around the room, finding nothing personable aside from a few clothes. I turned my attention back to her and pulled my phone out of the pocket of my robe.

Switching off the flash and sound, I took a quick snapshot of her. She moved once more, and I half expected her to wake up, but she never did.

Quietly crossing the room, I eyed the blue cotton underwear that had taunted me and grabbed them. Without hesitation, I lifted it to my nose and inhaled, and her sweet strawberries and slick musky scent flooded me, making my cock pulse. I balled them in my hand, then shoved them into my pocket. Then I gave my beauty one last lingering look before I strode into the hallway, shutting the door behind me.

Back in my room, I opened up her photo on my phone and set it upright on my desk. I stared at the beauty of her delicately carved face—her smooth skin glowing in the light, the dusty rose of her cheeks and full lips. With her panties on my mind, her scent in my nostrils, I grabbed them out of my pocket, then ripped off my damn robe.

Reaching down, I hastily unzipped my jeans and pulled out my heavy cock. My balls ached as I wrapped my free hand around him, unable to remember the last time I’d been this hard.

Placing her panties to my nose once more, I savored her intoxicating scent as my gaze shifted to her photo. I stared at her tits as I pressed her panties against the tip of my cock. Squeezing it, I hissed as I started to pump into them, my head fogging with her smell. With a grunt, I saw those full tits bouncing and pebbling tight under me. She’d protest against me, and I’d roar, “Are you going to scream, my beauty? Or are you going to beg me for more?”

A harsh growl rolled in my throat as I worked my flesh hard, fucking her underwear, seeing only her. I was fucking soaring when my cock twitched, and I growled as I came so fucking hard, I saw stars. I trembled, still starving for her, my body ravenous for the real thing. A cruel hunger burned through me—if I didn’t fuck her soon, I’d never get her out of my mind.

My sanity was on the goddamn line.



The day passed in a blur of classes and cleaning the bathroom duties, and before I knew it, dinner had finished, and I was making my way to the library to meet up with Sara. She’d been at the institute for over six months.

Strolling through the open wooden door, I stepped into an enormous room that had me pausing and gasping at the sight. I’d heard the library was once used as a cathedral, and it showed. A High vaulted ceiling and lofty, arching windows gave the room an ethereal look that completely took my breath away.

I felt like I’d stepped into a library frequented by Sherlock Holmes.

The towering bookshelves dwarfed me, throwing shadows over the enormous room. Old-style glass lamps were suspended from the lofty ceiling, casting a soft yellow light over the rows and rows of bookshelves. I was used to libraries with bright lights, but this place was dimly lit, adding to the whole hallowed, gothic vibe. Add to that the aroma of old parchment, and I was in heaven.

I’d always loved bookstores, so this library was like a tiny escape into another world. I suspected I’d be spending a lot of time there during my stay at Shadow Hill.

Tables ran down the middle of the long room, each with its own ornate, golden lamp. At the second antique desk, Sara sat on one of the two seats in front of an old-school large desktop computer. Its dated design stood out sharply against the rest of the room, which belonged in a time of no electronics.

The screen emitted a light glow on Sara’s face as she glanced at me with a small smile and waved me over to join her. Luckily, I’d crossed paths with her briefly in one of my classes to recognize who I was meeting.

She was shorter than me by a few inches, and I stood at five-six. With pitch-black hair cropped to her jawline and bangs across her brow, she was adorable. Her bright green eyes were impossible to ignore, and her smile was infectious. Oh, thank you, Universe, that she wasn’t acting all crazy toward me like Louise did.

Aside from the two of us, there was no one else in the library.

As I approached her, she pulled the second chair alongside her for me.

“Hey, Kat,” Sara’s voice chimed, her smile glowing in the warmth of a lantern. “So, I won’t hold you up long. This is where you’ll be working for your studies.” Her bright green eyes sparkled in the dim light. “Anyway, how’d you get so lucky to land extra study time in the library? I’d trade all the scrubbing duties in the world for this.” A smirk lifted the corners of her lips. It was easy to picture Sara wrapping a teacher around her finger with her girl-next-door look.

“The officer who brought me here arranged it, I believe,” I replied, my voice less enthusiastic. The mere mention of Officer Garcia brought a storm of memories—my stepdad, Emma, and everything I’d left behind as payment for my well-meaning actions. A knot tightened in my stomach as my fingers twitched in my lap.

“You okay?” Sara asked, placing a gentle hand on my arm, her gaze growing with concern. “I heard about your stepdad getting you put in here.” The way she said it, an eagerness lining her voice, made me realize she must have been talking with a gossiping Lily. After all, Lily was the only person I’d spilled my life story to in this place. Learned my lesson the hard way, but Lily wasn’t going to get any more tea on me to spread around.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I gave her a tight smile. I was not about to spill my guts to Sara, although she seemed nice enough. The last thing I needed was for the entire institute knowing my business, but maybe it was too late for that if Lily was chatting to everyone about me.

Sara leaned back on her chair and ran a hand through her cropped hair.

“Well, if it’s any consolation, I was dating this hot, hot, hot teacher back at my old college,” she confessed, her voice low as if she was sharing a secret. “I walked in on him with another student. So, I scratched up his Mustang with a screwdriver, then got busted for it.” She sighed. “And ended up in this joint.”
