Page 11 of Priest

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“Ugh!” Bethany moans. “I’m so sorry. This was supposed to be a mani-pedi day.

“Not your fault. Stop apologizing. This could have been worse.”

Frankie drags the curtain back. “I’m so relieved that you’re both okay.”

The air grows heavy, and we all look to the door to see Priest standing there. It’s like the air is sucked out of the room and I find it hard to breathe. Priest’s eyes are destroyed with tortured emotion. His beard is scruffy and unkempt. His gaze is on me and only me and roams over me where I’m sitting on the edge of the bed, but stops at my bandaged wrist. It’s only a minor sprain and doesn’t even hurt very much. Then he scans the rest of me and settles on the bump on my head.

I should say something. It’s lame, but I manage to say, “I’m fine.”

Priest’s jaw clenches, his hands form fists, and he continues to stare. Then suddenly, his feet are moving, and he closes the few steps that it takes to get to me. He wordlessly reaches out and traces the bump on my head, yet this small gesture says all I want to know.

“Priest.” I don’t recognize my own voice. Our gazes lock, and my mouth goes dry. He runs his thumb along my lower lip. I’m not sure what else to say. He looks so sad.

Then he touches his lips to mine. Our kiss is so soft and sweet, it brings tears to my eyes that threaten to fall at the tenderness and care he’s taking not to cause me pain.

“I don’t deserve you, but I can’t let you go,” he murmurs against my lips. I hear the curtain being drawn closed, and Priest hops up to sit next to me, maneuvering me to sit on his lap. I lay my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, his chin resting on top of my head.

I swallow deeply, inhaling his scent and clinging to his jacket. “Don’t let me go.”

I think the doctor was a little stunned upon his return to sign us out when he found a very big bad biker dude on the exam table cuddling with me.

“You’re all set to go. Keep your wrist wrapped for as long as you can. No heavy lifting. Everything came back clear on the scans, but you may develop a bad headache. I’m writing out a prescription. I suggest you fill it in case you need it. Check in with your family doctor in a couple of days, and if anything changes, you get yourself back to the hospital,” the doctor says. “Do you have someone staying with you?”

“I got her,” Priest says.

The doctor nods and hands the prescription to Priest before leaving. I gather my things, and Priest wraps an arm around my waist as we walk through to the waiting area, where a group of Pride members are waiting for us. Sofia is hugging Bethany and Demon is talking to Frankie, but the rest of the crew are up and coming over to Priest and me.

“What do you need, brother?” a burly biker asks.

“I need this filled.” Priest holds out the paper in his hand.

Another biker takes it from him. “I got this,” he tells us.

“Thanks, Saint,” Priest replies.

He looks more like a sinner than a saint. This Saint person is almost as hot as Priest. As I look around, I note that all the Pride brothers are really hot. Is it in their manifesto that to be a member you must be good-looking?

“I’ll bring the vehicle around front,” the big, burly guy announces, then takes off.

“Thanks, Orion,” Priest calls after him.

“Take her home. Guard and I will be over later with food. Abby and Ava are going to want to come along.” This next guy is tall and huge. Taller than Priest, and that’s saying something. He turns to me. “I’m Ghost.” He holds out his massive hand. I take it and find that Ghost is gentle when he takes my hand. “Glad you’re doing better. We’ll let you get settled in at home and be by a little later to check in on you. Is there anything you need?”

“Uh… Thanks. I don’t think so.” Then I remember my briefcase on the back seat of Bethany’s car. I was coming out of a client meeting and had all my notes in the case. I grab Priest’s arm. “I have to get my briefcase.”

“I’m on it,” Ghost responds. “It’s at the garage. I’ll get War or Roscoe to drop it off, and we’ll get it to you.”

“While you’re at it, can you one of the brothers to pick up my bike?” Priest says.

“You got it,” Ghost replies.

Bethany and I say our goodbyes. I feel better knowing that Frankie will be with her. I think Bethany is more affected by the accident than me. She still looks really frazzled, but I know her man will look after her.

I climb into the back seat of Orion’s jeep, with Priest settling in beside me. Suddenly, I feel really tired and close my eyes. Priest pulls me closer so that I lean my head on his shoulder. It’s not long before the humming of the motor lulls me to sleep.

* * *

