Page 12 of Priest

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“Icould have lost her today,” I say.

“You didn’t,” Orion replies. “Accidents happen. Thankfully, Quinn and Bethany are okay.”

“I should have been with her.”

“Can’t shield her from life, but I get where you’re coming from. When I almost lost Vi, I wanted to tie her to me and never let her out of my sight.”

“What did you do about it?”

“There are risks and then there are unnecessary risks. Going to the mall is normal, but heading into a room with a killer to save your friend’s life is plain crazy. Vi had both sides of that in her. It took a long time, but she finally gets where I’m at. She’ll never walk into a dangerous situation without letting me in on what’s going on,” Orion tells me. “She nearly got herself killed. I kicked myself over and over for not being there to protect her from all that. I lived with the guilt for a long time. Eventually, you got to let it go or it’ll eat you up.” He pauses and repeats, “This was just an accident.”

“Right. Accidents happen.” He’s right. I know this down to my bones, and still, my heart aches.


It’s Easy


Ivaguely remember being carried from the car to my apartment and being put into my bed. Priest slipped off my shoes and threw the plush, baby-blue blanket at the foot of my bed over me, and I was off to la-la land again.

A few hours later, the sound of men whispering wakes me, and I find Priest and the man called Saint standing off to the side, at the far end of my bedroom.

“She’s fine. She’s going to be tired. It’s normal. Any kind of trauma is going to cause the body to shut down so it can recuperate. Sleep is good for her. I checked out the scans, and Quinn doesn’t have any major head injuries. She probably won’t need those pills. A couple of extrastrength Tylenol will do,” Saint is telling Priest.

“I know I’m being a pain in the ass—” Priest begins.

“Don’t say it. I lost my mind when Izzy got hurt. And the first thing that woman said to me was to ask for her boot.” I hear Saint chuckle.

“Her boot?” Priest joins in, and I have to say, I want to hear the end of that story.

“Sentimental shit to do with her grandmother. I had someone grab the boot and bring it to her,” Saint says.

I like Saint. Any man who chases after a boot for his girlfriend is a good guy.

“Thanks for stopping by,” Priest says as they start for the door. I sit up slowly in bed.

“Thank you for checking on me and for picking up the pills,” I say. Both men turn to look at me. “I really appreciate you going out of your way to do that.”

“My pleasure, Quinn,” Saint says. “I’ll be by to check on you tomorrow and change the dressing on your head. I want to check your wrist again too.”

“You’re a doctor?”

“I am.”

I smile at him. “And you make house calls?”

“Just for people I like.”

I grin wider. Priest comes to sit on the edge of my bed and puts an arm around my shoulders. “How are you feeling, baby?”

My stomach tells the story for me, making a loud rumble. “Hungry, apparently.”

“I’ll see myself out,” Saint says. “See you tomorrow. Take it easy until then.”

I need to get out of bed. I’m beginning to feel stiff and achy, probably from the accident. It’ll be good for me to get up and move around.

“I need to get up for a bit,” I tell him. Priest gets up and helps me to stand. My legs feel a little wobbly. “I should check on Bethany.”
