Page 16 of Priest

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“Jamie, then?” she teases. I crack a smile because it’s cute how she says it. Before I can reply, she stands and holds out her hand. “Do you want to come to bed?”

“Are you sure?”

“Do you want to stay?”

“I know I don’t want to leave,” I say.

She wiggles her fingers and waits for me to take her hand. I turn it over and kiss her palm. “Go get ready for bed. I’ll be in soon. I want to clean up the kitchen.”

She searches my face, then slowly lets go of me and heads to the bedroom.

Camille always told me to fight for my dreams. I didn’t dare do that. I had a tendency to mess up anything good in my life. But Quinn’s worth fighting for, even if the battle is with myself. I need to talk to Camille. She gets where I’m coming from because she’s the only other person who’s lived through the abuse our parents put us through. Physical abuse shows on the outside, and although we both suffered those scars, the greatest wounds come from the mental anguish. Being told I’ll never be good enough, I’m worthless, a waste of space, and a complete fuckup has taken a toll on my self-esteem.

The Pride has offered me a rebirth, and so I buried James and was resurrected as Priest.


Meet the Family


The sound of pans clanging in the kitchen and the smell of bacon wakes me from a blissful slumber. This is the best sleep I’ve had in weeks. When Priest came to bed last night, he climbed into bed and spooned me all night long. I’ve never felt so safe and cared for. The last thing I remember was Priest’s lips gliding over my neck and sweet words being whispered in my ear. “You feel good in my arms, baby.” And “This is the only place I want to be.” I gripped his arm, slung under my breasts, tighter, our fingers linking.

I’m still a little woozy and gingerly get up to throw on the plush, pink fleece robe on the chair, covering my pink-polka-dotted yellow PJ bottoms and matching pink camisole top. I brush my hair out of my eyes, piling it high on the top of my head, and follow the heavenly bacon aroma.

Normally, Priest is sexy, but seeing him shirtless, with his jeans slung low, exposing his defined abs, and flipping bacon is sublime. He must have sensed me staring at him because he turns my way.

“Twice now I’ve woken up with you and I think we’re going to have a hard time leaving this apartment if you keep looking this beautiful,” he says. I move right to him. He anticipates my movements and puts down the pan. I slide my arms around his middle, coming up on my tiptoes, while he bends his head so our lips touch.

“Morning, handsome,” I tell him. “And by the way, I work from home. That means I never have to leave the apartment.”

Priest throws back his head and laughs. He’s about to kiss me again when the doorbell rings. “I’ll get it,” he says. “Breakfast is ready, but don’t lift anything. You need to rest that hand. I’ll get it in a second.” He walks away, giving me a great view of his toned ass. Even in jeans, it looks amazing.

Two seconds later, I hear Priest exclaim, “I can’t believe you’re all here. It’s barely nine in the morning.”

“Kyrian was missing his uncle,” I hear a woman say. I pop out of the kitchen to find a pretty blonde-haired woman handing Priest the cutest little boy, who immediate grabs at Priest’s lips and begins gurgling and slapping his cheeks. Coming in behind them is a man in a Satan’s Pride jacket carrying a baby tote bag. Definitely the baby daddy, seeing that the little guy has Daddy’s hair and Mommy’s bright blue eyes.

“You couldn’t hold her off another twenty-four hours,” Priest says with a smirk, then nuzzles his face in the baby’s neck and blows bubbles, causing him to giggle.

“I had to get creative to keep her from running over here last night. And you’re fortunate we weren’t at your door at the crack of dawn,” the man says.

Priest sees me peering out. “Baby, come meet my sister.”

Suddenly, I’m very self-conscious of how I’m dressed compared to Camille, but it would be rude not to say hello before excusing myself to get dressed. I suck it up and step forward. I wave my bandaged hand. “Hello and welcome.”

“Oh my goodness.” Camille takes my hand gently in hers. “Does it hurt much? I heard all about the accident.” Camille frowns and tentatively feels around my wrist. “I think this needs to be tightened. We need to make this more secure.” She begins to fuss.

“Camille, Saint was here yesterday,” Priest says. He looks at me. “My sister’s a nurse. Actually, she works with Saint.” He clasps his hand on the man’s shoulder next to him. “This is Steady, my sister’s husband.” Priest raises the little boy on his hip and introduces him. “And this little man is Kyrian.”

When Kyrian reaches out to me, I can’t help but give him a little tickle. Baby giggles are the best. “That’s the best sound ever.” I chuckle. I turn to Camille. “Welcome! We were about to have breakfast. Come join us. But first, excuse me a minute. I’m going to go get changed.”

I throw on a pair of leggings and a sweater and return to find Camille setting out a couple more plates while Priest is putting the food on the table. Steady is on the carpet with Kyrian, building a tower with blocks they must have brought with them.

“We’re happy to meet you,” Steady says.

“Me too. I know how much Camille means to Priest. He’s very close to his family.” Steady looks confused, but remains silent. “His Pride family,” I clarify.

Steady glances across the room and lowers his voice. “I’m not sure how much Priest’s told you about his parents.”
