Page 33 of Priest

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“Right,” I respond.

* * *


All the way home, Priest has been in deep thought. He still reaches for my hand, squeezes my knee, even throws a tight smile my way, but what he doesn’t do is talk about his time with his father.Atall!

I want to broach the subject, but I don’t want to seem pushy. We’ve only been a couple for all of a minute. I’m not good at this part. I’ve dated on and off but nothing serious. The last guy, I would call a boyfriend was in college, and that lasted one semester. Bo wanted to party way more than he wanted a girlfriend. He was into sports and hanging out with his buds.

He thought I was cute, and when he asked me out, I was flattered and thought he was sweet. But it was pretty clear that I didn’t belong in his clique. I wasn’t into drinking hard, and although I didn’t mind watching him play basketball and football, I didn’t go to every game. That started to tick him off. I guess he wanted a girl to hang on every word and think he was the best thing since sliced bread. That wasn’t me.

I had goals even then. I needed to get focus on my studies to maintain my scholarship to attend. That meant making the time to study, and I wasn’t going to be deterred by a pretty boy. It didn’t end badly, it just ended. We still chatted, and he’s always been a good guy. I even got an invitation to his wedding two years ago. I wasn’t comfortable with that, but made sure to send a gift with a nice card.

Which brings me back to this moment, where I’m lost as to what to do. Finally, my curiosity gets the better of me.

“How did it go with your dad?” I ask.

“We’re almost home, babe. Give me five minutes and we’ll talk.” His tone seems strange. Tense. I think it prudent to let him have his time.

We make it into my apartment, and he plops into the corner of my sofa, dropping his head back into the cushion.

I wait silently, not knowing what to expect. Priest finally says, “I was my father. That man is so beaten down that he doesn’t see a way out. That’s exactly how I felt. So tired of trying to fight my way out, I gave in and lived day by day until it consumed me, then I lived minute by minute and hoped I made it to the next day.”

I remain quiet, but take the seat next to him. I give it more time, because I’m learning that Priest needs to do things at his pace.

“I don’t understand her,” he says, leaning forward and turning toward me.

“Who, baby?” I ask quietly, although I’m pretty sure I know who.

“My mother told him dying was his best option and to do it quickly so she can collect on his life insurance.” I gasp, covering my mouth. “Oh yeah.” He nods. “That’s the shit I grew up with. He’s been drinking himself to death to be rid of her. Apple didn’t fall far from the tree. I was doing the same damn shit.”

“You’re not your father,” I insist. “You got out. You’re doing what you love, and you have people who adore you. Your sister, your brothers, and Kyrian loves his Uncle Priest.” I take a breath and add, “And I love you.”

He hauls me close against his side, his arms coming around me tight. I bury my face in his neck. “The opportunity presented itself. I got lucky.”

“That’s not true,” I pull back to look at him, raising my chin. “You came to see your sister. You can convince yourself all you want that you were going to cuss her out about your brother being in jail, but I know better. You knew deep inside that there was more to the story than what you were being told. Then you made the decision to stay. The first step is the hardest, and you took it and have been proving yourself ever since.” I’m getting so passionate that I’m waving my arms and raising my voice. I get like that when I get into it.

Meanwhile, a grin spreads across Priest’s face.

“What’s so funny?” I ask, a little peeved. “I’m trying to be supportive here.”

“Baby, I’ve never had anyone defend me so passionately. It feels good. So good that I’m thanking the gods above for leading me to you.” Unfortunately, the smile turns into a frown as soon as his phone buzzes. “That’s Demon.” He looks at his phone. “I’ve got to go pick up my Dad’s shit and find a place to store it. Surgery is set for tomorrow, and after his rehab, he’s not going back to her. That’s part of the deal. In order to be part of our lives, Dad has to go to AA, take care of his gambling addiction, and stay away from Mom.”

“That’s a tall order.”

“It’s the only way Steady will let him anywhere near his wife and kid. And quite honestly, I can’t go back there. I can’t deal with the abuse and the badgering. That means he won’t see me either,” he states firmly. “I got a favor to ask.”

I nod.

“I promised my Dad that if he gets his shit together, I’d introduce him to my girl. If all goes well tomorrow and he’s able to see us, I’d like to do that. I think if he knows change can happen, then maybe he’ll fight harder.”

“I’d be happy to meet him.”

“It’s been a hell of a day, and it’s not over,” Priest says. “Finished one visit and on to another. This one is going to be a shitshow.”

“Want me to come with you?”

“Hell no. This is one person I hope you never have to see again.”
