Page 41 of Priest

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“Why not?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to hear any more bullshit excuses or lies,” I say.

“You don’t even know who wrote it,” Demon says.

“Looks like Dad’s writing.”

“The man was dying. The truth comes out when you have nothing left to lose. It could surprise you,” he says. “You don’t have to read it today, or tomorrow, for that matter. Do it when it feels right. Share it with Quinn. She seems to have a way of making you see the light.”

He’s not wrong there. I tell Sofia and Demon about her thing in regard to the chess piece he is, sacrificing himself for the queen. Sofia giggles, but admits, “She might be on to something there. The psyche is complicated. Your dad may have been protecting you and not even knowing it.”

“Yeah, maybe.” I don’t put a lot of stock into that, but it’s a nice sentiment. I grab the two boxes and load them into the car while Quinn says her goodbyes, with a promise to come for another visit soon before Dean would let her go.

We drop Camille’s box off at her and Steady’s place. I have a key that they gave me a long time ago, and this is the first time I’ve used it. I text Steady to tell him it’s there and that it might be a good idea if he’s around when she opens it.

When we make it back to Quinn’s apartment, after a quick drive-through pickup for tacos. I set my box down.

“Are you going to go through it?” Quinn asks.

I open the box and take out the album, flipping through the pages with Quinn by my side. Then I reach in to find my one and only trophy from track and field. Quinn takes it and sets it on her mantel.

“Babe, that thing’s old.”

“It’s a part of you, and I like it, unless you want it in your room,” she says, adjusting it just so. “You know what I think? This is the start of something good.”

“You might be right, precious.”


A Place of Our Own


For the last two months, the world has been calm. Priest’s dad is out of the hospital in his own place and in therapy to make adjustments to his lifestyle. He has a nutritionist working with him on a plan to get him eating right. He has a physiotherapist to help him exercise properly without causing strain on his heart, and most importantly, he and Priest have been talking weekly and have met up a few times.

They’re both transitioning slowly into a father-son relationship. I don’t blame Priest for how he feels. As the weeks wore on, Priest would tell me more and more about his childhood, and it tore at my heart. The rift between him and Camille was the worst, to find out it was all caused by another scheme his mother cooked up to keep Priest under her thumb.

Priest found a place for his dad to live once he’s ready. It’s not too far from the club, but not close either. Guard has a friend looking for someone to work in his parts business to take orders and mentioned that he might have someone for him. Whether it comes to fruition or not, the Pride has rallied for Priest and Camille.

I just got back from my presentation for the new project for an existing client. The board loved it and gave the go-ahead. Come Monday, I’ll start sourcing the vendors I need. It’s a big score for me, and I want to celebrate.

On my way home, I picked up two juicy steaks and plan to make a nice dinner for my man and me. It seems so natural that Priest is in my life, like he’s made for me. As I walk across to the kitchen, I see that the unopened letter from the box is still sitting on my mantel. I’ve been tempted many times to open it and read it myself, but I wouldn’t disrespect Priest like that. When he’s ready, he’ll read it and tell me all about it.

“No secrets,” he said one night. “I never want to be in the dark again.” Argh! That’s going to make planning a surprise party impossible, if I ever get the notion. But if that’s what he needs, that’s what he’ll get.

While I’m cooking away in the kitchen, Bethany calls. She and Frankie left on tour a month ago, and like clockwork, I get a call once a day.

“How’s the tour going?”

“Freaking awesome! The only thing missing is you,” Bethany says. “I can do without the groupies latching on to Frankie. We had to call in more bodyguards. Demon and War are out this weekend. War is scary. If anyone even looks at Maddie the wrong way, I think he’ll beat them to a pulp.”

“He loves his wife and little girl. That’s for sure,” I comment. After getting me all caught up and I her, we hang up so that I can go back to making dinner.

I don’t hear Priest come in over the music playing on my stereo. He nearly scares the life out of me when he sneaks his arms around my waist.

“I almost peed myself,” I say, my hand to my chest.

“Sorry, precious. I couldn’t resist. You look so cute in that apron, making me dinner. I needed to put my arms around you.” He gives me that marvelous smile that melts my panties and instantly, he’s forgiven. “What’s all this?” he asks when he sees the steak sizzling and the green beans ready to be steamed.
