Page 14 of Beast of Eden

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But how could he when his mate was here? His lion wasn’t going to let him just toss her aside until it suited him. It wanted her too badly. He also saw her having a problem with that. The way she had walked straight up to him and growled at the other girls scared him a little. She was confident and pissed.

He opened his door and stormed into the hallway. He shook his head, trying to get himself started for the day. All of this could be sorted out later.

He needed to start his workout. There was a park not too far away where he went as his preferred location. It was far enough to serve as a warm-up and a cool-down when he was done.

He jogged over toward the grassy area, allowing his muscles to relax. He’d done this tons of times, and he knew just how many laps he needed to do around the track to hit his goal.

He wanted to break into a sprint, but his lion wasn’t letting him. It kept thinking about Violet.

It wondered what sounds she made when she was being kissed. Did she moan quietly, or was she louder? Did she like things gentle or wilder?

Franco started down the pathway keeping his body relaxed as he moved. He took in the other runners and monitored how fast he was going. He suddenly wished he’d brought his music.

He would normally think of the race. Running was a way for him to contemplate everything. He had nothing better to think about. That was until now.

Violet bloomed in his mind, sending sparks down his body. He thought of the way her black hair moved over her shoulder. He had smelled her perfume and the mint from her breath when they danced.

Really? You’re going to worry about a race? A stupid race when your mate is here? A race comes and goes, but she is something you have for life.

He didn’t want to argue with his lion because he knew it had a point. He was trying to put the race first. That’s what he knew how to do.

Racing was something he’d done for a long time. He knew how to control every aspect. His mate? That was new territory.

She’s your future. You want children, a wife, and a life.

He shook his head. He didn’t want to argue with himself.

“I have her number. It isn’t like she’s just going to disappear. I can call her after the race,” he grumbled to himself.

Really? Excuses? What’s next? You can’t take the loss? You’re being an idiot. You have her number, great, but what if she isn’t here?

He frowned, shaking his head. He didn’t understand why she wouldn’t be there. They were fated. She wouldn’t leave.

Don’t make yourself seem like a god. After the way you rejected her yesterday, what makes you think she didn’t check out of the hotel and head home? What makes you think she’s even still here?

He stopped running as his body tensed. His lion had a point. He had treated her terribly last night.

You don’t know that she didn’t catch the first flight out to leave your ass. Wouldn’t blame her. You were a prick.

He growled at himself, running his hands through his hair. Panic started to set in. He had no idea if she was even here anymore.

The race suddenly wasn’t that important. Keeping her close mattered more. He turned and ran back to the hotel. His muscles burned as he reached the door.

He frowned, mad at himself. What was he supposed to say? How could he make up for his bad behavior? He hardly treated her like a human.

Pacing in the lobby, he was unsure of what to do. His mind pulled him in two directions. He needed to work out his frustration, and he needed to talk to Violet.

He ran his hands through his hair as he headed down the hallway toward the hotel gym. They had all the equipment he would need.

You won’t focus until you talk to her. You and I both know this.

He stopped and pulled his phone out. He pulled up her contact and realized what she’d written after it, and he frowned.

Nice, you really are an ass, you fucking idiot.

He inhaled, and his thumb froze over the button. Did he call her? It was still pretty early. What if she was asleep?

Then you wake her. Do you really want to blow this?
