Page 15 of Beast of Eden

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He clicked on the call button and placed the phone up to his ear. It rang a few times while his leg bounced with nervous energy. He ached for her to answer. He needed her to answer. He couldn’t let their fling be screwed up already.

The phone clicked, and he heard someone fumbling with sheets. His body straightened as he heard her groan on the other end.

“Hello?” she answered in her sleepy voice, and he realized he’d woken her. He couldn’t help but smile.

She hadn’t left town. He hadn’t screwed up as badly as he thought. Not that he wasn’t terrible, but he wasn’t so bad that she didn’t think there was a future, even considering his actions.

“Hey,” he said, feeling his voice crack. He quickly cleared his throat. “Sorry, did I wake you?”

He heard her clear her voice. “Yeah, it’s odd. I didn’t think you’d call so early.”

He smirked. There was a lot they had to learn about each other. So far, he could gauge she wasn’t a morning person.

“I wouldn’t have, but I needed to talk to you.” It was the truth. His lion needed it too. His shoulders relaxed a little, and he heard her shuffling around. “So, why did you call?” she asked, yawning.

He swallowed, suddenly nervous. What if she didn’t want to see him? What if she was just being nice?

“Franco? You still there?”

“Yeah, I’m still here.” He turned and looked at the gym. “Could you come down to the gym?”

She fell silent, and he heard her moving once more. He inhaled slowly. He could tell she was mulling his words over.

“The gym? When would you want me to come down?”

He scratched at his head, looking around the space. There was no one around and no one around him. They would be alone. It was the perfect place to talk.

“Now?” he asked.

“What? Now? Do you even know what time it is?” she asked, sounding shocked.

He looked at his watch, seeing it was just a little past six. He shrugged as this had been normal to him.

“How much time do you need?” he asked, rubbing his neck.

He could hear her groaning. “You really know how to sweet talk a woman, Franco.”

He smirked, hearing her sarcasm. He chuckled, leaning against the wall. “I can wait, but I would like you to join me. I want to talk.”

He expected her to say no. He knew it was early, and after yesterday, he wouldn’t be shocked if she told him he was crazy. He couldn’t blame her if she said no.

“Okay. I’ll be down in a bit.”

She ended the call, and he stood shocked for a moment. She was actually going to come down. He smiled at himself, gripping his phone tighter.

He went inside the gym. At least he could stretch more and do something to occupy his mind.

He tried to ignore the time and every minute that ticked by. His body bounced with energy, and he looked forward to seeing her.

Last night, his body reacted to her. His primal instinct had been to keep her close. He had to use everything in his power to focus on all the tasks at hand.

He wanted to take her into the bathroom and have his way with her. With every woman he danced with, he kept glancing at her when they twirled. He wanted her badly.

He hated how she left, and he felt like an ass. But he’d been blindsided. He didn’t know how to react. He wished Gerri had given him more time or a heads-up so he could have been more prepared.

Could he get her to understand? Maybe she could see where he had been coming from. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her around because he did.

He was lifting weights by the mirror when he heard the door open. He looked over his shoulder, and Violet stepped inside. His eyes widened at her outfit. She had on leggings that hugged her body. She wore a tank top that hung low, showing part of her sports bra. His mouth dropped slightly. She was stunning.
