Page 2 of Beast of Eden

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“A friend gave me some tickets,” she said.

Tigers in the wild could run up to thirty miles per hour, even though they often weighed up to five hundred pounds. Tiger shifters were no different. So, even though she wasn’t a fan of racing, she could become addicted to the speed.

“And you better get used to the track quickly.” Craig laughed as he turned off the highway. They had lost sight of the track by the time they turned into the hotel parking lot.

But Violet still heard the engines revving from where she sat in the town car. Though that had more to do with her heightened sense of hearing than proximity to the vehicles.

“Because your hotel is right here next to the track. You’re going to love the smell of gasoline by the time you leave, honey. And you must have some pretty generous friends to get a penthouse suite.”

“I do,” Violet said as she contemplated the first time she met Gerri.

They were introduced at a charity function hosted by Senior Rights, the organization Violet had worked at until recently. Meeting Gerri at the event hadn’t been the first time Violet had heard of her. She had, of course, heard about Gerri from Abby, who raved about the woman’s prowess at matchmaking.

So, after downing some premium scotch, Violet had worked up the courage to ask Gerri to do the same for her. The woman had nodded vigorously while opening a flask and pouring amber liquid into her glass of fruit juice.

“Of course, darling,” Gerri said after listening to Violet. “You leave it all to me. Just be ready to travel soon.”

Violet wasn’t sure why she had been surprised that Gerri had agreed to help her. She was just relieved that the woman had such a kind heart.

Craig was busy calling a bellhop to help with Violet’s bags when her phone buzzed. She opened it quickly and scrolled to find her messager. The text was from Gerri, who asked if she had arrived safely. Violet messaged her back and thanked her again for arranging everything.

The hotel she would be staying at was the Eden Sun Hotel and Casino, and it towered above her as she got out of the town car. She tipped Craig well, and he saluted her before he got back into his car.

Violet thought he should have clicked his heels togetheras she followed the bellhop into the absolutely stunning lobby.

To her surprise, she found Gerri standing there waiting for her.

* * *

Violet hada certain vision of Gerri in her head before she met her.

Abby had never described Gerri’s physical features. All she had spoken about was Gerri’s amazing personality and her take-no-shit attitude.

That was why upon meeting Gerri, Violet had been surprised. She wasn’t sure what she had pictured, but she certainly had not expected the lean, short woman with white hair and snapping blue eyes who stood in front of her.

Now, Gerri stood in the lobby with an unlit cigar, wearing a black, three-piece pantsuit. “Violet, darling.” Gerri pulled Violet into a hug, and Violet was again surprised by the strength of the tiny woman.

“How are you?”

“I’m good.” Violet smiled gratefully at Gerri, who was picking invisible lint off her perfect clothing.

“Just glad I got here safely.”

“Me too, love. Me too. Now. Walk with me.”

Violet was conscious that she was letting out a low rumbling from her chest.Why are you purring?She asked the tiger.

It was clear that her inner tiger was completely comfortable around Gerri.

She took a deep sniff of Gerri’s scent. Upon meeting Gerri, she had known there was something different about her. She had felt it in Gerri’s handshake and in the way her body moved.

She could also sense the peculiarity about Gerri through her smell, though she had been unable to figure it out. Gerri was still an enigma, and Violet’s natural curiosity perked up as they walked to the hotel bar.

“Give me a whiskey sour,” Gerri ordered the barman, who jumped into action without question. Then she turned to Violet expectantly. “Order something.”

Violet gladly followed Gerri’s instructions. She didn’t think the word no was in Gerri’s vocabulary.

“I’ll have a glass of Syrah,” Violet ordered, and they both settled onto the barstools.
