Page 5 of Beast of Eden

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Franco more than trusted the private pilot he had paid to fly his car to Delaware, but he still wanted to inspect her because anything could happen during transport. He took another hour to study every inch of the car. Once he was sure that everything looked good, he thanked the pilot who had come to see the track.

His crew had arrived, including his mechanic, Cornel. Franco also considered Cornel a friend, and the two men greeted one another like they always did.

“You good, man?” Cornel asked him. Cornel was already covered in grease, though Franco wasn’t sure how because he hadn’t touched the car yet.

Felix and Samantha, two other members of his crew, stood ready. They were both always silent, which Franco appreciated. After they did their cursory nod, they went to the car. They would do a more thorough inspection than Franco had. Cornel would also take the car around the track a few times to make sure it ran properly.

“I’m good,” Franco replied. “You ready for this?” he asked his friend and mechanic.

Cornel gave the widest grin and slapped Franco on the shoulder. “Always ready. Ready to win.” He left a greasy handprint on Franco’s new shirt, but he didn’t mind.

Cornel was a homegrown repair guru… he had learned everything there was to know from his father and grandfather. He had gone on to study mechanical engineering and could make even the crankiest engine run as smoothly as a river.

They joined Felix and Samantha. “So,” Franco interrupted them, “what are we doing to the car this time around?”

“We’re changing the steering wheel, for one,” Cornel said.

Franco almost groaned out loud. Cornel was a big fan of changing steering wheels all the time. He rarely had more than a few hours before a race to get used to all the new controls.

Luckily, this time around, he’d have more than a few hours. But it would mean working late.

“You can’t work late,” Cornel said. His friend had always been able to read his thoughts. “You have that dinner tonight.”

Franco sighed. “Dear God. You better hope I get used to that fucking steering wheel before tomorrow,” Franco said. But he knew that Cornel had complete faith in him, and that gave him more confidence in himself.

Soon, Franco was helping Cornel, Felix, and Samantha take out the engine and replace the steering wheel. He got into the car while they put the engine back in and memorized the various controls quickly enough.

It was close to mid-afternoon when Cornel hurried Franco out of the car and toward the hotel. He couldn’t stay with them all night, as much as he wanted to.

Franco had a press conference at five that afternoon to answer questions about past and future races. He also had to discuss the rumors that he had bet on himself in the Chicago race the previous year and how he felt about the upcoming changes to the Eden track.

As much as Franco liked being in the spotlight, they were only one day away from the first race. He hated having to answer so many questions when he was internally reviewing the track.Why couldn’t they have the damn press conferences after the races?He thought to himself, slightly disgruntled.

He also had dinner later with his sponsors. Once again, he preferred doing all that after the races. But he couldn’t avoid his sponsors… they were paying the bills, after all.

The fans were waiting for him as he left the track and headed for the hotel. There were about a dozen people, most of whom were older men who were living vicariously through him.

“I put down a hundred on you, Frankie,” one of the older men shouted. He smiled tightly at the man. “Make sure I win!”

“I’ll do my best.” He laughed as he tried to quiet the lion inside him. The man’s comment grated against Franco’s nerves, and he swallowed the low rumbling before it left his mouth.

“Shut up, Marvin,” a woman yelled. Franco assumed it was the man’s wife. “I told you the man needs to concentrate. Don’t make me turn the car around and go home.”

Marvin fell silent right away.

Franco signed autographs for the other fans and clapped a sheepish Marvin on the back. The man smiled up at him gratefully before Franco left.

He broke into a jog on the way to the hotel and entered through the side entrance where he could avoid more fans and reporters. The Eden Sun Hotel and Casino had a contract with the racers to allow them to enter through the side during racing season.

Franco headed up to his suite on the highest floor of the hotel. There he showered and found the suit, tie, and sneakers that his assistant, Mandy, had put out for him.

Before dressing, he found his electric razor and shaved off his beard that he had let grow while on a break from racing. It was too dangerous to have a long beard. Hair was flammable.

After he was ready, Franco headed down to the casino floor where the press conference was being held. Mandy waited for him there, and she handed him a snack and a bottle of water, which he downed in one gulp.

“These are the questions most likely to be asked.” Mandy handed him a clipboard. She had made it a habit of watching past press conferences and noting the questions asked repeatedly.

At this point, Franco had perfected the art of press conferences. “Thanks.” He smiled at her, and she nodded curtly at him.
