Page 6 of Beast of Eden

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Mandy was an efficient woman whose father had been an F1 driver. She had grown up in the world, and after getting her administration degree, she had gone back to the thing she loved most. Racing.

Franco was just lucky he had found someone like her when he did. And with that, he hopped up onto the stage where the podium was set up.

“Mr. Zellar, you’re the top pick to win Sunday’s race. Are you ready?”

“Well,” he replied easily. “I’ll do my best as I always do, but I’m honored that I’ve been chosen as the top pick.”

“And how do you feel about the fact that Hank Miller is reentering the racing world after his horrific accident several years earlier?”

“Um.” Franco had not been expecting that question and actually had to think about it. “I think he is a braver man than I am.”

He knew that what he said wasn’t true. Nothing could keep him away from racing. Not even an accident.

The press conference was over quickly enough for Franco to get out of there with time to relax before the dinner with his sponsors. He strolled around the casino, hands in his pockets, as he thought about Hank Miller’s crash.

That had been three years ago, and Franco had witnessed it. He had been three cars behind Miller at a race course in Atlanta and had swung his car away from the crash just in time.

The three cars in front of Franco had all piled up. While Miller was the most severely hurt, there were multiple injuries. Franco had been lucky, but his “luck” had more to do with his shifter senses and reflexes.

His senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch were all heightened as a lion shifter. He was a hundred times stronger than the average human man, and in his shifted form, he outweighed the strongest lion in the Savannah.

Franco also knew that he was a champion, not only because he was dedicated to his craft but because of his increased abilities and enhanced senses. The lion knew it too. Which was why it demanded so much of him.

It seemed that Hank Miller was driving again, though Franco wasn’t sure that he’d be in any kind of shape to race yet. But he had been honest when he spoke at the press conference. It was a brave move on Hank’s part to come back to the sport.

His phone buzzed, and when he looked at the screen, he saw that Mandy was calling him.

“Yeah?” he answered her.

“You’ve got a workout scheduled first thing tomorrow. We’ve flown your own physiotherapist out for the weekend. And as for the dinner later on, please be on your best behavior.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Franco asked. He heard her sigh on the other end of the line.

“You’re stubborn, Franco. Damn, the whole racing world knows it. And I’ve heard talk that your sponsors might be asking you to make some changes in regards to promotional material.”

“What kind of changes?” The lion paced nervously. He was conscious then that he was emitting a low rumbling. He stopped with some effort. Mandy didn’t know he was a shifter, and he intended to keep things that way.

“I don’t know.” There was a hint of exasperation in her voice. “What I do know is it could mean more money.” Her voice rose as she tried to encourage him. “You’re one of the top drivers in America. Everyone wants a piece of you. But it comes at a price.”

“I know I’m good, Mands. But I shouldn’t have to sell my soul to get paid for what I do.”

“It’s too late for that. The sponsor has already signed you on for another five years. That’s past the outside age point for most drivers. Just don’t be too stubborn tonight. Listen carefully and watch your mouth.”

And with that, she ended the call.

Franco realized he stood in front of a mirrored wall. And when he looked at himself, he saw his scowl.

He didn’t like being told what to do, but he had learned a long time ago that he had to give up some of his independence when it came to work. And he had also learned that Mandy seemed to be the only person in the world more stubborn than him.

He headed up to the fancy restaurant on the tenth floor. The dinner would start in about fifteen minutes, and it was always good to show up early.

This place is so empty,he thought as he got to the elevators.

But it was race weekend, so the place was probably booked up to its eyeballs with drivers and their crews. People would still be arriving, which meant he would have some quiet time before tomorrow.

The restaurant was called Fitzgerald’s Steakhouse, and it was one of the most expensive restaurants in Delaware. He ate there every time he had a race at the Eden track. They had a pretty decent Wagyu steak and great potatoes.

Franco arrived on the tenth floor, and the maître d’ showed him to the table where he’d be sitting with the sponsors. There were seats for other guests, such as the press, loyal fans, and other potential sponsors that Mandy had invited.

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