Page 51 of Beast of Eden

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The mom’s eyes grew wide. “We’d love to, but the line is almost too long to even get close to him. And that’s if they allow it this time even. Sometimes they don’t have the time.”

“I might be able to pull some strings,” she said, giving her a wink as she turned. “I happen to know the driver really well.”

She looked at Franco once more before descending the stairs. She could hear the boys jumping with joy, eager to meet Franco.

She headed around the area once more, taking in the shopping section of the event. Tents were up, selling different kinds of merchandise. She walked around, taking in all the racers’ names and numbers.

They had old racers that were long gone and younger racers just entering. She was amazed by the number of different options.

There were shirts and keychains. She looked at pants and hats. She even spotted a face painting station that had a line going outside. Kids stood bouncing on their feet, wanting to be next.

There were lines going every which way and people yelling as they went. She wondered how Franco got so used to all the noise. She laughed after a second, realizing he probably never came around here.

The fans would swarm him, never allowing him to actually get anywhere. But the idea was nice to think about.

“Mommy, please.” She listened as a young boy stood at a booth. His lower lip was quivering, and the mom shook her head.

“I’m sorry, buddy, but you can’t have that. It’s not even your size.”

“But it’s got his face on it. I have to have it.”

“Lucas, you won’t even be able to wear it. You’ll grow out of him by the time you grow into that shirt.”

She rounded the corner seeing they were standing at Franco’s booth. The man running it watched as the boy and mother went back and forth.

“But, Mommy.”

“How about a water bottle?” the man asked, holding it out. “I bet all your friends would think it’s cool.”

The boy sighed, looking at it. He agreed, and the mother thanked the man. Violet looked at all of the stuff, taking it in.

“What are you in for?” he asked, looking at her.

She shrugged. “I’m just looking.” She saw no need to buy anything as she had the actual driver.

“Should look fast. I’ll be out of almost everything before the race even begins.”

“Really?” she asked, amazed. She shouldn’t be from the number of people walking by. A lot of people rooted for Franco.

“We sure will. Have to act fast.”

She looked over everything and smirked when her eyes landed on a shirt with Franco’s face plastered onto it. She didn’t see why she shouldn’t have a shirt with her mate on it. There was no reason she couldn’t.

“I’ll take that shirt in a medium.”

She bought the shirt and pulled it on with a giggle. She could already imagine Franco’s face when he saw her in it. He would look stunned.

She continued to move through the space, finding booths with games. Kids were winning stuffed race cars and blown-up balloons. Toys and candy filled the booths, and children’s laughter rang loud.

All the games were ones that graced a fair. There was the bottle toss and throwing darts at balloons. There were even little race cars that kids could ride for a few minutes.

“I did it,” a lady screamed next to her, throwing her arms up. “I win!” The man running the booth offered her a stuffed bear, and she ran off with a laugh.

She never remembered going to a fair, always having something that came up. She never figured she would be good at any of the games. But looking at them now, she wondered if she had missed out on some fun times.

“Want to try?” a man offered, waving bean bags. There were five bottles stacked together, and she was tempted. She bit her lower lip.

She looked at the prizes, wondering if she really needed any stuffed bears.
