Page 63 of Beast of Eden

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“You should get that looked at, you know.”

“Don’t worry.” Franco smiled. “I’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll check in with the medical liaisons before we leave.” He winked and nuzzled her cheek.

Violet’s cheeks flushed while hoping for more moments like this. Finally, Franco Zellar could kiss and nuzzle and … do anything else he liked with her for the rest of her life. Violet made a mental note to send Gerri a thank-you bouquet.

“Hey, Franco, it’s time. They’re ready for you, brother.” Cornel’s voice carried across the tent and interrupted Violet’s thoughts.

Of course, Franco would need to greet his fans. Then, afterward, there was dinner. Violet yawned wide enough that her jaw made an audible pop. She knew the fans adored Franco, but hopefully, this wouldn’t take too long, and they could move on to the dinner and then … dessert and some much-needed sleep.

“Tired?” Franco asked knowingly.

“Yeah, but I’ll be fine.”

“I’m sorry, love. I’ve got to greet the fans and sign autographs before we head to the dinner. You can go back to the hotel and rest if you want …”

“No, it’s okay,” Violet chimed in before he finished the last word. She didn’t want to leave his side. This was going to be her world now as well. She might as well get used to it. She yawned again.

“You sure?” Franco asked. “Because this might take a while.”

“Positive,” Violet said with a smile, her tiger preening with his concern. “I just need a little fresh air, and I’ll be fine, promise.”


It was nice seeing Franco win the race. The crowd roared louder than she anticipated when his car passed the checkered flag. What an amazing moment. Hats, roses, and other mementos rained onto the track from the stands. There was no doubt Franco remained a fan favorite and a huge one at that.

Violet glanced at Franco while they walked to the winner’s tent. The stubble on his cheeks and chin created a shadow she’d happily stare at each day. And those eyes … fierce and dark and full of mystery one moment and passion the next.

Violet beamed. Contentment filled her. Yes, she thought Franco Zellar was the perfect mate. Gerri had done a fantastic job with the pairing.

Lost in thought, Violet glanced up. Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a breath.

“Oh … my … are all th-those people here to meet you?” she stammered.

At the winner’s tent, a throng of fans of all ages waited in a long line that snaked halfway down one side of the track before funneling into the tent.

Franco chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Yep! Every one of them. Welcome to my world, love. But don’t worry, you’ll do great, and they’re going to love you too.” He winked and clicked his tongue at her as they entered the tent and took their seats.

Violet watched as Franco smiled and greeted each adoring fan, taking time for brief conversations as he autographed pictures, shirts, hats, and more.

Considering the extensive line, Violet was surprised by how quickly it moved. Franco zipped through several markers, tossing each into a trash bin as the ink ran out.

Cornel stepped up to the table and, cupping his hands around his mouth, yelled out to the crowd. “We want to thank you all for coming, but we have to wrap it up.”

Groans and sighs emitted from the crowd.

“Don’t worry, guys,” Cornel continued, “We’ve got some autographed pictures of Franco we can hand out to the rest of you.”

The crowd cheered with excitement.

“This is our cue to leave,” Franco whispered to Violet, and they rose from their seats. Cornel and the rest of the team took over. They plunked a couple of boxes on the table and ripped them open.

“We’ll be along in a bit,” Cornel hollered out.

“Sounds good!” Franco yelled back as they exited the tent in the back.

The crowd had begun to disperse toward the parking lot when the sound of sobbing stole her attention. She looked around and spotted the little boy she had seen when walking around who so desperately wanted a T-shirt with Franco’s image, and ironically, the mother and the two boys she talked to in the stands.

“Hold on a second,” she said, releasing her mate’s hand and darting toward the crowd. “I’ll meet you at the car,” she shouted over her shoulder toward him, and he gave her a thumbs-up even though confusion graced his handsome face.
