Page 66 of Beast of Eden

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Violet’s ears prickled, and every nerve fiber in her body buzzed simultaneously. She looked up at Franco. His dark eyes, warm, gentle, and mysterious, stared back at her as a smile tore across his face.

“Violet,” Franco said. “Come and join me up here.” He waved her up and held out a hand.

Violet, uncertain of what to do, shook her head.

“Come on, Violet. Now, don’t be shy,” Franco urged her.

What was he doing? She didn’t need to be up there in front of all these people … people she didn’t know and who didn’t know her. Yet, Franco persisted, and he was her fated mate. So, she supposed she should oblige him.

Violet sucked in a deep breath, steadied her trembling knees, and, taking Franco’s hand, she stepped onto the stage. Perhaps this was how he intended to introduce her. Yes, she thought, this would be a good time to get it over with.

“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Violet. She only recently entered my life, but I haven’t been the same since. She’s been wonderful and supportive and everything I ever imagined and more. And you know me, that means something to me.”

The crowd clapped.

Violet smiled graciously and made to leave, but Franco grabbed her hand and held her still. She looked at him, questioning his intentions. What was he doing? The introduction was over. There was no further need for her up here, was there?

“But there’s something else,” Franco continued. “I mentioned she changed my life in just a short time, and it’s all true. That’s why …”

Franco paused and fell to one knee. The crowd gasped, and the room quieted in anticipation.

Violet stood before him, stunned. Was this really happening?

Franco smiled and kissed Violet’s hand. “Violet,” he began. “I’m so glad to have finally met you.”

Violet smiled and blinked back a few tears. She hadn’t expected this.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done without you by my side these past few days, but I’m glad I didn’t have to find out,” Franco continued. “I never thought I’d say this, but I’ve fallen madly in love with you … fast and heavy, baby. And I never want to be without you, and I hope you feel the same way.”

He winked at her.

Violet smiled and swallowed the lump forming in her throat. A tear broke loose and raced down her cheek.

“With that said,” Franco pressed on. “I’m here to finalize my commitment to you, that is, of course, if you’ll agree.”

More tears streamed down Violet’s face. It was as though the floodgates had opened. Usually, she would’ve swiped them away, but there was no point. There were too many falling one after another.

“Violet, my love,” Franco said. “Will you honor me with your presence from this day forward? Will you marry me and become my soul mate and wife?”

The silence after he asked the question was deafening. Violet couldn’t think. Too many thoughts were swirling in her mind. Tear after tear gushed down her face. She attempted to answer him, but couldn’t manage a sound, let alone a whole word.

Franco waited patiently.

Violet took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts.

She knew the answer to his question, and she intended to deliver it as well.

She swallowed the lump again and cleared her throat. She sucked in one more breath and released it slowly, calming herself.

“Franco Zellar,” she began. “There is no one on earth I’d rather spend my life with than you. So yes, I will marry you.”

A roar of cheers, whistles, hoots, and hollers exploded throughout the room and continued for several minutes.

Franco wrapped his arms around her and kissed her until the room spun out of control. When he finally released her, he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a little black box.

“Good,” he said. “Then you can have this.”

He opened the box, and Violet gasped. Her tiger roared.

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