Page 7 of Beast of Eden

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“Can I get a club soda, please?” He’d have a real drink later, but he wanted to keep a clear head for now.

Just then, Cornel, Felix, and Samantha walked in, wearing their formal clothes. Many drivers weren’t overly friendly with their crews and didn’t invite them to this kind of thing. But Franco had learned early on that it was better to keep his crew close. That way, they consistently worked as a team, no matter what happened.

It was always a funny moment seeing the three of them outside of their overalls, which they lived in. He stood to greet them.

“You all clean up nice. Is that a little grease there, Felix? For comfort?”

Samantha rolled her eyes, and they took their seats.

Right then, the doors to the restaurant opened properly, and the sponsors strolled in.



Violet had been dreaming about her mate ever since Gerri had agreed to help her. And now, as she got ready for the party, she remembered every dream she ever had about him.

Her dreams never showed his face… or what Violet hoped his face looked like. Mostly because she wasn’t that picky, as long as he was handsome. She still did not know if he was a shifter, though she suspected he was from the little Gerri had said about him.

Her dreams changed almost every night. In one dream, her mate was also a tiger shifter. In another dream, he was a bear shifter. And in yet another dream, he was a large, hulking wolf shifter.

The dreams were all anxiety-inducing which was why Violet tried not to think about them too much. But they were all in the same vein.

She was in her shifted form as a giant tiger. She was wandering through a nameless forest until she came to a giant gorge in the ground before her. And on the other side, in whatever form, was her fated mate.

There was only one way to get to her mate. And that was to get across the gorge.

Her mate waited for her endlessly as Violet tried to jump. But she never made the jump. She wasn’t frightened… she could leap the span.

But something about her fated mate held her back.

The dreams never changed. And every morning, Violet woke drenched in a cold layer of sweat.

She was not sure what the dreams meant, but she kept reassuring herself that they probably meant nothing. When she found her mate, everything would be perfect.

After all, he was fated for her.

* * *

After her shower,Violet ordered a small plate of appetizers. While standing underneath the piping hot waterinthe shower, she had realized that she had drunk three glasses of wine and had nothing to eat.

The bellboy wheeled the tray with the appetizers into the room while she dried her hair. She put the dryer down and hurried over to eat before she passed out.

With every new moment that passed, her tigress paced impatiently inside her. All the animal wanted was to meet its mate. But all the pacing was making Violet more and more anxious.

She grabbed her suitcase and pulled the dress options out of her bag.This is never going to work,Violet thought to herself as she held the strappy dress up to the mirror. The dress was figure-hugging and only a few shades darker than her skin. And while it was beautiful, it was more suited to a club than a fancy restaurant.

She wanted her mate to see everything she had to offer. But she didn’t want everyone else to see it too.

She had thirty minutes before she was due to arrive at the restaurant where the dinner was being held. She had already done her hair and makeup. Her long, thick hair was twisted away from her face in a French knot, and the updo was secured with shiny clips.

The hairstyle had taken her nearly twenty minutes to master. The hair clips hung on by a thread. Her makeup was simple… a muted pink lip, dark eyes, and a slight hint of blush that highlighted her excellent cheekbones.

Violet had brought about six dresses and had vetoed five of them already. They were either too boring or too sexy.

The last one had to work because if it didn’t, she would have to wear a pantsuit, and that would do nothing for her figure.

She exhaled slowly when she pulled the dress out of its bag. It was knee length with a square neckline, black, and covered in shiny black sequins that made her glitter in the light of the hotel room.
