Page 25 of Loving Emma

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I couldn’t resist. “Well… If you’re sure it’s okay?”

“Of course!”

“Great. I’ll see you there!” I paid for my cupcakes and when I walked out, it was with even more of a spring to my step. This was going to be great. I needed to let loose a bit, that was for sure, and these girls were just the ones to help me do it.



If only I could drown my sorrows. I’d done more than enough of that to last a lifetime, though, and I knew from experience it never did any good anyway. The damned things seemed to float. So why not throw in a bit of extra torture by hanging out with some of the guys from the baseball team at Lacey’s?All that booze and none of it for me. I sat in the corner nursing a soda like it was a talisman, warding off anyone who dared talk to me.

“Hey, man, feel like a game of pool?”

I scowled at Reggie and he backed up a step. He was a short, stocky guy, still our best pitcher, even though he was close to forty. Clearly he didn’t get the memo that I didn’t want anyone to talk to me, because I was a sad sack loser, hiding in the corner, mooning over the past, and grieving for a future I was never going to have.

“Come on, bro. Don’t be like that.” Reggie slapped me on the back. “Come and have a hit.”

I blew out a breath. It wasn’t Reggie’s fault I was an asshole. “Sure. Man, I don’t know why you put up with my shit sometimes.”

“Well, it sure ain’t because of your sparkling personality. It’s just because you’ve hit more home runs than any of us combined the last four years.”

I barked out a laugh and followed him to the section at the back of the bar where all the pool tables were. “You can break.”

Reggie racked the balls, broke and sank a stripe.

“Nice work.”


I barely paid attention as he sized up the table and lined up his next shot. My gaze was on the dance floor. There were a lot of women there, some I knew, most I didn’t. I felt that weird compulsion to look for Emma in the crowd of writhing bodies, but she wasn’t there. Why would she be?

Still, something tugged at the edge of my memory.

Emma. Dancing. Her hair much longer than it was now. Hot as fuck, of course. Doing that thing she always did when we were out. Looking for me, scanning the crowd until our eyes met across the room. Then she smiled and I felt my heart leap and my dick twitch. Because I knew what that smile meant. Sultry and sweet and deadly as sin, it meant she was thinking about fucking.

I grinned at her and when I winked, she raised one brow. I loved this, that we could read each other so easily. Giving up on dancing, she left the floor and wound her way through the crowd and over to me. Without warning, she put her hands on my shoulders, braced herself and jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist.

“Is this extra hot because we’re breaking the law?” Her voice was low in my ear and I almost groaned when she nipped at my ear lobe.

“Oh yeah, we’re a regular Bonnie and Clyde.”

She leaned back, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I don’t know where you got the fake I.D. from, but the bartender barely even looked at it twice. Either it’s that good, or I’m aging prematurely.”

Laughing, I gave her a brief kiss, gasping for air when she lowered her feet to the ground, sliding down my body as she did so, her eyes turning fiery when she felt my cock pressing into her.

She turned in my arms and leaned back, rubbing her ass against me and giggling softly when I hissed. She knew exactly what she was doing to me and loved every second of it.

I danced a trail of kisses down her neck. “Maybe we should get out of here?”

“We could. Or we could just…”

“Could just what?”

“Go out back.” She tilted her hips, pushing back harder against my straining cock. The look she shot me over her shoulder set my blood on fire.

“Jesus, Emma.”

“What? Why wait?”
