Page 35 of Loving Emma

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The streets of New Bern were pretty busy, and I could barely contain my frustration as I weaved in and out of traffic, searching for the restaurant. There. There it was. And there was a patrol car out the front. I drove up onto the pavement and screeched to a halt. I was already scanning the inside of it for Emma before I got out of the truck. All I could see was Ted and his partner, but not who they were talking to.

The moment I stepped inside, though, I saw everything. Emma, slumped in the corner of a booth, her eyes closed. A server, standing behind her, a concerned look on her face. And there was the guy, it had to be. No more than five foot ten, fake blonde hair, blindingly white teeth and perfectly tailored pants. The way he was gesticulating, it looked like he was saying he would take care of her.

Take care of her. Yeah, right, asshole. One more look at Emma’s inert figure and I lost it. Driven by rage and gut-eating fear, I strode through the restaurant. The asshole’s eyes widened when he saw me coming. I dimly registered Ted turning around, saying “Now, Jake…” in a warning tone.

But I was a man on a mission. The second I got close enough, I let fly, my fist smashing into Asshole’s face, sending him flying over the table behind him and onto the floor. My heart pounded, painfully loud in my ears, and my chest heaved. I couldn’t suck in enough air. The guy lay still for a moment and I had the brief thought:Did I just kill him?

Then he stirred, pushing himself up, holding his hands over his face. Blood was already seeping through his fingers. “Officer, I want you to arrest this man.”

My hands curled into fists. I wanted to go again. Pound him into a pulp.

“What for? All I saw was you tripping and hitting your face on the table.” The server reached over and grabbed a snowy white napkin from the table and tossed it at him. I realized that she wasn’t just a curious observer, she was standing guard over Emma.

He took the napkin and pressed it to his face. “Are you seriously going to let this man get away with this? He just assaulted me!” The jerk gestured to me again. I couldn’t believe the nerve of him.

“What the fuck, dude? You’re a fucking pervert!”

“I don’t know what you mean!”

“You’ve drugged my—Emma!”

“How dare you? I’ve done no such thing.”

The server made a strangled sound in the back of her throat, before managing to spit out, “Then why does she seem to be asleep?”

“How would I know? Maybe she’s sick! Maybe she can’t hold her booze!”

I curled my hands into fists and it was only Ted’s palm flat against my chest that stopped me from moving forward and smashing the guy’s smarmy face in again.

“I’m sure a test of her wine glass and a visit to the hospital to get a blood sample will tell us everything we need to know,” Ted said soothingly. “Right now, we need to look after Emma.”

Emma was now stirring, her hands twitching. “Jake?” Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around, her gaze unfocussed. The sound of my name on her lips like that almost undid me.

“Yes, I’m here.” I slid into the booth next to her and pulled her into my arms. The need to hold her was overwhelming.

“I think I’m gonna throw up.”

The server grabbed an empty ice bucket and put it on the seat next to me, but

Emma didn’t move to use it. Instead, she wrapped her arms around me and curled right in, burying her face in my neck. Holding her, realizing that she really was safe, I got the shakes. All that adrenaline had nowhere to go. So I just held my girl tight and breathed her in, refusing to think of how badly this could have ended.

“You came,” she whispered.

“Of course, Em. Always.”

Her arms tightened around me and I squeezed her back. Knowing she really was okay helped me settle down, at least a little. It was only then that I realized everyone in the restaurant was staring at us.

Ted, a barrel-chested man with salt and pepper hair and wise brown eyes, said, “Okay, Jake. We’re gonna get you to head off to the hospital now, just to get Emma checked out and get that blood sample, so we know exactly what’s in her system. You need to get on that now, before it’s flushed out. My sister-in-law is working in the ER tonight, so I’ll let her know you’re on your way. If they’re not busy, you’ll be able to be seen straight away.” Ted’s partner, a young guy with blue eyes and lots of freckles, had his hand firmly on the asshole’s elbow. The guy wasn’t going anywhere. “Mr. Bennett has kindly agreed to come down to the station to answer a few questions and we’ll take it from there. We’ll deal with his broken nose later.”

“Okay. Sure thing. Thanks, Ted.” Shifting Emma so she was more secure in my arms, I stood up, careful not to move too quickly.

The server stepped forward and I saw her name badge.Briony. “Here’s her coat and handbag. I’ll help you to your car, if you like.”

“Great. Thanks.”

After side eyeing my wild parking job, Briony opened the passenger door of the truck. “That guy was a total shmuck.”

“Seems like it.” I eased Emma onto the seat and fastened her seat belt.
