Page 40 of Loving Emma

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“Lean back.” I did as I was told. “You are so fucking gorgeous, and I don’t think you have any idea. So hot, so needy. I want you to come for me, Em. Explode for me.” Without warning, he shoved his hand into the waistband of the sweatpants I was wearing and because my legs were spread wide, hit my clit in just the right spot. “Do it. Right now.”

“Oh, god, oh my god…” I gripped the back of his seat, my gaze locked on his as he rubbed his hand against my clit. The sound of car doors opening and closing in the parking lot…a man’s voice…a woman laughing…it all reminded me where we were. In a semi-public place, with Jake’s hand down my pants. And why did that turn me on so goddamn much?

“Such a good girl, aren’t you, Em? So wet. I love to watch you come.”

I dropped my forehead to his, moaning as the heat built up inside me, pleasure blooming from where he touched me, spreading outward, until the wave crested and broke, and I shattered with a cry, just like he told me to.

My heart racing, I slumped against his chest, burying my face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight against him while my body quieted and recovered. I didn’t want to think about what it meant that no man had ever touched me like Jake did, never made me come so fast, never made me want it again so quickly.

His cock still bulged between my legs, reminding me that only one of us was satisfied. Dragging my head up, I cupped his face and kissed him softly, smiling when he kissed me back equally as gently. Without a word, I reached down and pulled the lever on the seat, so that it fell backwards.

“Jesus, Em…”

Still smiling, I slid off his lap and onto the floor of the truck, between his feet. When he realized what I wanted to do, he pulled another lever, so the seat glided back, giving me more room. I started by running my hand over the hard, hot bulge, caressing him through his pants, delighting in the sound of his breath stuttering as he tried to control himself.

My smile turned wicked as I pulled at the waistband of his pants, dragging it down over his cock. “Fucking hell, Emma.”

I barely heard him. My eyes were on his perfect erection. I wanted it in my mouth, and I wasn’t interested in waiting. Memories came flooding back to me of exactly how Jake liked to be sucked off, and I wrapped both my hands around the shaft in a tight fist, leaning forward to flick my tongue over the head. I revelled in the feel of his hands in my hair, pulling it back so he could get a better view. How could I have forgotten that he was so visual? I kept my eyes locked on his while I took him into my mouth, stroking and sucking at the same time. The pleasure that flickered across his face went straight to my core and started stoking another fire there.

I swear, I could have put my hands between my legs and made myself come again, just from watching him.Focus, dammit. This wasn’t about me. I sucked harder, taking him as far into my mouth as I could, blowing my cheeks out. Pulling one hand from his cock, I slid it up over his abs to cover his heart. It was thundering. I loved that, loved knowing it was all because of me.

I heard the clicking of heels on the cement of the parking lot, a man’s deep voice and a woman’s laughter, but it didn’t stop me. Until they got closer and closer and the man said, “No underwear, huh?”

With my hand still around Jake’s cock, I raised my head and peeked out the heavily tinted windows. Jake sat up a bit so he could do the same. The couple had moved between Jake’s truck and their own car. They were well-dressed, him in a suit and her in a figure-hugging, cherry red wrap dress that peeked out from her open coat. The moment they thought they were out of view, the man dragged the woman into his arms, pushing her against the car, kissing her passionately. Jake and I watched, spellbound, as he pulled the top of her dress down, exposing her breasts before dipping his head to take a nipple into his mouth.

Jake’s dick twitched in my hand, and as we watched the couple, I started stroking again, just lightly up and down. I really wanted to see how the show outside our window was going to end. Were this couple really going to fuck each other here, right in front of us? Should we say something? Let them know they had an audience? Would they have cared? Or was that the whole point? The man slipped his hand down the woman’s side, to the hem of her dress, lifting it up enough that he could slide his hand over her bare ass. He turned, angling her so we couldn’t see, and slipped his hand between her legs. Her fingers were white as they dug into his shoulders and her knees nearly buckled. He mumbled something I couldn’t quite hear, possibly about how fucking wet she was.

But I did hear her loud and clear when she said, “Jesus, Sandro. Not here. Take me home.”

He mumbled a reply into her neck, and she giggled, pushing him away and straightening her dress. Her cheeks were flushed as she turned to the car door, shooting him a seductive smile over her shoulder. “Seriously, it’s only a two-minute drive.”

The guy bolted around to the driver’s side and jumped in, gunning the engine and peeling out of the parking spot like a bat out of hell.

I looked up at Jake, my lips curved up in a sinful smile. “Pfft. Amateurs.” His answering chuckle skipped over my skin, making me shiver as I took him in my mouth again. He was oozing precum and I swirled my tongue around it, lapping it up, suddenly eager to feel him release in my mouth. I sucked harder, squeezed and stroked, the sound of Jake’s ragged breathing and the feel of his hands gripping my hair letting me know he was very close.

All I had to do was squeeze his balls, fist his cock and take him all the way to the back of my throat, and he was jerking beneath me, shooting a hot stream of cum into my mouth with a long, low moan. I swallowed it down, every last drop, loving every second of it.

Pulling his seat back up, he reached down, dragging me into his lap, winding his arms around me and resting his forehead against my shoulder. His breathing was still labored, and his heart rate had barely slowed.

“I never knew you could be this wild. You didn’t even stop when you heard that couple walking up.”

“There’s lots of things you don’t know about me.”

He raised his head, looking at me for a long moment before sliding his hand into my hair, cupping the back of my neck. “Yeah?” Pressing a soft and poignant kiss to my lips, he said, “You wanna do something to change that?”

“Sure.” I felt a thrill at his words as I straightened my clothes, my skin still burning from his touch.


I shifted off his lap so he could readjust his own clothing and pulled the sun visor down to check myself in the mirror. My eyes were glowing, and I looked sated and satisfied. Happy. Running my fingers through my hair, I thought for a moment. “I’m not sure. I don’t want to leave Dad with an overnight nurse again so soon. Oh! But Steven was talking about coming down to look at houses. If he does that soon, then we’re golden. Otherwise, a sneaky little tryst like this will have to do, instead of one glorious weekend.”

“Nope, not good enough.”

That made me smile. “Hard agree. Okay. I’ll call Steven and find out where he’s at, and let you know.”

Smiling back at me, he leaned across the console to brush another light kiss across my lips. I wanted to linger, God did I ever, but I had to leave at some point. So I forced myself to pull away, open the truck door, and get out.

Jake backed out of the parking spot, and I felt my heart squeeze when he didn’t drive off immediately. He was waiting for me to get into my own car, watching out for me. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face as he followed me all the way back to Esperance. It took all my willpower not to constantly gaze at his beautiful face in the rear-view mirror.
