Page 17 of Odium

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“There’s a cart in the barn Alastor uses to move the larger pieces of furniture he sells from his shop to the pickup truck. You can probably use that, Haden,” I offer, looking from him and then down at what’s left of my father. “May I tell him goodbye, Leiv?”

“Yes, you may, Wild One.” He passes me Father’s blade, and I wrap my fingers around the tacky hilt. I kneel down beside the chair, careful not to slip in the gory puddle, and sigh.

“Poor Daddy. I really had hoped to keep you.” I brush the hair from his face, curling my lip at the bits of flesh clinging to the goopy dark strands. “I’ll miss you. Tell mother to be a good girl, and we’ll see you two again soon.”

“Not that soon.” Leiv snorts. “I have plans for you, Wild One.”

“Yes, not too soon.” I turn the blade in my hand slowly and grin. “Don’t worry, Daddy. I’ll be the very best girl for Leiv. I promise.” I kiss his hand and slowly stand. “Oh, and just so you won’t forget about me while you wait.” I snarl, burying the blade into the back of his hand and pinning it to his chair. I watch, tilting my head as a cry gurgles up from his throat, and take a moment to memorize each melodically suffered pitch before turning away and going up to bed. “Now we match.”


“Good morning, Haden,”I call over my shoulder from where I’m standing at the stove, cooking breakfast, when the back door jerks open and closed. “I take it you’ve been out all night, dealing with Alastor? You must be exhausted, not to mention hungry.”

“Oh, you think?” Haden grunts, dropping into a chair at the kitchen table. He groans when he leans over, pulling on the ends of the laces of each tattered old boot, and then sits back, toeing them off, one at a time, smirking as the muddy things topple to the floor. “Where’s Leiv?”

“He’s still sleeping, but he was beginning to stir when I came down to get breakfast started, so he shouldn’t be too much longer.” I eye his boorish mess clumped and smeared across my previously clean floor and roll my eyes. “Would you like some breakfast before you clean up your mess, or would you prefer to go straight to the shower and clean it up after? I can understand your need to wash up sooner rather than later. You do smell like a rotten corpse.” I slap a hand over my mouth, trying to hide a giggle. “I mean, I guess you would smell like death though, right?”

“Breakfast,” he barks, kicking his grimy socked feet up on the table, and leans the chair back on its back legs. “And since you are now the communal female, after you make me something to eat and clean up your mess, you can clean this shit up while I shower.”

“I’m not your female or your wife, Haden.” I pad over to the table, pick up one of the plates I had already set out for breakfast, and elbow his feet from the tabletop to the floor. “Manners.”

“You’re right, my wife wasn’t this disrespectful, and she knew when to keep her mouth shut. You are a mouthy little brat who is in desperate need of discipline.” He stands, glaring at me. “You killed my wife! Have you even been back there to see what you’ve done? How you left her to rot?”

“Nope, and I don’t care enough to go now. I doubt I ever will.” I shrug my shoulders, lifting an egg from the carton on the counter and cracking it into the hot skillet, and then I drop two pieces of bread into the toaster. “Hope you like eggs.”

“That’s it, isn’t it? You don’t even feel bad about what you’ve done, do you? Do you have any emotions at all?” He fumes, crossing his arms. “Do you feel anything at all?”

“Oh, of course, I have emotions, Haden. I feel all kinds of things.” I roll my eyes and blow a stray hair from my face. “I just don’t care that she’s dead. She was a filthy whore in an old cellar who tried to kill her kids. She broke all of our rules and was a disgrace to our entire family, so if you don’t mind-” I wave over my shoulder, motioning towards the table. “Sit down and talk about something more pleasant before Leiv catches you still going on about the disgraced.”

“You crazy fucking bitch,” Haden barrels across the room, grabs a fistful of my hair, and turns us away from the stove. I can still hear the popping of the egg frying over my own labored breaths when yanks me upright, lifting me high enough that my feet are off the floor and my back is flush against his chest. His hot breath fans across my back right before he shoves my head forward, smacking my cheek against the cold hard surface of the cutting board that Alastor made for me this past spring, and I can feel the trickle of blood starting to pool on the smooth sanded wood under my face. I kick my legs back at the sound of his belt clattering against the linoleum flooring when he drops his pants to his ankles, and he shoves a knee between my flailing legs. He shoves his hand under my sleep shirt and trails his greedy fingers up my inner thigh, chuckling when he realizes I’m not wearing panties. “You know, I never liked sharing Maribel with Alastor, but you seem to be made for this. I’m really going to enjoy hurting you as often as possible.”

“Leiv said you’re not allowed to touch me,” I shudder, desperately looking around for something I can use to fight back, and my eyes land on a large screwdriver just out of my reach. “I’m not yours; he’ll punish you!”

“And you think I have something left to lose?” He teases my entrance with the head of his cock, and I struggle against him, knowing that my four foot nine inches have nothing on his six-foot height.

“Leiv!” I try to scream, but his arm wraps around my neck, and he reaches up, jamming three long fingers into my mouth. He has me pinned against the counter, only able to look out of the small kitchen window facing the backyard. I can’t see anything or anyone, but I can feel him the second he walks into the room.

“Get your hands off of her.” Leiv growls behind us, and Haden chokes on a strangled laugh and drops me to my feet.

“We’re just playing around, son.” Haden holds up both hands in surrender and then bends over, starting to pull up his pants to cover his guilty pathetic cock. “I was just trying to scare some of that bad attitude out of her. I wasn’t actually going to fuck her.”

Leiv approaches without taking his eyes off of Haden, and I use the moment to quickly snatch up the Philips head screwdriver from the counter and jam it into Haden’s thigh, not letting up until it hits resistance. Haden screams, grabbing at the tool embedded in his leg, and I step back with a wide grin, clapping at the show, “Liar.”

A chuckle at the stove grabs my attention, and I look over to where Leiv is sliding the three eggs from the frying pan onto a plate along with the two pieces of toast.

“Come here, Wild One.” He nods and hands me the plate of food from one hand while still holding the skillet in the other. “Go sit down and eat your breakfast. I’m going to have a chat with Haden.”

“Yes, sir.” I kiss his cheek and walk over to the table with a bounce, pull out the chair, and have a seat without taking my eyes off of Leiv.

“I just have one question for you, Haden.” Leiv clicks his tongue and spins the pan in his hand once, twice, and then switches to the other hand, moving it back and forth from left to right as if he’s testing the weight of it, and just as suddenly as Haden attacked me moments ago, Leiv wraps both hands around the handle of the heavy frying pan and swings. The clunk of stainless steel against Haden’s skull reverberates around the room, and I take a large bite of eggs while arching my neck to get a better look at Haden when he crumbles to the floor… again. Leiv swings a second time, the thud not sounding as crisp as it had before. And by the fifth blow, blood has splattered in a wide arch across the ceiling to the far wall, and what sounded at first like a solid crack at impact has turned into a slurping, mushy thud with each consecutive whack.

“Leiv?” I sing from the table and take another small bite. “Forget something?”

“Huh?” He leans back, wiping blood from his face with the back of his arm, and meets my stare.

“The question?”

“The what?” He slowly stands and walks over to the sink with my pan.
