Page 7 of Ace

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Queenie frowns, then shrugs. “No reason. She seems a little off, and I know she talks to you, so I thought she might have said something.”

I shake my head, my mood suddenly back to pissed-off. I need to squash this if people are beginning to notice. “Get her in here,” I snap, opening my office door. “I’ll sort it.”

After another ten minutes and a no-show from Mae, I yell for Queenie. She pops her head in the doorway, and I growl, “Where is she?”

“I dunno, Pres. I told her you wanted to see her.”

“Tell her again,” I snap, “and tell her if she doesn’t come this time, I’m coming to get her myself.” Queenie raises her eyebrows and then disappears.

Two minutes later, Dodge gets out of his basket and wags his tail. It’s a tell-tale sign that Mae has arrived, and sure enough, she steps into my office. Dodge jumps up at her, licking her hands happily. “Close the door,” I say firmly. She kicks it closed, and her show of disrespect pisses me off.

“Make it quick, I have a lunch date,” she mutters.

The news surprises me. Mae never really goes out with men, and I feel a slight twist in my gut. “I’ll take as long as I damn well please. You need to sort the attitude out, Mae, others are noticing.”

“Okay.” She sighs, her tone bored.

“Mae!” I snap. She looks at me, her eyes angry. “Stop this, it’s not like you.”

“I’m doing what all the girls my age do, Ace. I’m getting out there, dating.”

I roll my eyes. “Go on your date, Mae. Get fucking laid. It might cheer you the fuck up.”

“Yes, sir,” she snaps, saluting me and spinning on her heel. I don’t like this side of her, and as she leaves, I breathe a sigh of relief. If she carries on, I’ll speak to her mum, Bernie. She and Mae are close, she’ll sort her out.

I spend the next few hours making calls and checking on a few shipments I have coming in, but at the back of my mind is Mae and her date. What if it’s the guy from last night at the wedding? What if she gets hurt trying to get over me? I tap my pen on the desk, thinking up all kinds of crazy scenarios, when Hulk stomps in and flops down on the chair in front of my desk.

“What’s wrong with your miserable face?” he asks, patting Dodge as he nuzzles his head onto Hulk’s knee for attention.

“Do you know who Mae went on a date with?”

“I’m glad I’m not the only one who think it’s weird,” he says, sounding relieved. “She never goes on dates, but, man, did she look hot. If she dressed like that all the time, she’d have a lot of dates. Scar was just saying how she’s been like a caterpillar in this place, and now, all of a sudden, it’s like she’s been set free and she’s turned into this beautiful butterfly. Where was she hiding those tits?” He’s so busy rambling on that he doesn’t notice me grip the desk as he giving his assessment of her body.What the hell is wrong with me?

“I asked who she went out with, Hulk,” I growl, and he stops talking and thinks for a second.

“I dunno who he is, Pres. But she’s back now. She’s in the bar.”

I stand, Dodge joining me, and take a walk through to the bar. I heard Mae laughing the second I left my office. She’s sitting at a table with a guy I haven’t seen around here before. After asking Bear for a whiskey, I tip my glass in their direction and question, “Who’s the guy?”

“Mae never said. You want me to go and ask?” I shake my head.

“He seem legit to you?”

“Erm, I guess. I didn’t really speak with him, Pres. He’s making her smile, which is nice to see.” Somehow, that just pisses me off more.

Dodge makes his way over to them, and Mae strokes him. I hear her tell the guy about Dodge and how I found him. The guy tries to stroke him too, but the faithful mutt growls, forcing the guy to retreat his hand and they share another laugh. I whistle, calling Dodge back to my side. I lock eyes with Mae, and something pulls in my chest. I want it to go back to how it was before she told me, because right now, we feel a million miles apart . . . and I hate it.


Lee has been asking me for a date since, well, I don’t even remember, it’s been so long. When I began working in the office at the garage, Lee was one of the mechanics. He’s since left, but we kept in touch. And now things are out in the open with Ace and I’ve made a complete idiot of myself, I’ve decided to move forward. He’s made himself very clear.

“I was surprised when I got your text,” says Lee. “I must’ve asked you out a hundred times or more.” He smiles, and I blush. “Is he your dad?” I glance in the direction of where Ace is. He’s leaning against the bar, staring at the big screen television and occasionally glancing in our direction.

“No, my dad’s dead. But he’s the President of The Rebellion MC.”

“I heard some stories about the MC. Bunch of criminals, dealing in drugs?”

“You should never listen to stories, especially far-fetched ones like that.” It’s something you get used to, defending the club. People always focus on negative stories, but in truth, the MC brings a lot to the local area. They raise money for deprived families, help feed the homeless on cold nights, and they take Christmas presents to children in the hospital. But it doesn’t matter what you say to some people, they’ll believe what they want to believe. It makes dating outside the club so much harder.
