Page 47 of Albert

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But as I sit opposite Albert’s table, where he smiles and laughs with the woman who replaced me, I feel that familiar heartache. I find myself zoning out of my mum’s gossip about some of the women in our block of flats and trying to listen in to what Albert is talking about. He looks animated, and his eyes sparkle with affection. I try to remember a time when he looked at me like that—there isn’t one. Most of the time, I annoyed him. They eat, chatting the entire time, and then Albert gets the bill and stands, placing his hand at the small of Lauren’s back before guiding her out. He didn’t bother to look back. It’s almost like we’re strangers. “You could just go and speak to him,” Mum says, cutting into my haze.


“Albert. You could just chase him down and speak to him.”

I laugh. “Please, that ship has sailed.”

“Has it?” She looks amused. “You spent the last twenty minutes staring at him.”

“I did not,” I mutter and check my watch. “I have to shoot. I’ve got to meet Meli.”

She narrows her eyes. “I thought you were done with the club?”

“I am, but Meli’s different. She’s like my sister.”

Meli looks delighted to see me. She slides a brightly coloured cocktail in my direction as I sit down. “You look good,” she tells me.

“Liar,” I mutter. “I look tired and worn out.”

She smiles sympathetically. “How’s things?”

I shrug. “Good . . . different, I guess.”

“You don’t sound so sure.”

I sigh heavily. “Mum thinks I’m depressed. She offered me some tablets she used to take.”

“Depressed?” Meli repeats. “What makes her think that?”

“I feel exhausted all the time. Everything seems so much effort lately. Mum’s been great. She pops in every day to check on me and she’s been handling stuff at the school with Ollie.”

Meli looks concerned. “Have you spoken to a doctor?”

I shake my head. “No. You know I hate doctors. I don’t want to waste their time.”

“If you think you’re depressed, it’s not wasting their time. The last time I checked, your mum wasn’t qualified to make those diagnoses.”

“She’s just trying to help. Since Archer, things have been harder,” I admit. “Everything seems so out of control.”

“You know you can speak to me anytime,” she offers. “Just because you left the club doesn’t mean you can’t come over to the house to see me.”

I nod. “I just don’t want to bump into Albert.”

“He’s a big boy, he’ll get over it.”

“Is he? Over it, I mean?” I ask, picking at invisible fluff on my jumper.

She smirks. “Are you missing him?”

I scowl. “Forget I asked.”

“You know what he’s like, Rosey. He won’t show me if he’s upset or hurting.” Her mobile rings and she glances at it. “Hold on a sec, let me take this or he’ll track me down,” she says, pressing it to her ear. “Arthur, what could you possibly need? I saw you twenty minutes ago.” She goes silent, listening to him. “Really? You know I can’t cook.” She nods even though he can’t see her. “Fine.” And then she hangs up. “Speak of the devil. Albert invited himself over for dinner this evening. Arthur’s getting someone in to cook, thank God.”

“That’s a lot of effort just for Albert.”

“Oh, he’s not coming alone. It’s a business thing.” She shrugs.

“Lauren?” I ask.
