Page 1 of Mafie Kings

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10 years ago

My hands are bound behind me, zip ties dig into my skin every time I try to move them. Some kind of bag was thrown over my head the moment I stepped out of my father's safe room, leaving me without the pleasure of knowing who my captors were. My parents told me someone was after me, but part of me never really wanted tobelieveit.

The second we arrive, I’m tossed into a room and strapped to a chair. These men are smart, tying my ankles to the chair since I’ve already gotten one of them between the legs.

“What the actual fuck?” a voice booms loudly, startling me. “I said to bring her here safely, not like she was a goddamned target. She’s eleven, Havoc, was this all really necessary?”

“She came out of a bunker we didn't even notice was there, sir.” The guy I’m assuming is Havoc says. “She put up one hell of a fight too, thought it would be best for you to decide when to remove it all and tell her what's going on.”

Instantly, the straps holding down my limbs are cut and the bag is pulled off my head. My eyes struggle to adjust to the lighting while I attempt to assess my surroundings. I rub at my wrists, trying to soothe the ache caused by me fighting the bindings

The man he’s speaking to nods. “I’ll take it from here,” he says.

The three other men, yes apparently they needed four total men to guard an incapacitated child, then leave the room.

The only one left looks oddly familiar, but my body is still in fight-or-flight mode. I can feel the muscles in my neck tensing, my feet planting themselves on the floor, ready to jump up and run if needed. My pulse is pounding so hard in my ears that it’s all I can hear.

The man moves to take a step toward me and my fists clench in warning. I will not go down without a fight.

He notices and instead takes a step back.

Smart man.

He grabs a chair from against the wall, and pulls it over to me while still keeping some distance. Sitting down he rubs his hands over his face like he’s the one who has a right to look exhausted after the night I had.

“Do you know? About your parents?” he asks.

I have no idea who this man is, and he thinks we can just sit here having a casual conversation like he didn't just have his goons kidnap me? Yeah, no chance in hell I'm playing this game.

I fold my arms over my chest and lean back, making it clear I have no intention of answering.

The man sighs and leans forward. “Look, I know your father and I didn't always get along, but as soon as I heard there was a hit out on him with intentions of capturing you I sent my men to try and help. I'm your father's brother, Adrik,” he says, his eyes pleading with me to believe him.

That explains why he looks familiar. Looking at him now, I can see he has my father's eyes and high cheekbones. He has some well-groomed facial hair whereas my father was always very clean-shaven. I can see enough of the similarities to believe him.

“Yes, I know…” I tell him after a few minutes of silence. “I watched the whole thing.” My bottom lip trembles and I bite down on it, not willing to let this stranger see any weakness in me. We might be related, but I still have no idea what he wants.

“Do you know about the deal they made? Why those men were after you?”

“No,” I answer him honestly. I’m no one of any importance as far as I’m aware.

“Before you were born, your parents signed over their firstborn in order to get a loan to begin and expand their casinos. Through the grapevine, I heard a new deal was being struck in order for them to keep you. However, the mafia king they were negotiating with thought your father was hiding something from him and ordered a hit. He was planning to kill them and take you. The second I heard about it, I had my team in place to intercept; we were just too late.”

I sit back in my seat, tears burning the backs of my eyes. This is the first time I’m hearing any of this.My parents had sold me before they even knew me?I grew up knowing nothing but love from them since the very first moment I can remember. Why would they have sold me?

I think of all of the times my mother and father looked at me like they were afraid I would just vanish out of thin air. I remember one time leaving my mother's side at the grocery store to grab an apple, and she started screaming for me. I dropped the apple and ran to her, tears were streaming down her face as she held me close. Ever since that day, I never left her side, always holding her hand or leaning against her.

“I’m sorry I was too late to help,” Adrik says, “but I want you to know I plan to help take care of you if you'll let me. I have a lot of space in my home and no one to share it with. I can get you into whatever school you would like to attend while protecting you, and if you need anything at all you only have to ask.”

“Why?” My father hardly ever spoke of his brother, I knew he missed and loved him, but I never knew what happened that caused them to stop talking.

“My brother… I owe him a lot. He was a good man; I know he regretted the deal he made the second he heard your heartbeat. I just wish I had the chance to apologize to him. When I heard about the hit, it was my hope that I could somehow reach out and stop it, that I would get the chance to tell him I was sorry and that I loved him. I know he loved you. He sent me a few emails of you growing up and told me how he loved you more than he ever imagined he would be able to.”

Sitting back he looks down at his lap, “But, I was selfish, prideful; I focused more on my organization than my family. I regret that now, looking back.” He clears his throat, taking a moment before looking me in the eyes, “Will you let me try to make it up to him, Little Warrior?”

I wait him out for a little bit. My father always taught me that if someone was lying or trying to hide the truth, then they would get more anxious as they waited to hear what you had to say. My uncle is sitting perfectly still, hands folded in his lap.
