Page 2 of Mafie Kings

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“I will stay with you,” I finally tell him, “but I’m going to need something from you if you expect me to trust you.”

“Anything at all, Little Warrior, you just name it.” I'm not sure if I like this nickname, but he's trying to be nice so I'll try to be accepting of someone new. Especially because I know that anyone in my parents' lives that might want to keep me would only be after the money they left me, and I don’t believe any of them could keep me safe from whoever is looking for me now.

“I want revenge.”

A wicked smile stretches across my uncle's face, “Now that, I can promise you.”

Chapter 1

Present Day

I wake up in a cold sweat, my sheets tangled around my feet, and my breathing erratic. One of the multiple recurring nightmares, or rather memories from my past, haunts me in my sleep. I look over at the clock, and I’m surprised to see I almost slept four straight hours. My usual average is two or three at a time.

I untangle myself from my sheets and take some calming breaths sitting on the side of my bed.

You're safe. You're at the compound and you're safe.

I chant my little mantra a few times until my breathing calms down.

Once the nightmare-induced shaking subsides, I stand up and hit the light on my nightstand. My room here isn't anything special: concrete floors, a black bed frame with a queen size bed, and a small nightstand. There is a small closet that fits all of my clothes easily as well as the duffle I use when I’m called out on a mission.

What makes this place my sanctuary though is my bathroom. In the center is a large glass shower that I can also turn into a steam room. Multiple shower heads with specific settings created to massage out the tension from training all day line the ceiling and walls. I’ve found that no girl needs a man if she has the right kind of shower head. So needless to say, I've invested heavily in mine.

I have a nice room at my uncle's house. He’s never spared any expense with me, always making sure I could have everything I ever wanted. I prefer to stay at the compound though, since my job is training the new recruits here. I usually make it back a few days a month so we can spend quality time together when we don’t have to be focused on work.

I walk across the cold concrete floor and remove my damp tank top. Flipping through my closet to look for the perfect shirt for today, I finally land on one of my favorites that says “Kill them with kindness”, the word ‘kindness’ is written inside of a throwing blade.

The compound is set up with apartment-like rooms in the outer buildings and a training facility in the center. Everything is far enough apart that our odd sleep schedules can be maintained without training interrupting anything. Some weeks I’ll train on the night shift and other weeks I’ll train on days. It all depends on what the recruits’ purposes are.

Before getting into the ring, I grab some hand wraps and stop in the center of the training room. My newest initiative is training a handful of meticulously selected female recruits. It's the first time a group of females will be at the compound, and I intend on making them even more successful than the men here. Men who think that just because they have a dick they are better than half the world's population.

It's sad, really, that men think women can't be powerful, too. They don't even realize they are sitting in the shadows of our thrones most days. We manipulate them with our bodies as easily as they think they manipulate us with their minds. All the while, we are pulling their strings to make them move and talk how we want.

“Ready for the new recruits today, E?” Havoc asks me as he enters the room.

“Ready to teach them how to kick your ass, that's for sure.” I joke with him.

Havoc is one of the few men here I’ll actually talk to. He is respectful of my position and only taunts me when we’re in the ring together. He’s never tried to touch me or hit on me unlike most of the assholes here. In fact, when I was fifteen he strangled a new recruit who thought they could try to pull me into a closet and touch me.

As soon as I was able, I made sure to set a very public example of what would happen to those who touched me without permission. It’s still talked about today.

He smiles at me, chuckling under his breath. “I’m not going to deny it as a possibility,” he says with a wink. “With you, I’ve come to believe almost anything is possible.”

I quirk an eye at him. “Almost?” I touch my hand to my chest in mock offense. “Should I be offended?”

He shakes his head. “Almost, E,” he pauses, “not even you can convince me that there is life after death.” His tone turns cold at the end. Wanting to keep the joke going and to prevent him from being in a bad mood today, I try to keep it light.

“Well, that would make our job much harder, that's for sure,” I say as I step into the ring to begin some warm-up combinations.

I hear him chuckle again as he heads over to the speed bag wrapping his hands as he goes. A small smile comes to my face. Today is going to be a good day.


After a day full of training, I'm relieved to step into my hot shower and let it soothe my aching muscles. The women today worked hard, giving me no doubts about the success of my little side project. My phone rings as I step out of the shower, and a video chat from my uncle appears on the screen. I wrap my hair in a towel and slide my robe around me quickly.

I answer the call as I sit down on my bed.

“Hello Uncle,” I greet with a smile. “Have you called to tell me about what a success I am?” I ask sarcastically, referencing how well today went.
