Page 10 of Mafie Kings

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“Not to fret, my loyal companions, I anticipated this. Just follow my lead,” I say. The two shipping containers are open and waiting for us. If we can get to them fast enough, no one will be able to find us in the shipping yard.

As the ferry docks, police attempt to get from their boats to the shipping yard. We are all already hitting the gas. My car takes the hit as they begin to fire, but one thing you can count on a corrupt governor for is bulletproof glass. My Supersport may have some holes in her, but I can patch those up. Or not, I hear the ladies like a bad guy.

We each clear the port easily and race to the containers. Lev and I take the first container, and I signal for him to pull ahead. Once he’s in front, he switches his car to neutral and steps out, placing a barrier between my hood and his car so I can guide his in. Alexi lines up behind me, and I do the same as Lev while he pushes my car through. Lev and I hurry to shut the container doors before I gesture to Alexi to back up to the container on the other side of ours.

I saved this one just for him.

Lev and I swing the doors open, but when Alexi gets out he freezes, seeing his present sitting in the back. We needed two containers for all three cars to fit, but I couldn’t just let a whole half of one go to waste. Three brand-new Ducati Superleggera V4s are tucked in tight, filling in the extra spot. One is blue, which happens to match my new car perfectly. The second is matte black, and the last is electric green.

Alexi puts his car in neutral, and we all push his in as a team. Lev and I close the doors. When Alexi makes his way to me, I can’t tell if he's pissed about my last-minute addition. They wanted over the top, so I figured an overseas shipping container move while also stealing three custom-painted Ducati's would add a little something extra.

“What the actual fuck, bro? I’ve been looking for one of those bikes for a year. How did you manage to find three?” Alexi questions, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me into a hug. He’s never affectionate, so I embrace it and wrap my arms around him.

“Happy Birthday, Brother.”

I knew a guy in California who was ordering these beauties to start his racing career. I called a friend and had them intercepted en route. He had them custom painted and loaded into the containers. Figured it would be a good birthday present, but it was also nice to get back at the asshat who tried to blackmail me into losing a fight.

Since my contacts were made via my own means and not my father's or the organization, the bikes and the cars will all count towards the challenge.

Alexi grins at me as he pulls back, looking happier than he has in years.

Damn, I’m good!

The shouting gets too close for comfort, so I hurry us along and into the extra-large container next to us. I had it fitted with a lounge area, and we will be shuttled to the airport within the hour, the cops being none the wiser to our location.


When we arrive back in Italy, we unload the cars and head to a discrete port to the south. A few years back we were new at making deals for the Bratva and good old Russian oligarch Gennady Timchenko thought he could screw us over by pretending to lose one of our cocaine shipments. Most people think Mexico is the central cocaine distributor, and we let them think that in order to keep our ports free of suspicion. When Timchenko was paid double for his usual shipment, we knew we got played. So in return, we faked a police raid where they seized his precious yacht docked here in Italy, which is now located in our discreet shipping port and ready for our arrival. I have a captain, someone special to me, to maintain our floating mansion.

The five-story vessel will be perfect for hosting parties on Elysium. There are five bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, providing plenty of room for the three of us. Not to mention the two large party decks with pools and a hot tub with a lounge area to enjoy under the stars.

It also has enough room to load all our vehicles plus the Ducati's in the garage port on the side. I arranged for our bikes to be shipped directly to the port so Alexi could unload them personally. Since we were kids Alexi was obsessed with riding. It’s been his outlet since his mother passed, and I knew he would need something on the island.

“I underestimated you,” Lev says, walking up to me as our people load the yacht. “I figured you would find us some fancy ass cars to steal and there would be a bit of excitement, but you managed to coordinate us stealing three cars, three custom Ducati’s, and a yacht.” He shakes his head smiling at me. “You’re one of a kind, D.”

I throw my arm around his shoulders. “What can I say, brother? I wanted us to arrive in style. Alexi will shit a brick if he doesn’t have full control of Elysium. These things will help his status.”

Lev turns to look at me and cocks his head. “You’re smarter than we give you credit for, ya know. The boat will be a nice addition. We can use it as an incentive. Except, I have a feeling you already have a few ideas for it.”

“Right you are,” I say laughing. Lev can see right through me sometimes. The boat may help bring Alexi status and control. I, however, plan to use it to party.

“I heard some news about the challenge,” Lev says, walking to sit on the edge of the pier.

“Did they get our videos?” I ask.

“Yup, and one other video. A girl attempted the challenge and lost. It was apparently a close call, and she ended up getting caught. It’s a good thing, too, because based on what the board said, if she would have completed the challenge, she would have received more points for dramatics. That would have made her higher ranking than us, and the island's first Queen.”

He pauses and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Could you imagine how that would have gone over with Alexi’s father, or worse, Alexi?”

“How the fuck did one little girl top my dramatics?” I ask, momentarily stunned.

Lev laughs at my antics, but I’m full-on serious. “I have no idea. We aren’t allowed to see the washout videos. I can find a way to hack into the system and get it, but it will take time.” He pauses and smiles. “Or we can just force her to tell us, since she’s going to be ours for the next year.”

I find myself grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Alexi will love that; hopefully having a little toy to control will help him chill the fuck out through all of this.”

“That’s the thing…” Lev says, “I don’t think we should tell him about her almost beating us. Not only will it anger him, but he’ll hold a grudge against her. We have no idea who this girl is and if she can even tolerate our brand of crazy. We need her to last as long as possible so Alexi has an outlet for his obsessive need to control, and I still want us to have our own kind of fun with her. If we give him a reason to go into this hating her already, she might not last very long…”

Damnit, he has a point. Keeping things from Alexi isn’t something we take lightly, but this time it might actually be necessary.
