Page 125 of Mafie Kings

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It’s all I’m able to type as I run like Alexi’s life depends on it, and it very well could.

Laney: Direction?

Lev: West, FIND EVIE!

I pocket my phone so I can focus on following Damien. Multiple chimes go off as we come up near the gym.

“Do you think they brought Evie here too?” Damien asks me, seeing the blood trail lead to the doors.

“They had to… unless…”

“Don’t you fucking dare.” He turns on me and points a finger in my face while my throat constricts. “She is okay. Alexi is okay. We just have to get to them.”

I nod, unable to form words over the knot in my throat when a thought enters my mind. My eyes widen, and Damien seems to have the same realization.

“The Shades,” we say at the same time.

Arrow approaches behind us, bow in hand and ready to fire. “Are you guys good? Where’s Evie?” He’s trying to hide the panic in his voice, but Damien and I can both sense it.

A helicopter landing on the roof of the gym stops us from answering.

“What should we do?” I ask them. I’m not the planner, that’s Alexi’s job.

“We need to get in there before they take off,” Damien says.

“Do you think you can get a good shot at the pilot?” I ask Arrow as he readies his weapon.

“From this angle, not a chance. Maybe if I climbed the tree but I think that would be a waste of time.”

I survey the area, trying to come up with something.

“Where is Evie?” Arrow asks again.

Just as we’re about to tell him we don’t know, the sound of gunfire erupts in the gym.

We’re too late.

Chapter 54

Laney knows me very well from what I’ve gathered out of this encounter. It took everything in me not to react when she called out to Bryce. I almost believed she was behind everything with how calm she was. It made me realize just how powerful she can be. The pink hair and bubbly personality girl is just a demon in disguise.

When she got those men to turn around, I knew exactly what she was doing. I stayed still once the big fucker put me down, waiting for Nessa and her crew to take out the creepy men in masks. The moment shots are fired, I move.

Bryce is in shock, watching his men fall. I have him down in seconds with my hands around his neck.

Laney moves to my side as the other girls approach. “If you thought you could take me,” I say to Bryce, squeezing harder with each word, letting the monster inside me take full control. “Then you haven’t been paying attention.”

I don’t want him to suffer anymore, I just want him dead. He claws at my fingers, but I don’t lessen the pressure.

“He…” Bryce gets one word out. I lessen the pressure slightly, a moment of clarity breaking through when I realize we need to know who’s behind all of this.

“He who?” I ask, baring my teeth at him.

“He’s coming for you,” he chokes out.

Ice floods my veins while my grip tightens beyond what I ever knew I was capable of. If this was him, if he knows where and who I am, I’m fucked. The last of Bryce’s fight leaves him, but I’m too shocked to move.

He can’t know. He can’t be here.
