Page 126 of Mafie Kings

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I think back to every detail of me coming to the island, every bit of information I’ve shared. The only thing that could make sense as to how he found me, would be if the Kings knew all along. They are the only ones who could have put the pieces together about who I am.

Have they been playing me too? Has this all been a game to them?

My head swims with that thought as tears spring to my eyes. I refuse to let them fall. Not this time. I will not cry over a man ever again.

All the worrying about their feelings—the sex. The moments I thought we were all climbing each other's walls together. Working to reach the top, all so we could finally reveal who we really were, to the only people who actually earned it.

I was going to tell them the truth. I was going to ask them for help.

I tilt my head back, taking a deep breath, trying to gain control.

“Evie,” Nessa's voice is gentle, coaxing me past the panic that's threatening to rise. I didn’t get to enjoy my first kill in five months, and I’m pissed about it.

I open my eyes to focus on what’s happening around me. That's when I see Laney sitting, and Nessa's suitemates are trying to hold her up.

I climb off of Bryce, not bothering even a glance back at his lifeless body.

Blood is trailing down Laney’s arm. “What happened?” I ask, kneeling in front of her.

“One of these bitches shot me,” Laney hisses. A snort escapes me, despite everything going on, I swear I get the first-ever Laney death glare in response.

“You just never swear, it’s weird,” I say, defending myself while doing a not-so-good job at holding back a smirk.

“Yeah well, normally, people don’t shoot me,” she says with an eye roll. I lean forward, assessing the wound. It’s a deep graze. I tear off the bottom of my shirt that says “But did you die?” I was trying to be ironic when I put it on, but now I’m just pissed off and confused.

I wrap the scrap of shirt around her arm, making her hiss when I pull it tight. “Thanks for saving my ass.” I lean in and wrap her in a hug.

Whatever protest or comment she was thinking of making dies on her lips, and she pulls me in with her good arm. Even though it’s just a graze, her face is pale.

“You okay?” I ask, needing to know if she’s hurt anywhere else.

“I just don’t love the sight of my own blood,” she responds through gritted teeth.

Sitting back I look around. “Where are the guys?”

“They got knocked out, but they seemed okay,” Laney says. “The moment we saw you being carried off, we bolted.” I gently help her to her feet. She pulls her arm in close, but overall, she’s handling being shot for the first time really well.

“You good?” I ask, checking again now that she’s standing.

She closes her eyes for a moment, taking the question seriously and evaluating how she really feels. “I’m good,” she says, opening her eyes.

“Who’s got a phone?” I ask, looking around at everyone. Laney pulls hers out of her pocket with her good arm, and I immediately text Lev.

Laney: Where are you?

Lev: Alexi taken. Stabbed. Evie missing.

I’m slightly relieved to hear Alexi’s hurt because this has to mean they aren’t the ones behind this.But who else could it be?

I don’t have time to think about that question. If Alexi was really stabbed, we need to get to him before they take him away. The sound of a helicopter becomes clear. I look to the west, dreading that sound.

Laney: Direction?

Lev: West, FIND EVIE!

“Fuck!” I yell, “They have Alexi.” I take off running, assuming they are headed to the helicopter pad atop the gym, and I hope like hell we can make it in time. Quickly, I shoot a text back as I run.

Laney: I’m fine, E
